For those of you in the United States, The Predator hit the digital store fronts and is now available! The digital version of The Predator also comes with some features including delete scenes and some behind-the-scenes features.
Bleeding Cool has posted a short minute and a bit long snippet from the larger 20 minute long feature called Predator Evolution that looks at the Predator design in the latest film. Check it out below!
The Predator Blu-ray is due to hit shelves on the 18th of December in the States. Those of us in the United Kingdom will have to wait around a month later as it wont be out in the UK until the 28th of January.
Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Good read. I'm happy the blu-ray received high points in video and audio quality... no detriments to find (other than one someone has with the film itself). I plan on checking out the additional features myself tonight.
I also did an unboxing of sorts myself with the blu-ray / "Art of the Hunt" book combo:
Review from but it's not massively in-depth.
Still glad i Bought it but yep.
The movie is very flawed but i still enjoy it .
I stopped it right after "42 tall".
Which he is totally a regular fit based on his body type.
He is Elvis and everything since is the vegas strip. Hence the mouth never being as nice when it is closed then in the first two movies..
Just should have had the clan at the end of p.2 go off and hunt aliens as a movie.
Truly. Especially with regards to the Upgrade, the clay models seem to paint a more palatable picture. Some of the designs that they came up with would have been a good addition to the film. Makes me curious as to why Fox chose to go the direction they did with the visuals. In the podcast, it's mentioned that the studios can get scared (for lack of a better word) if the changes are too drastic. The models in the video seem fairly tame compared to what we got in the movie, so it's interesting that they went with the more drastic looks. Either way I'm really curious to see what's all on the disc
But still come on, ADI put in a lot of detail and creativeness with some of the material shown in that 1min video preview so far. It's still such a shame that not more was utilized from what we're seeing here! >:| At this point, I can get over the weak and diasspointing storyline that The Predator went with, but I really wished for more practical effects and new Predator designs and material...the Fugitive had a great time on screen, which is annoying why more wasn't done with him & the Upgrade should have been more of a mix with this clay model/movie version, BUT he needed practical on-screen shots to really sell the Upgrade. Oh well, still looking forward to the DVD and the extras to see more of whatever else there could have been.
Yeah, I'm really disappointed by the lack of coverage of this particular part of the behind-the-scenes too. Hopefully ADI'll have some good videos up on the subject.
The whole thing screams cluelessness or not caring or not getting it ?
these movies need stan winston legend studios or it is just a knock off . ...
it almost looks like a different breed of the same creature.
& It doesn't have dreadlocks, so that's a plus- the Upgrade seems to have Freddy Krueger hands though.
But the Wristblades he's adorned with are very much the aesthetic of the original Predator.
Nope. In the U.S. and have the same problem.