Following on from his work on The Predator: Hunters and Hunted, the prequel novel to The Predator which I think was far superior to the film, James A. Moore is returning to the world of Predator to help set the stage for Illfonic’s Predator: Hunting Grounds!
This official prequel novel leads into the new Playstation 4 video game from IllFonic. PREDATOR: STALKING SHADOWS is the bridge between Predator 2 and the current day continuity. U.S. Marine Scott Devlin takes on a new assignment that begins with the clean-up of a Los Angeles combat scene revealing what appears to be alien weapons and tech. His next mission, to an equatorial jungle, seems like an assault on a drug cartel until his team finds human bodies, skinned and suspended from the trees. Justifiably freaked out, Devlin digs deeper and discovers hidden truths, clandestine agencies, savage opponents… and an unexpected ally.
According to the Amazon product page, Predator: Stalking Shadows is due out May 26th 2020. The upcoming prequel novel is available to pre-order from both Amazon US and UK. We don’t currently have a release date for Predator: Hunting Grounds but it is expected around mid-2020.
We previously had the pleasure of chatting to Jim about his work on The Predator: Hunters and Hunted for the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast. If you haven’t already checked that out, be sure to head on over and have a listen! Thanks to felix for the news!
Make sure you stick with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Predator novel and Predator: Hunting Grounds news! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Definitely the vibe I got, to the point where I assumed it would be clarified later on.
While I don't have my copy yet its worth mentioning that seemingly the only carryover is Stargazer as an antagonistic force but otherwise the hybridization is a trait only left to the Assassin and the Fugitive Predators.
Rory McKenna and his Magical World of Predator Hunters
I expect it'll be picked up on later, but I'm pretty sure the unnamed government suit whose goons Devlin just squared off with was
Haven't got my copy yet but it could be explained by different models of the device being affected in different capacity. So different Predators will have slightly different responses to the elements considering the tech. In AVP the Predator's cloaks work fine in the snow and so we could assume the tech has gotten better and just that not all Predators have the modern tech. I believe Fugitive was also being coated in blood and it didn't affect his cloak aside from his eyes being visible so if his cloak was affected it's just not in such extreme cases as Jungle Hunter short-circuiting.
That's what I get for letting my Prime membership run out I guess.
Far too much dumb shit has annoyed me already. For instance:
I really hope this picks up once it moves on to more original material because I quite like the concept of following one soldier over several years as he goes through assignments around the world and climbs the ranks, uncovering more about the Predators as he goes. But so far this novel has read like bad fanfic.
It did. It was my only real nerd complaint of the book.
Perhaps, that's one way to explain it.
But the chapter in question takes place in 2000. It's not that far from Predator 2. Wolf's cloaking device was affected by water in AvP-R, that takes place in 2004. And probably other tales around that time had the Predator's cloaking device being affected by water, I honestly can't remember right now, I would have to check. Anyway, like I said, it's no big deal, just a minor issue.
I'm about 140 pages into it. I'm enjoyed it but
Perhaps they've just upgraded it?
Come to think of it, are there any future-set stories where it's stated as being affected by water? I don't recall it ever being addressed in Forever Midnight, Flesh and Blood or the Rage War novels, but I could be wrong.
Ah. Thanks.
I guess the US has to wait a bit longer.
Really? What country are you in brother?
Started reading late yesterday, so just managed to finish the prologue and chapter 1. So far it ties really well with Predator 2, dealing with the aftermath of City Hunter's and Harrigan's confrontation, with the OWLF in LA trying to salvage something out of the mess that the operation was. Was not expecting Dutch to be in this, really nice to finally see him again and find out what happened to him after Predator.
So far so good!
Amazon here says its release date is May 26th.
Nice find felix!
I read the first two pages and......... SOLD!
You are not alone, we walk amongst you!
You know what? I tell you what I believe.
Shit 'Appens! I guess?
I'd sign it!
Perhaps a pertition?
That's the plan, cause these current prices are larceny How long did you have to wait before a decent opportunity presented itself?