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Interview with Ben Rigby (Ledward from Alien: Covenant) – AvP Galaxy Podcast #64

We have just uploaded the 64th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Our latest episode features an interview with the Ben Rigby (who plays Ledward), the actor front and center in Alien: Covenant’s most memorable scene – the backburster! This latest episode was guest hosted by Muthur (aka Clara) from the Yutani Blog.

 Interview with Ben Rigby (Ledward from Alien: Covenant) - AvP Galaxy Podcast #64

Ben talks about how he got into acting, the audition process, not leaning back while wearing prosthetic and plenty more! You can also learn more about Ben and see his photography on his Twitter and Instagram pages. Check him out!

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Comments: 24
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 08, 2018, 09:48:18 AMYou never answered my question though, Capcom. Did you enjoy what Ben had to say?

    The only semi-interesting nugget, this "Ben" actor revealed , was that a real stunt-person (forgot the specialised occupation) did the falling backwards rather than a prosthetic.
    A little more probing into how Ridley asked him to "burst" would've been nice and if he felt his performance matched that of John Hurt.

    I have to say the latter would've been redundant as he said he only watched ALIEN for the first time prior to shooting, as he had been cast in a film in the universe. He also said he doesn't like sci-fi and does the role due to typecasting based on his shifty, icy, looks (his words).
    I understand there is a divide between "work" and being a "fan" but his attitude was kind of throwaway and phoned in. This came across in the movie hence why I called him a "redshirt".

    Everything else was meh. Getting into acting, theatre, TV, film, audition is pretty much cookie cutter Q&A tbh.

    There are interesting people who have been interviewed in ALIEN lore or could be interviewed. Heck even said fan cosplay actor Gareth Elner or that recent interview with Liam O Donnell were more intriguing.
    Quote from: The Cruentus on May 03, 2018, 07:34:17 PM
    Unfortunately the actor who played the pizza guy, I think the character's name was Ricky, is dead. He fell to his death after murdering an 81 year old lady.

    That's horrific.

    Cliff notes from actor's Johnny Lewis murder, homicide and animal cruelty.

    - He was only earning a measley $20,000 per year acting which is £14,787 per year forcing him to move back in with parent's. That's less than a minimum wage worker.
    - He was part of the "Scientology" cult. Like all cults they poison your mind with nonsense, ruin and control your life with brainwashing and sub-concious hijacking. Ignore the "Science" part as the cult has no reason, logic or realism. Detachment from reality is very dangerous. Oh and like all cults they command you to drain your finances for some cult leader. Johnny Lewis had little money so.......And Scientology hunts down people who try and leave too.
    - He was an alcoholic, drug addict to both painkillers and prescription drugs. I don't buy he got clean prior to death nor the toxicology report. There is no smoke without fire.
    - He had head trauma from a motorcycle accident and refused an MRI scan. Again Scientology members are blocked from standard peer-reviewed Psychology or Medical intervention.
    - He killed his 81 year old landlady by strangulation, killed her cat and then attacked two random passers by, before commiting suicide.

    Jesus what a mess.

    Quote from: Scorpio on May 04, 2018, 06:56:25 PM
    I know it happened over 5 years ago but it's the first time I have heard of it.  I'll never look at AVPR the same way again.

    The same. I always lambaste people who defend or play ignorant when their favourite entertainer from Music, TV, Film or Movie directing gets a free pass due to contributions. Roman Polanski fled to France in 1978 after he was due to be sentenced to a possible 50 years imprisonment for sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl.

    Aliens Vs Predator was my own "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" phase. AVP-R was a decent fun live action realisation.

    But animal cruelty in real-life,  murder, and Scientology associations will make me think twice before bunning the AVP-R DVD in the player.
  3. Huggs
    Quote from: Scorpio on May 03, 2018, 10:30:29 PM
    Quote from: The Cruentus on May 03, 2018, 07:34:17 PM
    Unfortunately the actor who played the pizza guy, I think the character's name was Ricky, is dead. He fell to his death after murdering an 81 year old lady.


