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Jared Krichevsky Shares Concept Art For The Predator Spider-Hybrid Creatures

The Concept art well of unused ideas continues to flow to the internet since the home release of The Predator.

Following the recent artwork shared by a a number of artists of the creatures of the Upgrade Predator’s “menagerie,” Artist Jared Krichevsky has posted some creature designs he created during the film’s pre-production.

These spider creatures certainly look pretty terrifying, walking on six legs and featuring a hanging skeletal abdomen ending in a stinger-tipped tail. The creature’s mouth also has Predator-like mandibles as we’ve seen with most of the creature artwork of the “menagerie,” though it displays six instead of the usual four. These spiders were featured in the early leaked script for the film, which we should finally have available to download in the new year should you like to read it.

Concept artist Michael V. Eppinette also recently shared some of his conceptual artwork for a different take on these spider-hybrid creatures.

Additionally, even more art was just shared by Mikey Rotella of some conceptual sculpts he did of the Predator characters.

With this much unused material having come out, I can’t help but feel that the special features of the Blu-ray, as well as the making-of book could’ve included these and the other recent additions we’ve seen.

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Comments: 12
  1. The Old One
    The last two
    hound designs are stupid;
    & The Official
    "The Predator" Hounds.

    The rest are convincing and
    I could easily see roaming
    a game preserve.

    Hybridisation itself is
    a tired stupid concept.
    As designs on their own-
    the rest is excellent.
  2. Predwars24
    Most of the hybrid concept art is actually worse than what we got in the film. I'd understand if a Predator Clan were to upgrade themselves, But I'm lead to believe that not only are all the Predators trying to upgrade themselves, but their pets as well? Spiders, Monkeys, and of course the dogs from the film are all just hybrids. It's just dumb at least for me.
  3. HashTag_TheSwag
    The Predator Spider makes sense because did you know that spider's are the fiercest killers in the insect kingdom?
    If they were really looking to break that billion dollar mark, they should have included a fight scene between a Predator and a polar bear.
  4. XenoHunter99
    As critter designs, a lot of these menagerie creatures had potential. The spider looks good. As a matter of tactics, the scorpion tail might work better slung over the top, but ok. How big was this supposed to be?
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