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The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

So The Predator teaser trailer is finally out! Here’s our in-depth analysis of the teaser and any nuggets you might have missed. I’ve tried to put the scenes in somewhat of a chronological order of for where they take place in the movie.

Some of it is guesswork and some of the information has come from the leaked script and information from other sources so you may find a couple of spoilers outside of what we see in the trailer or in the official interviews.

Investigating the Predator Pod

In the early leaked draft of the script, the film opened with a prologue that showed Quinn McKenna on a mission. While there, a Predator pod crash lands in a swamp area. He finds a Predator biomask just before he is attacked by a Predator. This is where I believe Quinn finds the Predator wrist gauntlet and mails it to his home in Georgia.

This sequence was apparently missing from the first test screening, instead being included as flashbacks later in in the film.


Interrogating Quinn McKenna

We see an interrogation room where Quinn McKenna (played by Boyd Holbrook) is attached to a polygram test and is being asked about his mission and whether he saw anything unusual. They are presumably trying to determine if he encountered the Predator.

Two government agents (one of them is Sterling K. Brown who is presumably playing the character of Traeger) are then seen to be watching Quinn in the interrogation room on CCTV and states that McKenna definitely saw something.


The Predator Mother Ship Crashes

The teaser trailer begins showing how the Predators come to arrive on planet Earth in the first place. It’s Halloween, and a young boy called Rory McKenna (played by Jacob Tremblay) finds a box in his basement addressed to his father, Quinn. We learn that the parcel was sent from or at least through Mexico (it was originally from Cuba in the script) and a lot of the film takes place in the city of Macon in the state of Georgia.

He opens it up and finds a Predator wrist gauntlet. Inside of the wrist gauntlet, he finds some kind of strange device. Rory starts playing with it and unknown to him, it’s actually controlling a real Predator Mother Ship.

The editing in the trailer is actually misleading. Our understanding of this is that Rory only activates a homing beacon that draws the attention of the Predators. The footage involving the crashing Predator ship is actually from the end of the film and is unrelated to Rory tinkering with the Predator’s gauntlet.

The V.A. Bus

We soon see a few former marines (played by Thomas Jane, Alfie Allen, Augusto Aguilera and Keegan-Michael Key) who are all on a V.A. (Veterans Health Administration) bus after being arrested. Quinn is also with them along with Nebraska Williams and eventually they all break out of there and escape. Something outside of the bus is drawing their attention.


The Laboratory

We get some footage inside of some sort of research facility. We hear evolutionary biology scientist Casey Bracket (played by Olivia Munn) say that the Predators are upgrading on every planet they visit – they’re attempting “hybridization”. We see other scientists looking at a full body scan of a Predator as well lots of Predator equipment and weaponry.

We also get a quick shot of some Predator helmets and a shoulder canon on display. Notice in the reflection in the window, we can see Agent Keyes’ son (played by his real-life son Jake Busey).


Showdown at the School

At some point in the story, Quinn rescues his son Rory from Lawrence A. Gordon Middle School where he is attacked by a Predator. We see a Predator about to enter the school with armed men outside. These are the same former marines that were on the V.A. bus earlier on.

Another shot shows an explosion with Quinn, Rory and probably Casey Bracket. Quinn is then seen talking to Rory. Then there’s another scene with the Predator grabbing Quinn which also seems to take place in the school.

Later on in the teaser, we also see Casey jump in front of Rory as a Predator laser targets them. This could be connected to the school scene below though this does take place outside on a road.


The Predator Goes on the Hunt

There are a few night time shots of a Predator killing various soldiers. We have a clear shot of one and we see it use its weapons. One of them appears to fire it’s wrist-blade as a projective similiar to in Predators and the first Alien vs. Predator. In another scene we see it uses a shuriken to kill somebody.

Bear in mind, this is not one of the hybrid Predators. The hybrid is not shown at all in the trailer. We believe most of this footage is of the Predator who has become nicknamed “Captured Predator.”



There’s a major explosion with some canisters with many soldiers being knocked back because of the blast. It would appear this is a military base. Perhaps the same location with the scientists earlier?

 The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

The M113 Stryker APC

There are a couple of scenes in the trailer showing the M113 Stryker APC in action. At some point in the story, Quinn and his group are riding an APC while being attacked by a few hybrid Predators. You can actually see in the picture below one of the ‘normal’ Predators on top of it helping them. This fits in with the leaked set pictures we saw last year with the Predators firing guns on top of the APC.

