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New The Predator Image on Cover of Mad Movies Magazine

The upcoming July edition of French movie magazine, Mad Movies, looks set to have a feature on The Predator. They’ve also got a pretty cool side profile shot of the film’s “Fugitive” Predator!

 New The Predator Image on Cover of Mad Movies Magazine

This issue is due for release around the 11th or 12th of July. Thanks to von and Axel for the news!

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  1. The Cruentus
    Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Aug 19, 2018, 11:11:04 AM
    If this is really the thermal vision coming from Fugitive's mask in Rory's room, well i'm not a fan at all, but i guess it could look like that with their tech being better than 20-30 years ago.

    More like our tech, we didn't exactly have the best in the 80s, I always used to wonder how they could build and use their tech when the 80s thermal vision made it look like they could barely see.

    So I have no problem if we can bring the thermal vision up to a better standard, allow some details to show through.
  2. Huggs
    Quote from: Denton Smalls on Aug 19, 2018, 10:50:39 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 09:58:33 PM
    Quote from: Huggs on Aug 19, 2018, 09:36:11 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 09:24:04 PM
    Aren't those thesame rifles as in AvP?

    H&K G36c by the look of it. So I'd say it's likely. Don't they realize 5.56 isn't going to do much? Get the big bore's out. Put some 45-70's in that a**.  ;)

    Yeah, I was about to say that guns in this one are kinda small. Guess times they are changi'n.

    Maybe they purposely went with petite weapons, like Baxley's tiny MP7, to build up to the Governator showing up at the end holding a big 'ole Men in Black gun.

    Now don't get me wrong, .223/5.56 is still nothing to sneeze at against two legged...well crap, I can't say predators because "Predators" is exactly what they're fighting here. And props to Keegan for maintaining good trigger discipline in that shot.
  3. Denton Smalls
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 09:58:33 PM
    Quote from: Huggs on Aug 19, 2018, 09:36:11 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 09:24:04 PM
    Aren't those thesame rifles as in AvP?

    H&K G36c by the look of it. So I'd say it's likely. Don't they realize 5.56 isn't going to do much? Get the big bore's out. Put some 45-70's in that a**.  ;)

    Yeah, I was about to say that guns in this one are kinda small. Guess times they are changi'n.

    Maybe they purposely went with petite weapons, like Baxley's tiny MP7, to build up to the Governator showing up at the end holding a big 'ole Men in Black gun.
  4. Master
    Quote from: Xerxész on Aug 19, 2018, 08:51:24 PM
    Quote from: Tetsujin on Aug 19, 2018, 08:48:01 PM

    Indisputable proof. :)

    Also look at the street lamps in the pics I posted above ;)

    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 01:30:13 PM
    I'm certain this is thesame scene

    Quote from: ace3g on Aug 19, 2018, 07:25:19 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 01:30:13 PM
    I'm certain this is thesame scene

    This is also from the same scene.

    Quote from: Xerxész on Aug 19, 2018, 09:04:45 PM
    Also, I think this is the same scene. This guy is harpooned. :)

    Aren't those thesame rifles as in AvP?
  5. Xerxész
    Quote from: The Wolverine Predator on Aug 19, 2018, 07:44:53 PM
    That's what I've been thinking that there another Predator, plus why would they show the death of the fugitive so early at SDCC, to me they did that because there's gonna be another Predator that maybe gets to the end of the film?

    The other Predator is the Assassin.
    Because this film is not about Fugitive, but the Assassin. He is the ultimate Predator. Fugitive is just...and expandable, you know...that's why they showed his death. Wasn't a big spoiler I think, because you can find out his fate even if you never read the script.
  6. Danversity
    Quote from: Xerxész on Aug 19, 2018, 08:07:02 PM
    Quote from: Danversity on Aug 19, 2018, 07:23:02 PM
    That's Rory behind Casey, right? If he's there and those pictures are from the same scene, I have reason to believe that we do have 2 "Fugitives" in the movie.

    Quite sure that this scene is before the school attack. This is the same scene when the target laser goes from Rory to Casey (seen in the trailer), and I think, after that Rory will run away...most likely into the school. Casey and McKenna will run after him, Fugitive after them, and the Loonies separately with the winnebago.
    We already know the rest at the school.

    Don't leave your hopes up, there won't be a 3rd Predator.

    That's also a very possible alternative.
  7. Xerxész
    Quote from: Danversity on Aug 19, 2018, 07:23:02 PM
    That's Rory behind Casey, right? If he's there and those pictures are from the same scene, I have reason to believe that we do have 2 "Fugitives" in the movie.

    Quite sure that this scene is before the school attack. This is the same scene when the target laser goes from Rory to Casey (seen in the trailer), and I think, after that Rory will run away...most likely into the school. Casey and McKenna will run after him, Fugitive after them, and the Loonies separately with the winnebago.
    We already know the rest at the school.

    Don't leave your hopes up, there won't be a 3rd Predator.
  8. Danversity
    Quote from: yautjapet on Aug 19, 2018, 07:51:11 PM
    I'm skeptical about the idea of a second predator (though I hope and dream) but it would be quite a coup if they'd managed to get away with hiding that for so long!

    I guess having them wear the same gear would be the perfect blanket to hide that, since it wouldn't be worth it for toy companies to make figures of both of them when they look the same. And the clan context that Black has already teased is a good excuse to justify that.

