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Talking With Giants, Interview with The Predator’s Creature Performers – AvP Galaxy Podcast #75

We have just uploaded the 75th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! In our latest episode, RidgeTop and I hunt down and capture two of the most deadliest creatures known to man – the Predators! In reality, the gentlemen inside those suits – Brian A. Prince and Kyle Strauts – are wonderful people and we’re happy to welcome them to the AvP Galaxy Podcast!

 Talking With Giants, Interview with The Predator's Creature Performers - AvP Galaxy Podcast #75

Kyle and Brian in costume as the Emissary Predators on the set of The Predator.

We discuss the completely different audition processes Brian and Kyle experienced getting their roles on The Predator, bringing personality to the Predators, passing out on the set, the Emissaries, panic attacks on the first day of shooting and plenty more!

Unfortunately we experienced some technical difficulties while recording this episode so it’s not quite as clean as usual but I do think it came out really nicely if I do say so myself. I had to put this together from two different lots of audio, using different recording software and Brian was recording this from the office of his gym so there is the occasional hustle and bustle.

You can follow Brian on Instagram, Twitter or his website. Kyle is also on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. So make sure you head on over to Brian and Kyles various social channels!

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunesPodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher and now YouTube!

Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien and Predator! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 15
  1. Prez
    That was one of the most enjoyable podcasts you guys have done. Kyle & Brian gave great insight and I really enjoyed the banter as well.

    I guess we somehow live in hope that those cut scenes are given the light of day - though I think that's a highly unlikely scenario.
  2. Voodoo Magic
    Great podcast!  I really feel for these guys for all the pain and suffering they had to endure in wearing those suits!

    Quote from: spinksy on Oct 05, 2018, 02:40:51 PM
    Also the fact that the fugitive vs upgrade fight was cut well short and the fact fugitive was burst firing his cannon while running at him is devastating to hear!

    Indeed devastating!  The fugitive throwing everything at the upgrade all at once while running? That sounds truly fantastic!  Why cut that??

    All I can think is maybe just maybe it was cut because it sounds cooler than it looked. Maybe on film, specifically the way it was filmed, it just didn't work.
  3. Keyes
    Really enjoyed the podcast! The guys sounded very enthusiastic and I welcomed how forthcoming they were with stories. A great insight into the audition, prep and filming process.

    It's a shame we didn't get to see them in action as the Emissary Predators in the finished film, but hopefully that'll be remedied on the Blu-ray home release.
  4. yautjapet
    I was so excited to see this post! Great podcast, this was exactly the kind of information I wanted to know - all the promotional interviews focused on the human actors, somewhat understandably, but this was just what I've been wishing to hear about and I'm really happy to actually get it. I was impressed by Brian's performance to begin with but now even moreso, hearing how difficult and taxing it was. And I'm super curious about the emissaries footage now, I would love to see their personalities and watch them interacting with the loonies.
  5. GreybackElder
    This was such a fun interesting podcast. I would love to see a cut with the Emissary predators in it. Also, it really brings into focus the hard work it takes to create practical effects in movies. It's so easy to sit back and judge a movie for its faults without taking into account all of the blood sweat and tears that go into it. For what it's worth I have so much respect for these guys and 'The Predator' just went up a notch in my book! Well done!
  6. Kyle
    Were the emissary predators able to speak English?
    -No, but the General had a machine similar to what you saw in the final cut that could translate what we were saying. 
  7. azamultic
    Quote from: spinksy on Oct 05, 2018, 02:40:51 PM
    Now listening, great to hear them talk about the cut scenes - sounds like the emissarys had a fair bit of screen time and personality!

    Also the fact that the fugitive vs upgrade fight was cut well short and the fact fugitive was burst firing his cannon while running at him is devastating to hear! Why would you cut that fight yet have all the screen time of the stupid dogs.   ???  ???  ???  ???

    ah jesus it gets worse, I think the Emissary Preds could have been REALLY REALLY good, how these guys are describing the scenes is not how I imagined they'd be! What I'd give to see that original cut now!

    Totally agree, so sad that we wouldn't see all this scenes with predators  :-\.

    PS: Thank you guys for this podcast!  ;)

    Quote from: bobcunk on Oct 05, 2018, 03:16:27 PM
    The fact that they cut them tells me that they weren't very good. Wasn't the 3rd act changed because of test screenings? I'm sure we will eventually see the scenes somewhere but I doubt they will release a differnt cut of the film.

    Were the emmisarry predators able to speak English?

    It's hard to tell if those test screenings did any good for the movie, because right now it fells like too much test screening damaged the storytelling part of the movie and editing. Also counting that we could have seen some more good action scenes with predators does make me feel sad  :'(
  8. bobcunk
    The fact that they cut them tells me that they weren't very good. Wasn't the 3rd act changed because of test screenings? I'm sure we will eventually see the scenes somewhere but I doubt they will release a differnt cut of the film.

    Were the emmisarry predators able to speak English?
  9. spinksy
    Now listening, great to hear them talk about the cut scenes - sounds like the emissarys had a fair bit of screen time and personality!

    Also the fact that the fugitive vs upgrade fight was cut well short and the fact fugitive was burst firing his cannon while running at him is devastating to hear! Why would you cut that fight yet have all the screen time of the stupid dogs.   ???  ???  ???  ???

    ah jesus it gets worse, I think the Emissary Preds could have been REALLY REALLY good, how these guys are describing the scenes is not how I imagined they'd be! What I'd give to see that original cut now!
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