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Part 5 of Alien: Solara Released! – Alien Fan Audio Drama

The fifth and latest episode of Anarchist86ed’s fantastically produced Alien fan audio drama, Alien: Solara, is now online and available for your listening pleasure!

The crew of Solara find themselves in a desperate situation with the deadliest creatures in the universe. And the man who wants to control them.

Episode 5 of Alien: Solara is also available for direct download. If you haven’t already, head on over to YouTube to check out their previous installations! Anarchist86ed is also producing a second Alien drama called Charon which you can also check out on YouTube!

You can also follow Alien: Solara on SoundCloud and Twitter. Be sure to let creator Anarchist86ed know what you thought down below!

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Comments: 10
  1. Anarchist86ed
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 29, 2019, 08:04:15 AM
    Quote from: Anarchist86ed on Aug 29, 2019, 03:46:14 AM
    8. But I can't keep going with all the problems I've had.

    That's fair. I appreciate you even finishing it off given the issues. I've listened to a few dramas before were it doesn't end.

    QuoteIf you dealt with what I have you'd find it hard to be positive. The only fun I had on this one was putting it together.

    I get that mate, I really do. But it's just about PR. If interactions with you are negative, and you seem to hate the experience of making the dramas, it's not going to be too enticing for people to come and interact with you. It's just about that public face.

    I love what you've done and really want it to get the attention it deserves.

    I don't interact well with Humans.  ;D Humans have never failed thus far to betray me.  ::)

    Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Aug 29, 2019, 04:47:55 PM
    I agree with Hicks. It's good you're going to finish. It's about the PR. Love your work. It should get the attention it deserves.

    So long as we don't get sued by a greedy mouse.  ::)

    Quote from: Kaned... on Aug 29, 2019, 05:13:52 PM
    Love, love the shows and the little nods to the expanded Alien Universe. Charon is my favourite,as its really interesting take on colony aspect and story wise could go on forever which i love.

    Keep up the good work!!

    Charon has had its troubles too.  ::)

    But I refused to let one person destroy it. We've got a new cast and a new mission. Part 4 is well underway. No release scheduled yet though. Despite its calamity, I think it is a good one.

    All I'll spoil is: removed before embryo implantation.  :D

    Note to the Corp: will remake topic soon.
  2. Kaned...
    Love, love the shows and the little nods to the expanded Alien Universe. Charon is my favourite,as its really interesting take on colony aspect and story wise could go on forever which i love.

    Keep up the good work!!
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Anarchist86ed on Aug 29, 2019, 03:46:14 AM
    8. But I can't keep going with all the problems I've had.

    That's fair. I appreciate you even finishing it off given the issues. I've listened to a few dramas before were it doesn't end.

    QuoteIf you dealt with what I have you'd find it hard to be positive. The only fun I had on this one was putting it together.

    I get that mate, I really do. But it's just about PR. If interactions with you are negative, and you seem to hate the experience of making the dramas, it's not going to be too enticing for people to come and interact with you. It's just about that public face.

    I love what you've done and really want it to get the attention it deserves.
  4. Anarchist86ed
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 28, 2019, 12:46:52 PM
    Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Aug 27, 2019, 08:00:07 PM
    . If you never talked about the difficulties or mentioned any drama behind the scenes, no one would know. It might be to your benefit over time to accentuate the positive when you're talking about these things. From a "get people aboard as fans" perspective, some positivity would be great!

    I couldn't agree with this more. Solara and Charon are f**king fantastic! I appreciate knowing about some of the difficulties, but you often put out an air of negativity.

    I just finished listening to this. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed! Looking forward to going through your notes now.  ;D

    Quote from: Anarchist86ed on Aug 25, 2019, 07:49:23 PM
    The chief and Ramirez briefly discuss how their voices are different and that no one will probably even notice. Losing both people who originally did the voices had to be explained somehow. And no one will ever mention the voices being different anyway, which was a sad reference only I understand.

