Today is the day! Alien: Blackout is now available on all Android and iOS devices! Despite a negative reception to the announcement of Alien: Blackout, the early impressions were pretty good and now the reactions to the game on social media coming in from the East of the world are also quite positive!
When the reviews start to be released, we’ll be sure to share them on the front page. We’ll also be reviewing Alien: Blackout on the site and on our next podcast so keep an eye out for our thoughts on the new game. If you’ve been trying out the game, you can also share your thoughts in our Fan Review thread. You can check out the new launch trailer below.
Alien: Blackout is available on the virtual stores for the one-off price of $/£4.99 (and there’s no in-app purchases!) You can head on over to the Android and Apple stores to grab the latest addition to the Alien universe.
Make sure you keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien: Blackout! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Aww man... why do they do this?? Another piece of alien related media that can't really be preserved - I have it installed on my iPhone - I'll put it on the iPad also (not sure it can be installed on Mac) - I hope when I upgrade to my next phone it can still be transferred... 😭
EDIT: SAVED & SAVED- better get my ass in gear and complete it. 😂
Oh, I thought they meant space suit, not Alien suit.
That being said, its a good game, but its still not a big release like the social media campaign had me believing it would be. Its cool though since they are working on a big release.
What suit?
I think this is an awesome game well worth it for $5! Would definitely be well suited for the switch with the touch screen mechanics too! I hope they release it for the switch in the near future!
It's a little addictive
IMO it feels like an new game mode to the original Isolation, the atmosphere is as it should be.