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The Predator Trailer Previewed at CinemaCon!

20th Century Fox’s showcase is currently taking place in Las Vegas at CinemaCon and as expected, Shane Black’s The Predator has finally had some preview footage screened! It looks like it was a trailer rather than any preview scenes. The trailer starts off on Halloween with Jacob Tremblay’s character Rory playing with a toy box that has a toy alien ship inside of it. It’s revealed that he’s actually controlling a real alien spaceship somewhere else and that ship crashes onto Earth, releasing a lot of Predators into the wild.

The trailer then cuts to an interrogation room with Boyd Holbrook’s character, Quinn who is an expert sniper and the father of Rory. The sequence is intercut with shots of soldiers battling the Predators in a jungle – lots of gunfire and explosions and one of Predators holds one of the soliders up by the neck. Olivia Munn makes an appearance as scientist Casey Bracket and she states that the Predators are upgrading on every planet they visit. She is later seen handling a weapon.

By all accounts, the trailer features lots of blood, gore, gunfights and explosions. The reaction on Twitter has been decisively mixed. Some people are liking it while others aren’t digging it.


I wouldn’t expect any of this footage to leak online, nor for Fox to release anything online to coincide with the preview. However, the official Indonesian 20th Century Fox Twitter account recently confirmed that the trailer would be going online in May.

Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 351
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  1. EvilMark
    Not crazy about the genetic modification angle, seems like more of an Alien / Weyland-Yutani thing than a Predator thing. Definitely less excited now ...
  2. Highland
    The premise is growing on me a little now that I think about it more, but only from the human science aspect, we might get to find out some interesting details about Predators. I'm still not sure about the genetic upgrade thing.

    I dunno, the lighting looks very well done, clean and nice colour grading. It's miles ahead of AVPR. I'm not sure about the City tone, but it worked well in P2.

    Its just a very lazy thought out trailer....but it's only a teaser so..
  3. Wysps
    Quote from: Highland on May 11, 2018, 01:13:04 AM
    Quote from: OpenMaw on May 10, 2018, 06:58:25 PM
    Quote from: Highland on May 10, 2018, 05:21:32 PM
    Not going to lie, film looks terrible. Like AVP without the cheese.

    So is that better or worse then?

    It doesn't really look like anything, like some of the comments mention it's got a real straight to Netflix feel. I guess what I'm most disinterested about is that nothing really happens, but not in a good way.

    The trailer opens quite well ( despite not really liking what's happening here) then it looks like they took a random number generator and threw clips together.

    I actually do like the male actors though, so something might be decent. The Predators look ok too.

    I mean looking on the outside , nothing is screaming at me to go buy a ticket for it. If they release the movie at Halloween though it might go ok.

    The shots of the main guy (Holbrook) have me a little more excited for the movie.  I think if the core actors can carry the movie (good balance of humor, personality, etc.), I could overlook the absurd premise a bit more. 

    I don't know if it's just me, but I see a faint a resemblance between the main actor in AVPR and Holbrook that I can't quite put my finger on... not a physical one.
  4. Highland
    Quote from: OpenMaw on May 10, 2018, 06:58:25 PM
    Quote from: Highland on May 10, 2018, 05:21:32 PM
    Not going to lie, film looks terrible. Like AVP without the cheese.

    So is that better or worse then?

    It doesn't really look like anything, like some of the comments mention it's got a real straight to Netflix feel. I guess what I'm most disinterested about is that nothing really happens, but not in a good way.

    The trailer opens quite well ( despite not really liking what's happening here) then it looks like they took a random number generator and threw clips together.

    I actually do like the male actors though, so something might be decent. The Predators look ok too.

    I mean looking on the outside , nothing is screaming at me to go buy a ticket for it. If they release the movie at Halloween though it might go ok.
  5. Corporal Hicks
     ::) Petr Švancara, I think I've made it clear that we're sticking back on topic and that we expect people using this community to abide by it's rules. If you're unable to follow those rules, don't come here. I'm afraid it's that simple. Stop making mountains out of molehills and behave like an adult and you'll be fine.