 The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

Another scene shows Nebraska Williams (played by Trevante Rhodes) firing a machine gun on top of an M113 Stryker APC. Behind him you can see pieces of the hybrid creatures that are attacking them and a human arm.

 The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

Quinn Boards The Predator Ship

Lastly, a key scene shows Quinn aboard a Predator ship. This ship is the one known as the Ark and most likely the same vessel that was crashing in the footage that opened the teaser trailer. He begins to shoot at something before crashing to the floor.

 The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

 The Predator Teaser Trailer Analysis & Breakdown

Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 148
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  1. ace3g
    This is what the mandibles should look like from side profile.  When opened should create a square and the jaw line curves.

    Funny when you see toy figures of the super predators where their mouth closes properly, makes you wish it looked like that in the movie.

    These creature effect designers also get in trouble when they have the mandibles open too wide when "roaring".

  2. OpenMaw
    Yeah, KnB tried to make "captured" look like the original Predator. Replicating the look. The only thing they really messed up were the mandibles.

    ADI was basically told with Wolf to make him closer to the classic Predators, and on the whole they did a good job. Their face design still wasn't up to snuff, but at least that was obscured for the most part in the film.
  3. skull-splitter
    Quote from: Highland on May 19, 2018, 09:04:42 AM
    Quote from: skull-splitter on May 19, 2018, 06:07:13 AM
    Makes no sense. They all try so hard to get the original predator look and they either make the mistake of misplacing the mandibles or don't spend enough time to look at the details that sold the effect of the original.

    I don't think it's a mistake, it's most likely a combination of choice and lighting. The choice to make the Predator look different and the Directors style when filming. There's even a fan suit you can buy that everyone raves about that's nearly perfect.

    It can be replicated, but I guess Hollywood figures we audiences always want something new ( Even the Marvel movies seem to change movie to movie).
    But "something new" contradicts trying to remake the classic look in each film. That was kind of the point I tried to make.
  4. Highland
    Quote from: skull-splitter on May 19, 2018, 06:07:13 AM
    Makes no sense. They all try so hard to get the original predator look and they either make the mistake of misplacing the mandibles or don't spend enough time to look at the details that sold the effect of the original.

    I don't think it's a mistake, it's most likely a combination of choice and lighting. The choice to make the Predator look different and the Directors style when filming. There's even a fan suit you can buy that everyone raves about that's nearly perfect.

    It can be replicated, but I guess Hollywood figures we audiences always want something new ( Even the Marvel movies seem to change movie to movie).
  5. skull-splitter
    Makes no sense. They all try so hard to get the original predator look and they either make the mistake of misplacing the mandibles or don't spend enough time to look at the details that sold the effect of the original.
  6. Highland
    2.5 minutes is too long for a trailer. Also there were an effects company called Magee effects that had the original moulds of the predator and his recasting of it was spot on, I was going to buy one but they were mighty expensive. They no longer do it now though.

    That tells me that it's more by choice rather than ability as to why the faces look different. He had replicated it perfectly, even the eyes.
  7. MudButt
    Yep, the movie is still 4 months away so they have plenty of VFX work to be done still. Plus they just finished up re-shoots/additional photography so that has to be edited and worked on as well. Remember, this movie was filmed with the idea that it would be released in Feb/March of this year. Then it was pushed back.
  8. MudButt
    Quote from: Actual Hybrid on May 18, 2018, 07:08:41 PM
    Quote from: MudButt on May 18, 2018, 05:43:02 PM
    I saw the Predator teaser before my screening of Deadpool 2. We probably won't get a new trailer until mid-July. Possible late June. Depends if they plan to released 1 or 2 more trailers. Fox usually likes to release a decent amount of trailers for their films so we might get two more. I'd imagine they want to release one sooner than later though since the response to this teaser wasn't very positive.

