Hot on the heels of the new production stills, we now have the full scans from August 2018’s issue of Empire Magazine! The article starts off with a set visit Empire did with the cast and includes quotes from “The Loonies” group as they were filming one particular scene.
The next section covers the original Predator and how Shane Black came aboard that movie and what it was like working with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura. The article then moves onto an interview with Jacob Tremblay who plays little Rory and what he thought of the Predators.
Black says that he wanted to make the Predators scary and mysterious again. Enter the Upgrade Predator – “Bigger, meaner and nasty as hell. Ten feet tall and midnight black, bristling with spines, skin thickened with chitinous organic armour – the product of harvesting DNA From the deadliest creatures on every world it’s hunted. The ultimate expression of Predator dominance. It is, it’s fair to say, one giant, ugly motherfucker.”
Lastly, Empire catches up with Shane Black in June 2018 and the edit of The Predator is almost done aside from a few visual effects. Black states that it’s been a long arduous process, making The Predator – what with the reshoots and everything.
The director does actually say they reshot the last act changing it from daytime to night to make it more scarier. Obviously, the full extent of the reshoots you can read about in our article that we posted last week. The new issue of Empire Magazine comes out on Thursday. Thanks to Gazz for posting the scans.
Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Update: Added PDF of article to news post.
This will never fail to amuse me. "All fans do is complain! They're never happy!" "Urgh, all fans do is circle-jerk over any crap they're fed." All discussion - positive or negative - is welcome as long as the people taking part act like adults and treat others involved with respect.
Point to some examples.
Yes indeed i remember that ! I just hope no one will spoil the test screenings changes !
Haha I've been saying that too you all along
What a productive, informative, and intellectually stimulating post.
Somebody should let Finn Haugen know there's been a breach. Hans! Where are you?
Yeah shoo man-baby lol
Because obviously you are perfectly legitimate to know what's the best thing to do for a new Predator movie, perfectly experienced and well balanced of course. Dude get the f**k out of here.
Oh yeah, the dude that fought the weakest weak ass aliens in the galaxy... Totally imposing there.
I'll take Jungle and City Hunter any day. I'd put good money on Greyback being like the Lion Walken talks about in Poolhall Junkies
But hey, at least you're getting a new Alien/Predator/Star Wars/Transformers movie. Who cares if it's garbage and long as it has a brand name you're familiar with on it! You'll go see it and you'll lap it all up without one critical thought about what you're consuming and all us rubes with standards and critical thinking skills are just backward babies who need to open our minds to being mindless consumers like the rest of you.
Enjoy your prole chow while you can. Maybe if this movie fails you'll learn your lesson but I doubt it.
I genuinely believe two things...
N°1 : that it won't be as good as the first movie (i know, understatement of the year
N°2 : that it could totally be better than the second movie that i love so much.
Regarding more sequels, if this movie happen to have one, i wonder
As long as it leads to movies that I can enjoy in the theatre, I'll take the hit
But ey, if you prefer a dumb gorila with no armour, great for you, for me wolf pred is more menacing than this
I don't think it's so much as "turn off your brains", but rather to "open your mind". So many people are quick to write certain things off but forget that, if done right, it can be something you end up liking. We've kind of known what we were getting from the leaked script and when we see glimpses of said things from script (which a lot of it doesn't look bad) we still have fans in an uproar and writing it off before seeing it completely play out.
I don't know. Most fans have given so much praise to Predator 2 and that movie clearly has its faults and campy moments, which I even love it for but still I'm trying to make a point here that what we've seen so far from The Predator doesn't look like slop either.
Alright, you got me, i think this is cool as hell. This thing looks like a monster because it hunted and killed things probably unimaginable to our brains, not satisfied with only taking a trophy but making the next step in evolution.
I had my gripes with the idea, but having seen the design and knowing it's backstory, i'm very pleased and actually happy that we get a new critter like this.
got a point there. well, us Predator fans haven't been fed in 8 years!! we were bound to get something unfamiliar to our taste buds. it's a hard pill to swallow but this hybrid predator might grow on the new generation of fans i guess
don't forget they;re giving us something "classic" (fugitive pred, ensemble crew, jungle/urban/suburban settings, taskforce, easter eggs etc) but mixing in some other weird ingredients (new pred armor, upgrade/hybrid pred, expanded mythos, new type of crew, lab facility setting, etc ). we don't know how it might ultimately taste like once all cooked and prepared!
...I like bacon?
I'll be content with quality, if we get quality. But I do not, nor will I ever subscribe to the idea that people should just "turn off their brains and enjoy the movie."
😂😂 "it's not your typical beloved Predator" I think that's what the movie might be trying to convey. Just maybe
They're giving us 2 interpretations of the "Yautja" (3 originally), so let's just be content and enjoy the film in the theatre
That is a contradictory statement that makes no sense.
The first thing that came to mind were the awful line backer Predators we got in AVP. No thanks.
But sir black, the predator most iconic thing its the armour helmet, weapons and the mouth,,
Thats true, we have to change the mouth as well..
Stil dont believe how boring the upgrade design is, the wolf looks more pred menacing than this turd, a tiny agile heavy armour pred is the way..
Thanks for the stills Corporal. This movie looks gorgeous.
The Predator looks much bigger there than in the picture where Boyd's character is being lifted up. I know they're probably the same Predator (no indication otherwise), but it sort of looks like two different ones - even the hue of the skin looks slightly different.
"Shane observes the urine test".
"Predator and Shane review the shot. Predator wants another go so he can throw the security guard "properly.""
Mean Girls vs Predator!
Better quality versions of the new stills.
Very disappointed if that's the case. IMHO that scene/dialogue & respective vehicle are integral to the Loony mythos.
The multiple air & land vehicles are very specific, if you hadn't noticed...
The Loonies commendeer a pink helicopter at one point in the script.
Somehow... I doubt that made the cut.