    Not sure how much clearer I can be about it being the end of the discussion. If you can't abide by the staff's requests don't expect to be allowed to stick around. Move on, discuss the actual topics at hand.
  6. Petr Švancara
    Corporal Hicks - Man, honestly, I dont have anything against these rules, but I think "end of the world" comes with much harder conditions. Seriously, nothing bad happened here, lol. :o
  7. Corporal Hicks
    Are you unfamiliar with forums, Petr? There are rules that people are expected to follow. We have separate locations to discuss separate things to keep on topic. It's not a hard concept and a pretty standard way of operating forums.
  8. Petr Švancara
    Okey, so now we will act like there are Laws that we cant change, just super! I was thinking that we are just a bunch of normal people here, but it seems that no one is coming here with anything usefull anymore, and still there are complains about other content? Those people that complain, did they add anything other than that here? I can complain too, but why, huh? No one step in my way with any harsch reason, but at least now I can create my own opinion about some of the people here, kill me for that! Im rather moving on the new post, I feel a toxic smell here.
    Well I'm not being disrespectful, but I really don't see the problem with a bunch of dudes talking freely about ideas on predator , as iv said this post is pretty much dead now , if anything we are keeping it alive. Since yesterday near enough every comment you have made has been about what people should or shouldn't be writing. Your not the mod hicks is , and as you can see he was joining in the discussion too,  we were all just freely talking about all stuff predator  , just chill dude . What exactly is the problem ? I'd understand if this was a new post but it's old and like I said there's a new post about the trailer. I really don't see what we are doing wrong. Would you rather no one comments again ?
    With all due respect skull splitter there's only so many times we can all talk about the trailer at cinemacon , this post is quite old and dead now , we are all just some fellow fans talking about predator ideas , there's a new post about the trailer, for people who want that , c,mon lighten up man  ;)
  11. Petr Švancara
    skull-splitter - Come on, it starts because of I mention the (game) Predator Concrete Jungle here, but still, there isnt that much of anything else what we can talk about here, dont you think? Besides, I post at least Video from Mr. H here. Do you have anything else that you can add here? Because, I not. Basically everything was discussed here, honestly. But Im still open to every kind of discussion. I like local people here.
  12. Petr Švancara
    ELDERCLANLEADER - You have right man, but dont forget. . when its someting to much, its just too much. Influence is good, when it is handled in a right way, also with some respect. But where is the room for the pure originality? It must came from somewhere, right? It slowly dissapears, in both movies and games. Thats sad.
    Yeah I mean I sort of agree , but what I'm getting at is video games are all influenced by other games these days , it's just the nature of the business , when GTA 3 came out , how many GTA clones came out ? Loads. How many racing games have there been since the first one came out ? Again loads. Copying the current trend is nothing new in video games , or in media as a whole. We live in a real world open world, and video game open worlds are trying to simulate our real world. Just because pubg has become hugely successful, doesn't mean it owns the concept in its entirety, because like I said military sandboxes existed long before PUBG did , so if anything all these games are copying what ARMA has been doing for years .
  14. Petr Švancara
    ELDERCLANLEADER - I agree to disagree, yes I know that Battle Royale was propably first inroduced with that Japanese film. I also know about the ARMA, but in the terms of games, the PUBG is the actual King of this genre, at least right now at these days, I think. But in short, I was trying to say that I dont want to see too many new games like that, I hate that situation when its something that good, that popular, so good that even others are trying to do the same. Like everyone is having hats on their heads, why should I have hat too? I was always trying to do my own thing, and going my own way. I dont want to be sheep that goes with others, you know. Developers are on the other hand thinking mainly about profit, of course they try to copy as much as they could. But I hate this behaviour. There will be E3 international conference next month, you will be surprised how many titles will focus on Battle Royale concept, for me. . it is ugly.
    Yeah I mean PUBG was a mod for ARMA originally , and even that was based of the Japanese film known as battle grounds , I don't really think the concept can be copyrighted, as they stole the concept themselves , at its ground level it's just a really good open world multiplayer survival game , but it isn't the first , DAY Z is also a mod for ARMA in the same way PUBG was, GTA set the stage for open world games , are we saying that we cant  have new open world games because rockstar was the grandfather of the genre ? I'm sure someone originally created the first 3D racing game , we still have them though , don't we ? The concept works because we live in a real open world , where random chance happens , and that's what makes the game successful, I see no reason why devs can't get creative and incorporate well loved franchises into the mix imo, and predator is perfect for a game like this.