    Shit.  Hoping for one around 2.5 min or more.  RSA does masterful trailers, one for Robin Hood was better than the actual film

    I would be shocked if the next trailer isn't at least 2 or two and a half minutes long. They're going to definitely need to change the narrative around this movie and show more of the plot as well as some good action beats and introduce the overall tone of the movie. Otherwise the audience won't know what they are getting into.
  9. MudButt
    I saw the Predator teaser before my screening of Deadpool 2. We probably won't get a new trailer until mid-July. Possible late June. Depends if they plan to released 1 or 2 more trailers. Fox usually likes to release a decent amount of trailers for their films so we might get two more. I'd imagine they want to release one sooner than later though since the response to this teaser wasn't very positive.
  10. ace3g
    Well let's see if this trailer is different than the one that was released online.  Recently classified (For Deadpool 2)

    Predator, The (2018) (trailer D)   14A   May 16, 2018   1:34   20th Century Fox
  11. Corporal Hicks
    Fortunately, there was a year's worth of revisions between the draft we've all read, shooting beginning, editing, reshoots, editing, etc. We don't actually know how all those elements are going to turn out. I'm hoping Black gets the balance down in the edit. I think he's competent enough to do it.
  12. skhellter
    I dont care for the "tonal" differences between this film and the others.

    Comedy and jokes arent a problem per se...
    (if the comedy is actually funny.. and it is pretty funny in certain spots)

    The script takes its lead characters, their inner lives and the situation
    they are in seriously enough that there's still a sense of "the stakes".
    ... just like other Shane Black films, actually.

    The main problem here is that the script is convoluted in the extreme
    to the point of the "plot" almost seeming like straight nonsense.
    (almost like a transformers michael bay movie in that aspect)

    Oh and it treats autism like a magic power.  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)  :laugh:
    That is gonna give rise to lots of "hot takes"...
  13. The Wolverine Predator
    I re-watched Predator 2 the other night, in my mind it's a classic and isn't as good as the first, but will also always have a nostalgic feeling for me because I was only 12 when it came out in 1990.
    I was excited even after I learned Dutch wasn't returning.
    The other thing I'll always remember is the theater crowd's reaction of final scene when all of the Predators showed up after Harrigan had killed the City Hunter.
  14. BigDaddyJohn
    Quote from: SiL on May 18, 2018, 04:43:40 AM
    I think so. Little movements to accentuate the expression rather than overacting. We wouldn't accept it from a human actor; why accept it from a mechanical one?

    True, remember in Predator 2 when Harrigan cuts off the city hunter's arm ? We have a close shot of his eyes opening in shock as he realizes what's going to happen  :laugh:

    It was exaggerated and felt a little goofy indeed.
  15. SiL
    Quote from: HuDaFuK on May 18, 2018, 11:31:26 AM
    The pussy jokes?
    All two of them. The Predator has substantially more comedic interactions, page after page.

    QuoteNot to mention all the other unintentionally hilarious stuff in the first movie.
    If it's unintentional, its irrelevant. People's issues are the intentional stuff.

    QuoteNot saying I want an out-and-out comedy, but the first film was hardly Schindler's List in the laughs department.
    It took itself seriously enough. This one, ehh, unless they've cleaned it up from the script. But the trailer isn't showing that.
  16. HuDaFuK
    Quote from: SiL on May 18, 2018, 11:17:16 AMPretty big difference between an action movie one liner, and dialogue between characters that's clearly constructed to be comedy. Black's definitely more on the second.

    The pussy jokes?

    Not to mention all the other unintentionally hilarious stuff in the first movie.

    Not saying I want an out-and-out comedy, but the first film was hardly Schindler's List in the laughs department.
  17. The Wolverine Predator
    If I remember correctly this movie will have one liners and some back and fourth funny dialogue. I don't think it's aiming to be a comedy action, it should be entertaining with thrilling scenes, some mystery and some good action

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  18. SiL
    Pretty big difference between an action movie one liner, and dialogue between characters that's clearly constructed to be comedy. Black's definitely more on the second.
  19. Scorpio
    Quote from: SiL on May 18, 2018, 05:18:15 AM

    Watch that dude's eyebrows, the slight twitches in the mandibles, the throbbing of the temples. All little, subtle motions creating great expressiveness without going over the top or looking stiff.

    It's the eyes that sell it - which is Kevin Peter Hall's real eyes wearing contacts.  The rest of the face is good and I don't want to criticise it.  But they only needed it for a couple shots.  It could move its eyebrows and its mouth.  That's all it needed to do to express the range of emotion needed.
  20. Master
    Quote from: CelticP on May 18, 2018, 06:25:32 AM
    Nah. There's no force on this earth that can capture what made Predator good. Anyone who does is just copying it.

    If you want Predator, just watch Predator.