    Quote from: yautjapet on Aug 19, 2018, 07:51:11 PM
    I'm skeptical about the idea of a second predator (though I hope and dream) but it would be quite a coup if they'd managed to get away with hiding that for so long!

    Regarding the sequence of events, if I'm reading correctly... perhaps they could've run back into the school building for whatever reason? Fleeing from Fugitive, who then pursues?

    Don't think so. I can't give details about the school scene but I have good reason to believe that's not the case.
  9. yautjapet
    I'm skeptical about the idea of a second predator (though I hope and dream) but it would be quite a coup if they'd managed to get away with hiding that for so long!

    Quote from: Danversity on Aug 19, 2018, 07:32:58 PM
    Quote from: ace3g on Aug 19, 2018, 07:25:19 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 01:30:13 PM
    I'm certain this is thesame scene

    This is also from the same scene.

    Alright, so, I'm still embargoed on the footage that I saw on Fox's press event, but, people who saw the footage from SDCC have described it and what they said is that they showed the school scene, and Quinn and Casey are picking up Rory there, when they're attacked by Fugitive, which is followed by him being pulled out of the window by the Assassin, who proceeds to fight him and ultimately kill him by taking his spine. If Rory's with Casey there, that's gotta be after the school scene, and if those pictures are form the same scene Fugitive is lifting Nettles, then we have a second Fugitive.

    But of course, that's mere speculation, and I can't either confirm or deny the footage description without Fox's approval.  ;)

    Regarding the sequence of events, if I'm reading correctly... perhaps they could've run back into the school building for whatever reason? Fleeing from Fugitive, who then pursues?
  10. The Wolverine Predator
    That's what I've been thinking that there another Predator, plus why would they show the death of the fugitive so early at SDCC, to me they did that because there's gonna be another Predator that maybe gets to the end of the film?
    I would another Predator fight I. The movie besides what has been seen so far
  11. Danversity
    Quote from: ace3g on Aug 19, 2018, 07:25:19 PM
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 01:30:13 PM
    I'm certain this is thesame scene

    This is also from the same scene.

    Alright, so, I'm still embargoed on the footage that I saw on Fox's press event, but, people who saw the footage from SDCC have described it and what they said is that they showed the school scene, and Quinn and Casey are picking up Rory there, when they're attacked by Fugitive, which is followed by him being pulled out of the window by the Assassin, who proceeds to fight him and ultimately kill him by taking his spine. If Rory's with Casey there, that's gotta be after the school scene, and if those pictures are form the same scene Fugitive is lifting Nettles, then we have a second Fugitive.

    But of course, that's mere speculation, and I can't either confirm or deny the footage description without Fox's approval.  ;)
  12. ace3g
    Quote from: Master on Aug 19, 2018, 01:30:13 PM
    I'm certain this is thesame scene

    This is also from the same scene.
  13. BigDaddyJohn
    If this is really the thermal vision coming from Fugitive's mask in Rory's room, well i'm not a fan at all, but i guess it could look like that with their tech being better than 20-30 years ago.

    Regarding the MPAA rating, it promises a blood bath ! Cool ! Just be careful to not go to goofy/over the top territory like AVPR in that department.
  14. ace3g
    Quote from: MudButt on Aug 16, 2018, 09:33:42 PM
    Excited for a final MPAA rating. Pretty sure it will be R but will be interested in seeing the details as to why it's R.

    Final budget will probably drop on the weekend of release. Depending on how it does haha.

    Still speculation but I remember seeing this photo - I guess I didn't pay attention to the caption for it:

    Quote-Rated R for strong bloody violence throughout, disturbing and grisly images, and pervasive language..
  15. BigDaddyJohn
    Quote from: Huggs on Aug 17, 2018, 06:36:23 PM
    Quote from: Xerxész on Aug 17, 2018, 06:19:51 PM
    A little size comparsion (NECA figures).
    Poor Fugitive...he is a dwarf near the Assassin.
    Also, look at Assassin's's like he is on tiptoes.

    Reminds me of the aliens from Signs.

    Yes it does !
  16. The Old One
    Quote from: Xerxész on Aug 17, 2018, 06:41:03 AM
    Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Aug 16, 2018, 11:22:15 PM
    Still showing military vehicles, interesting... Wonder how big of a part it'll have in the actual movie, since some of it seem to have been cut.

    Yeah, quite interesting.
    IIRC, the whole APC sequences were cut out, that's why they had to reduce the runtime about 30-45 minutes.
    Then why teasing with cut-out stuff pictures so close to the premiere? And that's Shane himself. :(
    That's not marketing... that's not correct at all...from the director.

    That IS marketing, unless you're naive enough to believe that marketing doesn't blatantly lie.
  17. Xerxész
    Quote from: BigDaddyJohn on Aug 16, 2018, 11:22:15 PM
    Still showing military vehicles, interesting... Wonder how big of a part it'll have in the actual movie, since some of it seem to have been cut.

    Yeah, quite interesting.
    IIRC, the whole APC sequences were cut out, that's why they had to reduce the runtime about 30-45 minutes.
    Then why teasing with cut-out stuff pictures so close to the premiere? And that's Shane himself. :(
    That's not marketing... that's not correct at all...from the director.
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