    However petr I totally get you on the importance of story in video games.. multiplayer can feel a bit empty without it ;)
  16. Petr Švancara
    ELDERCLANLEADER & Corporal Hicks - I agree, right now Im playing the unfinished version of PUBG in my Xbox One X, its still not the final product. . they are still working on it, but I love that game from its very first moment. I love the realism behind it, that whole concept as same as the idea itself is very, very good. But, there are tons and tons of new upcoming games that are trying to be same as PUBG or even better, these new upcoming games are trying to copy the whole Battle Royale concept in a different or even the same way, and Im think that this is just nasty commercial behaviour, everyone are trying to copy the success of the PUBG, just because the money, cash. Dont get me wrong, I love PUBG (for example I hate the Fortnite) but, what exactly Im trying to say here is, that PUBG even as it is. . is still kind of a dull game, let me explain this. . everytime when Im on Xbox, I play a couple of games in PUBG, but after a while. . its little boring, sometimes you have a long, very funny match when you even end up in between the last 10 players, that is very exciting. But on the other hand. . sometimes, you fall on the ground and you're dead about less than 5 minutes. The problem is, that in this game. . there is no progress, yes you will got the BP points that you can use for buying new clothes for your character, thats sweet, but it is not the real progress that most of the games already have. So, after a while you realise that PUBG is an astonishing experience, but thats really all. There is nothing more behind it. In the Xbox version. . there will be Achievements (PC version already have it) thats nice, but more than that. . I love the progression, I love the option to upgrade or somehow evolve my character, and dont even forget about the story aspect as well, those are the different reasons that convince me to play other more complex games. So, the whole Battle Royale concept with combination of Predator could be unique and perfect experience. I image this in a similar way as in Robert Rodriguez Predators from 2010 huh, no surprise. . numerous players will fall into the jungle. . limited amount of them will be as Predators both Classic and Bad, and people will try to survive, not even against Predators but also against other humans, yes even the Classic Predators will be fighting against the Bad Predators, you will have various options to create traps (even by using the other humans or Predators as decoys) you will have options for creating weapons etc. This will be interesting. But as I said before, its just an empty multiplayer concept without any bigger context. So, I will rather prefer a game like GTA or Warframe, where you as a player can create your own Predator and experience the whole story of the game by yourself or with your friends as another Predators. Imagine something like Destiny (its not the best example, but once again its a good concept) but only with Predator players instead of Guardians, something like that. Im talking about this just because the whole phenomenon of Battle Royale idea is way too big, and after a while it will be gone, one day it wiill not be so popular anymore, and even now. . you as a player cant play all of these Battle Royale games at once, its crazy. . you play either one or two of them (I personally play only the PUBG) so. . the whole crazy popularity of Battle Royale games one day end. And only the strong titles will keep up their community alive even after that. PUBG is the first and only revolution in the terms of this (game) genre, I hope that it will survive even the fall of this whole popularity. But we also need to remember that games with story are also very important, they are and always will be here, we need them more than tons and tons of Battle Royale titles. And now, lets count how many times I write the words "Battle Royale" in this text, lol. :o
    Sorry hicks just woke up and read what you meant wrong, my bad 🤗

    Yeah i know right , predator unknown battle hunt, PUBH for short ... I think it would be awesome , isn't it nonsense how us fans can come up with all these really cool concepts and yet we never see them , such a shame, I was thinking you could have side missions in the match as predator where you have to find some of your technology and stop the humans from scavenging it , because if they get hold of it they become on equal footing ... there's loads you could add to a game like that , it's dying for someone to make a predator mod at the very least hicks  ;D
  18. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 09, 2018, 09:33:36 AM
    Sure I recognise people's right to opinions , but when the creator of Star Wars himself has been on record about where he got his inspirations from , it then becomes a matter of fact. He's the creator not us. So our opinions only go so far in the face of truth, we didn't create it Lucas did , and I'll take his word over where he got his ideas from then any fan who thinks different, also It wasn't just ww2 that influenced him , many things did.

    You said -

    Quotemy original point is disney get a lot of unwarranted hate imo , at the end of the day they try to please , they regularly release films and spend a lot of resources to make it as good as possible, which is way more than can be said for 20th century fox .

    That's what I was addressing in my response.

    QuoteBack to predator, I really hope a new predator game will get released in the future. It's like the holy grail to me.

    I have this idea petr for a new predator game , what if they made a pubg styled predator game ? where say maybe 10 or so players are randomly selected to play as predator, and they have to hunt every other player on the map , the other players have to work together to survive and set traps etc..