    I've seen Predator. Show me something I haven't seen.

    Then go watch something else. I'm not being rude. What's the point of making Predator film, when it doesn't resemble predator in first place? If we go down the route touched in Ps and gone full ahed in The Predator, we are going to have an unrecognisable  freak show in years to come.
  21. OpenMaw
    There are plenty of ways to go with the series.

    You don't have to follow into really stupid schlock territory. Like mutant predators.

    And I don't just mean having a bigger badder predator who shoots up with human DNA. I mean two-headed monstrosity and shit like that.
  22. CelticP
    Nah. There's no force on this earth that can capture what made Predator good. Anyone who does is just copying it.

    If you want Predator, just watch Predator.

    I've seen Predator. Show me something I haven't seen.
  23. bobcunk
    I kinda like how all of the predator movies all endend on a cliff hanger of sorts yet never continued and were all stand alone, even the avps, even though they all had some connections.
  24. SiL

    Watch that dude's eyebrows, the slight twitches in the mandibles, the throbbing of the temples. All little, subtle motions creating great expressiveness without going over the top or looking stiff.
  25. PredBabe
    Quote from: Scorpio on May 18, 2018, 04:55:38 AM
    The original predator didn't have to express as much.  You're probably reading too much into it, Sil.  Most of the expression came from Kevin Peter Hall.
    I don't think he's reading too much into it at all, it's the nail on the head as to what helped make the original design so realistic along with KPH's body language.

    Quote from: OpenMaw on May 18, 2018, 05:03:51 AM

    Quote from: PredBabe on May 18, 2018, 02:48:52 AM
    Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine Stan Winston's original design in place of Scar's design. For better or worse, the predator design that they used fit the style and tone of AVP more than the original would have... though that isn't exactly saying much for the movie itself seeing as it's pretty mediocre even though it's one of Anderson's stronger movies.

    Which is the biggest failing of AVP. The tone is wrong. The concept art for the film actually depicted much more classic looking Predators and much more gigeresque Aliens.

    Something went horribly wrong from concept to realization.

    Yeah I remember that concept art. Somewhere between Fox and the PG-13 rating and probably the budget.
  26. OpenMaw
    Quote from: Scorpio on May 18, 2018, 04:55:38 AM
    The original predator didn't have to express as much.  You're probably reading too much into it, Sil.  Most of the expression came from Kevin Peter Hall.

    No, he isn't.

    Just watching the BTS footage of the head mechanisms being designed by ADI you can see they were pushing those flexers to extremes, and for testing the mechanism that's fine, but they actually did it in both AVP and AVPR. A slight rise is all you need, a slight tilt.

    Jungle Hunter had a lot to express from the time he takes his mask off to the time he dies. There are a lot of subtle cues in there. A lot of it is Kevin Peter Hall and his body language, but a number of the big moments in there are on the face, and what sells it is that it isn't over played. It feels genuine.

    Quote from: PredBabe on May 18, 2018, 02:48:52 AM
    Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine Stan Winston's original design in place of Scar's design. For better or worse, the predator design that they used fit the style and tone of AVP more than the original would have... though that isn't exactly saying much for the movie itself seeing as it's pretty mediocre even though it's one of Anderson's stronger movies.

    Which is the biggest failing of AVP. The tone is wrong. The concept art for the film actually depicted much more classic looking Predators and much more gigeresque Aliens.

    Something went horribly wrong from concept to realization.
  27. SiL
    I think so. Little movements to accentuate the expression rather than overacting. We wouldn't accept it from a human actor; why accept it from a mechanical one?
  28. Wysps
    Quote from: SiL on May 18, 2018, 04:35:37 AM
    The original actually has an incredibly expressive face, particularly the eyebrows. That brow lift when he spots the spikes in Dutch's trap is golden, or the slight scowl when it roars at Dutch after taking off its mask. It's just that the expressions are subtle and realistic, not cartoonishly exaggerated like Predator 2 or AvP, or stiff like Predators and AvPR.

    I think that's the issue with basically all of the faces since the original. Look at the eyebrows: they either skyrocket up the forehead like a Looney Tunes character or are fixed in place. Gotta get that balance.

