Shane Baxley, one of the concept artists who worked on The Predator, has been sharing some of the artwork of the Upgrade Predator and Predator ship that he did for the film! Shane took a deliberately leaner approach to the Upgrade than the film would ultimately take. You can also see some exploration of the various skin armour texturing.
Be sure to head on over to Shane’s Instagram page and check out his other work!
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Maybe Duke's take on the predator will have Preds in suits in Harlem during prohibition
Fox Executive #1: Hey, if 'The Predator' makes enough money in China and we start looking at sequels, Bill Duke is a writer & director too, so he can do the next one!
Fox Executive #2: Genius!
((High fives))
That pic with the Predator overseeing the guy firing the weapon still just seems odd to me though.
Ha! That is great. It looks like there was a lot of fun being had during production.
That interior looks really good. Almost minimalist in a way with all that open space.
I guess we agree to disagree again! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Climate change and global warning can probably end lnto another ice ace, yes, it looks strange, but it is real, so no, its not a world building, even that its stupid.
So a being that can travel via portals throw space and can find any planet decides to wait until polution extincs us... And they added also human dna to themself to breath oxigen, so they have to change all his respiratory system, blood system, celular metabolism.. This movie doesnt have any sense
I know climate change is currently a hot button issue that spawns endless debate, but taking the real world out of it for a minute, in "Predator 2" they were already suggesting global warming was occurring due to unfettered pollution, so it's really not a newly added element to the fictional Predator timeline. I just see the continual heating of the climate as consistent world building.
Next thing we'll have genderfluid Predators......
Wait... there are still bookstores?
yeah i got it earlier this week. check your nearest bookstore
That's the cool thing with Predator, you can put him in space, in world war, in vietman, in the desert, there are even possbile pirate storys out there.
One thing i'm pretty certain about, they won't go with the Predator-Killer... which is OK in my book.