    Sounds like it would tie into Predators pretty well. I could dig that quite easily. I love PUBG.
    Sure I recognise people's right to opinions , but when the creator of Star Wars himself has been on record about where he got his inspirations from , it then becomes a matter of fact. He's the creator not us. So our opinions only go so far in the face of truth, we didn't create it Lucas did , and I'll take his word over where he got his ideas from then any fan who thinks different, also It wasn't just ww2 that influenced him , many things did.

    Back to predator, I really hope a new predator game will get released in the future. It's like the holy grail to me.

    I have this idea petr for a new predator game , what if they made a pubg styled predator game ? where say maybe 10 or so players are randomly selected to play as predator, and they have to hunt every other player on the map , the other players have to work together to survive and set traps etc..
  20. whiterabbit
    All the themes used in star wars were used to create a battle of good vs evil. There was no deeper thought given to it back then. However the Prequels were ripe with current political themes. Emperor Palpatine's "My resolve has never been stronger" is the most on the nose in all of star wars. Lucas was essentially equating George W. Bush with Emperor Palpatine. But hell that was to be expected considering that the entire trilogy revolved around a Senate. TFA wasn't any thing special unless it's progressive outlook is something one disagrees with. TLJ shoehorned it in, which utterly whitewashes any meaning.

    So what brought up this political stuff. OMFG don't tell me that The Predator is going to make an appearance on capital hill. Yea I can see that speech already...
  21. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 07:54:55 PM
    Skull splitter I was in context , I didn't bring Star Wars up someone else did , I was merely correcting them , believe me when I say I'm not a Star Wars fan boy lol,  I enjoy Disney's take on the franchise, but I don't take it too seriously.  My original point was about disneys takeover of 20th century fox and how I think the franchise will be in good hands in the future.

    You can't correct an opinion. I personally enjoy all the Star Wars films. A lot of fans hate the prequels. A lot of fans hate the new series (especially the latest). I also love all the Predator films. A lot of fans don't. There's no accounting for taste.

    QuotePetr I would love to see a remake of CJ it was awesome , and I agree buddy a full on open world predator game has always been my dream too ;)

    Quote from: Petr Švancara on May 08, 2018, 10:46:57 PM
    ELDERCLANLEADER - Why they dont create game like that, I mean open world Predator game or even game where Predator should hunt on various planets in the space, various species, animals etc. I will never understand that. . it will be a massive best-seller. The only thing that propably work against it is the whole license thing. You know, someone for sure has already this idea, a massive Predator open world game should already exist at these days, and instead of that we see the same sports games every year, its just example. I dont have anything against sport games, but in general. . Its not my cup of tea. The only chance for a game with Predator comes with this new Shane Black movie, if its gonna be good, maybe they will consider to make another game with Predator, but as an experienced gamer. . I need to admit that most of the games based on the movies are not really that good. It will be perfect if some independent studio take its own chance, but I dont think that license owners will simply allow them to do that. This is proof that the game industry is full of. . you know what I want to say. Its sad. :'(

    It's a damn shame they haven't done something like this. Predator is just begging for an open-world, or open-galaxy game. There's loads of space to do something really interesting and really wide with it. I hope they realize this.
  22. Petr Švancara
    ELDERCLANLEADER - Why they dont create game like that, I mean open world Predator game or even game where Predator should hunt on various planets in the space, various species, animals etc. I will never understand that. . it will be a massive best-seller. The only thing that propably work against it is the whole license thing. You know, someone for sure has already this idea, a massive Predator open world game should already exist at these days, and instead of that we see the same sports games every year, its just example. I dont have anything against sport games, but in general. . Its not my cup of tea. The only chance for a game with Predator comes with this new Shane Black movie, if its gonna be good, maybe they will consider to make another game with Predator, but as an experienced gamer. . I need to admit that most of the games based on the movies are not really that good. It will be perfect if some independent studio take its own chance, but I dont think that license owners will simply allow them to do that. This is proof that the game industry is full of. . you know what I want to say. Its sad. :'(
    Skull splitter I was in context , I didn't bring Star Wars up someone else did , I was merely correcting them , believe me when I say I'm not a Star Wars fan boy lol,  I enjoy Disney's take on the franchise, but I don't take it too seriously.  My original point was about disneys takeover of 20th century fox and how I think the franchise will be in good hands in the future.