    True.  So maybe the argument is, "subtle" versus "in your face".
  29. SiL
    The original actually has an incredibly expressive face, particularly the eyebrows. That brow lift when he spots the spikes in Dutch's trap is golden, or the slight scowl when it roars at Dutch after taking off its mask. It's just that the expressions are subtle and realistic, not cartoonishly exaggerated like Predator 2 or AvP, or stiff like Predators and AvPR.

    I think that's the issue with basically all of the faces since the original. Look at the eyebrows: they either skyrocket up the forehead like a Looney Tunes character or are fixed in place. Gotta get that balance.
  30. Wysps
    Somebody mentioned increasing emphasis on facial expressions earlier, and I think that is one of the fault points in the suit development going forward.  The classic predator was more about body language.  I liked that original concept.  It fits with the character, rather than the bells and whistles that go with giving them human-like facial expressions.  Giving them human characteristics like that kind of makes them less interesting IMO.  Less facial expressions, more body language keeps that air of mystery about them.  Sticking with that original concept would make all these janky mandible features a moot point. 
  31. PredBabe
    Quote from: Scorpio on May 18, 2018, 03:28:53 AM
    Quote from: PredBabe on May 18, 2018, 02:48:52 AM
    Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine Stan Winston's original design in place of Scar's design. For better or worse, the predator design that they used fit the style and tone of AVP more than the original would have...

    That's because the original design looked like he wanted to rip her head off rather than luvey duvey stuff.

    Pretty much! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
  32. PredBabe
    Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine Stan Winston's original design in place of Scar's design. For better or worse, the predator design that they used fit the style and tone of AVP more than the original would have... though that isn't exactly saying much for the movie itself seeing as it's pretty mediocre even though it's one of Anderson's stronger movies.
  33. azamultic
    Oh man I am getting lazy ;D
    Okay I love the second movoe and don't want nothing to be changed, but just for the sake of debate, isnt job of director problem solving, if scene doesnt work well find a way to show not perfect effect in better way or dont show it at all? The twichy mandibles on the mask i agree Winston team did messed up there, I cant defened them. But the puppet face could have been avoided or shot diffeferently(i am not sure about the last). Therefore if we didnt see the puppet face, we would have same effect as the original movie except for the twiching mandibles.
      I can't defend Predators because I didn't watch it enough to debate about it.
      I think direction and design is the main problems for the fans. I am really not fan of every new design they got for the last 30 years, but I do think if movies were really good,we would start growing to like new designs, or at least enjoy thrill or action with our favourite alien hunter. But until then we didn't have much to enjoy therefore we getting even angry on the costumes, which in my thoughts are well crafted.
  34. SiL
    Everyone agrees the techniques and technologies are getting better, but they're not being used to create realistic effects.

    The direction can only do so much. Hopkins created some beautiful shots of the Predator, but the closeup mask was goofy looking and the wide shot head mask didn't move properly. Those were effects problems outside of Hopkins' control. How could his direction fix a broken effect?

    In Predators they did an OK job of recreating the original Predator in their sculpt of the "Classic Predator", but the movement it had was limp and unconvincing. Again, not much the director could do if the effect he's given to work with isn't done well to begin with.

    Bad direction has veeeery little to do with what people don't like about Predators lately. Except for AvP, because it was Paul Anderson specifically asking for "heroic" looking Predators that basically screwed everything up on that one :P
  35. azamultic
    I get what you are saying, and you have a point, we are going through the loops on this debate. What I am saying if take Stan Winston of 1980 and bring him to 2020 he would make much better effects (Generalising, and exception do happenes, but I am talking about percentage).
    Also the main point of my debate was , that the final look of believability going to be also in the hands of director. Not expirineced director(not talking about McT) wouldn't be able to pull of hand puppet and high tech animatronics not going to help. But the expirineced director going to make even a socks the monster of nightmares (exaggeration)

    Now my original point was that production of prostetics and special effects not getting worse, and in general getting better( if you don't like my quote "Impossible" I am taking it back) and generally people don't like Design (which is very subjective) or the way it looks fake (because of direction, not the castume its self) ;)
  36. SiL
    The point I was making was that more sophisticated techniques doesn't mean it's better. When it comes to special effects if it doesn't work, then it's worse. One movie could have a hand puppet and the other the most high-tech animatronic you've ever seen. If the hand puppet looks more convincing, then the animatronic isn't better.

    As Stan Winston himself said, a guy in a suit is just a technology to create an effect like any other. It's low-tech to be sure, but if it works, that doesn't matter. All that matters is the result.
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