    I wouldn't bank on that! But it's good to justify it. You're not the first audio drama I've listened to where this has happened and had to be explained!

    QuoteGorman's sidearm sound effect. Someone was able to acquire it after I asked for it.

    I thought so! Just another one of those sound design things that helps root the show in Aliens. I thought that was ace.

    QuoteI wrote the scene between the Captain with Stephanie in Mind long ago, but since we lost her that scene between our new Captain and the prospector lost its meaning.

    I still got it.  :)

    QuoteI teased what would have been a continuation of the series after this ended when John talked about food and water on the engineer ship. This is no longer a possibility.

    I thought that was a pretty nice reference!! Did you get the idea from that prologue script for Covenant?

    QuoteWhat to expect from the final episode?

    Even though I have to change the ending, I'm still firm on what happens during the final scene and into final credits. I always knew Solara would end while Roll me away plays. And believe it or not, it's a very important song to the series.

    Did you always plan for 6 episodes? I can't remember.

    Did you always plan for 6 episodes? I can't remember.

    8. But I can't keep going with all the problems I've had.

    I thought that was a pretty nice reference!! Did you get the idea from that prologue script for Covenant?


    I couldn't agree with this more. Solara and Charon are f**king fantastic! I appreciate knowing about some of the difficulties, but you often put out an air of negativity.

    If you dealt with what I have you'd find it hard to be positive. The only fun I had on this one was putting it together. Just as I was finishing it I basically got told to F word myself because this doesn't pay. Twice actually. I told everyone many times they could use it on their patreons to promote, just never, ever... EVER ask for money directly because of it. But it wasn't as good as trying to stick hands into my empty pockets I guess. I got offers for donations to my patreon that I do not have and I flatly refused every offer.  ::) The cast of Charon have been informed they can promote patreons in the credits if they want. So far, no one has given me any patreon information. Just requests to advertise other things they do.

    I thought so! Just another one of those sound design things that helps root the show in Aliens. I thought that was ace.

    Apparently the guy has some kind of access to sound effects used in movies and TV shows. He even has the sound effect of the grenade launcher from Terminator 2. He either has the real ones, or uses a process to record them from the source. I don't know, but either way I've used his work a lot.
  5. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Aug 27, 2019, 08:00:07 PM
    . If you never talked about the difficulties or mentioned any drama behind the scenes, no one would know. It might be to your benefit over time to accentuate the positive when you're talking about these things. From a "get people aboard as fans" perspective, some positivity would be great!

    I couldn't agree with this more. Solara and Charon are f**king fantastic! I appreciate knowing about some of the difficulties, but you often put out an air of negativity.

    I just finished listening to this. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed! Looking forward to going through your notes now.  ;D

    Quote from: Anarchist86ed on Aug 25, 2019, 07:49:23 PM
    The chief and Ramirez briefly discuss how their voices are different and that no one will probably even notice. Losing both people who originally did the voices had to be explained somehow. And no one will ever mention the voices being different anyway, which was a sad reference only I understand.

    I wouldn't bank on that! But it's good to justify it. You're not the first audio drama I've listened to where this has happened and had to be explained!

    QuoteGorman's sidearm sound effect. Someone was able to acquire it after I asked for it.

    I thought so! Just another one of those sound design things that helps root the show in Aliens. I thought that was ace.

    QuoteI wrote the scene between the Captain with Stephanie in Mind long ago, but since we lost her that scene between our new Captain and the prospector lost its meaning.

    I still got it.  :)

    QuoteI teased what would have been a continuation of the series after this ended when John talked about food and water on the engineer ship. This is no longer a possibility.

    I thought that was a pretty nice reference!! Did you get the idea from that prologue script for Covenant?

    QuoteWhat to expect from the final episode?

    Even though I have to change the ending, I'm still firm on what happens during the final scene and into final credits. I always knew Solara would end while Roll me away plays. And believe it or not, it's a very important song to the series.

    Did you always plan for 6 episodes? I can't remember.
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