    Petr I would love to see a remake of CJ it was awesome , and I agree buddy a full on open world predator game has always been my dream too ;)

  24. Petr Švancara
    ELDERCLANLEADER - That was perfect game, I still have it on my old Xbox 360, time by time Im playing it just for pure fun, I love especially that sort of missions where you as Predator has part of the open city just for yourself. You know, sort of a little GTA but with Predator instead. I dream about a proper Remake or Remastered version of that game, man. . that will be super! Made it bigger and better, with more options, weapons and fully customizable Predator, but I guess it will never happen. Predator rights are strictly guarded, I dont even know how is it possible that they created that game, just wow! For me its a pure miracle, and these AVP games, million times better than actual movies? There are not enough of them, really. . almost every year the gamers got tons of Call of Duty or Assassin Creed games, and still no Predator or not even that much Alien games. I know that Bioschock creators are developing a new game from Alien universe, thats all. Sorry for talking about games here guys, but I am also huge gamer. ;)
  25. BigDaddyJohn
    Quote from: Petr Švancara on May 08, 2018, 03:39:27 PM
    I still wonder how the big, bad Hybrid Predator will look like in the film. I know that some of us dont like the Berserker's face design in previous movie, but I highly tolerated it. I will be very glad if this Hybrid has at least a similar look. Everything is still on a long road, before we actualy see him. . for sure, he wouldnt be shown in a trailer, I hope. So, its a big thing to reveal him. I hope that he will be a true badass looking (Bad Blood) Predator and not some kind of mix between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alien looking Stone Cold. This reminds me a final boss from the game called Predator: Concrete Jungle where you fight on your last mission against something similar as in my previous description, it was a Human-looking Predator with regular dreadlocks, just a weird boss from a very good Predator game.

    Why would he resembles anything like that  :laugh:
    Openmaw yeah politics is the wrong word I used , historical influence is a much better term, where do you think the word storm trooper comes from ? The empire imagery was clearly based on s.s uniforms, Lucas has been on record to confirm this ....

    The fact that fascism inspired the look and feel of the Empire is no secret. In fact, Star Wars creator George Lucas even refers to the Imperial officers in The Empire Strikes Back as "Nazis" while giving his commentary of the film. He specifically mentions their militaristic dress, noting, "The Nazis are basically the same costume as we used in the first film and they are designed to be very authoritarian, very empire-like."

    So my point is taking inspiration from real world affairs is nothing new in Star Wars.
  27. OpenMaw
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 02:56:34 PM
    The original Star Wars had plenty of politics in it, I mean the empire was clearly based on the nazis , the persecution of the Jedi was akin to the way nazis treated the Jews , my point being is Star Wars has always had real world politics in it , but Star Wars aside , my original point is disney get a lot of unwarranted hate imo , at the end of the day they try to please , they regularly release films and spend a lot of resources to make it as good as possible, which is way more than can be said for 20th century fox .

    The original Star Wars was not about the real world politics and historical imagery that it let influence it's style, though. It was a classic, clear cut, good versus evil adventure. It was never about the politics in the original trilogy.
  28. Petr Švancara
    I still wonder how the big, bad Hybrid Predator will look like in the film. I know that some of us dont like the Berserker's face design in previous movie, but I highly tolerated it. I will be very glad if this Hybrid has at least a similar look. Everything is still on a long road, before we actualy see him. . for sure, he wouldnt be shown in a trailer, I hope. So, its a big thing to reveal him. I hope that he will be a true badass looking (Bad Blood) Predator and not some kind of mix between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alien looking Stone Cold. This reminds me a final boss from the game called Predator: Concrete Jungle where you fight on your last mission against something similar as in my previous description, it was a Human-looking Predator with regular dreadlocks, just a weird boss from a very good Predator game.
  29. dallevalle
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 02:56:34 PM
    The original Star Wars had plenty of politics in it, I mean the empire was clearly based on the nazis , the persecution of the Jedi was akin to the way nazis treated the Jews , my point being is Star Wars has always had real world politics in it , but Star Wars aside , my original point is disney get a lot of unwarranted hate imo , at the end of the day they try to please , they regularly release films and spend a lot of resources to make it as good as possible, which is way more than can be said for 20th century fox .

    well i dont agree hehe but anyway back to the predator :D
  30. BigDaddyJohn
    Quote from: dallevalle on May 08, 2018, 02:23:00 PM
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 02:12:55 PM
    I don't get the hate on disneys take on Star Wars , rogue one was excellent and imo the best stars wars film made since the empire strikes back, it's like everyone forgets how god awful the prequels were under George Lucas , the phantom menace and the attack of the clones were the worst Star Wars films made to date imo, even then if you don't agree cool , but then look at what they have done with marvel , it's one of cinemas greatest achievements.  So I'm not going to be a Disney hater, because imo they very rarely release lackluster films. I would feel far more comfortable with Disney making predator films in the future than fox , as far as I can see , fox have lost all credibility in making high quality predator and alien films.

    It's 20th century fox who are the problem.

    not to turn this into a star wars thread or anything but for me the prequles are a 100 times better than what we have gotten from disney
    to much political stuff in the new movies for my taste ( also a reason why i wont see han solo or ep 9)

    The Lucas prequels were FILLED with weak political plot points  :laugh:

    Anyway can't wait for the trailer... To think that people at cinemacon already saw it, while we are here waiting, huh it hurts  :laugh:
    The original Star Wars had plenty of politics in it, I mean the empire was clearly based on the nazis , the persecution of the Jedi was akin to the way nazis treated the Jews , my point being is Star Wars has always had real world politics in it , but Star Wars aside , my original point is disney get a lot of unwarranted hate imo , at the end of the day they try to please , they regularly release films and spend a lot of resources to make it as good as possible, which is way more than can be said for 20th century fox .
  32. dallevalle
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 02:12:55 PM
    I don't get the hate on disneys take on Star Wars , rogue one was excellent and imo the best stars wars film made since the empire strikes back, it's like everyone forgets how god awful the prequels were under George Lucas , the phantom menace and the attack of the clones were the worst Star Wars films made to date imo, even then if you don't agree cool , but then look at what they have done with marvel , it's one of cinemas greatest achievements.  So I'm not going to be a Disney hater, because imo they very rarely release lackluster films. I would feel far more comfortable with Disney making predator films in the future than fox , as far as I can see , fox have lost all credibility in making high quality predator and alien films.

    It's 20th century fox who are the problem.

    not to turn this into a star wars thread or anything but for me the prequles are a 100 times better than what we have gotten from disney
    to much political stuff in the new movies for my taste ( also a reason why i wont see han solo or ep 9)
    I don't get the hate on disneys take on Star Wars , rogue one was excellent and imo the best stars wars film made since the empire strikes back, it's like everyone forgets how god awful the prequels were under George Lucas , the phantom menace and the attack of the clones were the worst Star Wars films made to date imo, even then if you don't agree cool , but then look at what they have done with marvel , it's one of cinemas greatest achievements.  So I'm not going to be a Disney hater, because imo they very rarely release lackluster films. I would feel far more comfortable with Disney making predator films in the future than fox , as far as I can see , fox have lost all credibility in making high quality predator and alien films.

    It's 20th century fox who are the problem.
  34. dallevalle
    Quote from: ELDERCLANLEADER on May 08, 2018, 01:39:02 PM
    Im of total agreement , fox have treated the predator franchise very badly film wise , my hope is disney will change that in the future , sure predator is going nowhere but I dont think expecting a quality product is wrong , after  all its our hard earned cash at the end the day. My big worry is the film will be a flop , and we wont see a predator film for many many years to come. Disney will only invest in something that they know they can make their money back on.

    dont get your hopes up, look what happend to star wars under disney's care.
    Im of total agreement , fox have treated the predator franchise very badly film wise , my hope is disney will change that in the future , sure predator is going nowhere but I dont think expecting a quality product is wrong , after  all its our hard earned cash at the end the day. My big worry is the film will be a flop , and we wont see a predator film for many many years to come. Disney will only invest in something that they know they can make their money back on.
  36. OpenMaw
    Ya know Huggs if you have too many bombs and lack luster outings, they will retire a franchise "indefinitely."

    The Predator franchise as a whole has not been given particularly good treatment in terms of quality control or consistency.
  37. Huggs
    Quote from: BishopShouldGo on May 08, 2018, 03:51:42 AM
    I don't think anyone believes that the predator will ever fade from pop culture. I think people just want more movies on a consistent basis.

    Indeed. I highly doubt it's gonna happen though. Predator and Alien aren't Iron Man or Pirates of the Caribbean. There's only so many movies to expect per-decade. My point was that even if "The Predator" puts the kibosh to the movies for awhile, there's still a lot of way to enjoy the creature outside of the cinema. And those aren't going to go dormant.
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