    Don't know what to say about that.

    I remember that. He was the same guy who played half-sac the prospect on Sons. And he didn't just kill the old lady, he tore her cat literally to pieces with his bare hands. It was just awful.
  4. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: AVP-CAPCOM on May 01, 2018, 01:21:01 PM
    Urgggghhhhh I've got mixed feelings about this podcast.

    Interesting how a 30 minute interview was fashioned out of interviewing a guy who was for all sense and purposes a "STAR TREK-redshirt".

    Ledward might not have been a main character but he was central in the films more iconic scene. Now the question here is - regardless of his screentime - did you find what he had to say about his time on the film interesting? If yes, then I'm not sure what the problem is?

    QuoteI will say MUTHUR sounded a little, ahem "smitten" by talking to 6 foot 1 Ben the kiwi so I hope no judgement was clouded during the production of this podcast or the admission she felt COVENANT was the best ALIEN movie of all time, as proclaimed @ 9:38.

    Or perhaps excited to be chatting to someone who worked on a film she very much enjoyed? Again, what is the problem with that? Did that impede her ability to interview Ben? I certainly don't feel that was the case here.

    QuoteTo be frank you might as well have interview "The Pizza Guy" from AVP-Requiem if the basis is on discussing a cardboard cut-out character.

    If I thought he had something interesting to say I'd certainly go after him. Seriously, I'm not sure what your issue is here?

    Quote from: muthur9000 on May 03, 2018, 12:15:57 PM
    Thanks for having me on the show guys, I really appreciate it. Ben was really lovely, he had to reschedule a number of times and I did feel I was being a pain chasing him up for an interview constantly. We ended up speaking longer than the allotted time and he expressed he'd love to chat about the movie again. We didn't even get to talk about David and Walter, which was something he was really interested in sharing.

    And I'm very thankful you were able to get involved. I appreciate you joined on my invitation and had to step in to record because I was unable to join in the actual recording. I really appreciate your work on recording this.
  5. Delta Echo Alpha Delta
    Thanks for having me on the show guys, I really appreciate it. Ben was really lovely, he had to reschedule a number of times and I did feel I was being a pain chasing him up for an interview constantly. We ended up speaking longer than the allotted time and he expressed he'd love to chat about the movie again. We didn't even get to talk about David and Walter, which was something he was really interested in sharing.

    As for being smitten? No, not really. I have just spent a lot of time interviewing people who worked on the movie, and I could tell he was a genuine fan of the Alien franchise.

    I love Alien: Covenant for my own reasons, I don't expect people to share my views. No more than I would expect people to love anchovies or the colour Cerulean, but what I do expect is for people to treat others with respect. So please, stop being a dipshit those being dipshits.

    And for anyone who'd like to read my post about this podcast, you will find it on my blog. Where I show my appreciation of all the Alien movies, along with other like-minded individuals.
  6. BishopShouldGo
    Rigby has one of the best scenes in the movie. It's cool and unique to get his perspective, as we've already been exposed to what people like Waterston or Fassbender think or how they feel in regards to Covenant.

    When you're being interviewed by people who are ardent fans from a fan site and not just a general movie site, you're going to get better content. Better questions, better answers, better overall discussion. Appreciate it, CAPCOM, it's good stuff.
  7. SM
    Yeah, let's piss on the people actually going out and putting in the effort to generate content.  Great idea.

    So what if the character didn't have any development?  Supporting characters genereally don't- including just about everyone in Aliens.  I thought it was interesting to hear how he came to acting, how he got cast, and what he was able to bring to the role for the small amount of screentime.
    Urgggghhhhh I've got mixed feelings about this podcast.

    Interesting how a 30 minute interview was fashioned out of interviewing a guy who was for all sense and purposes a "STAR TREK-redshirt".
    A criticism aimed at lack of character development in all ALIEN movies starting with ALIEN 3 onwards.
    ALIEN and ALIENS will always be the benchmark of memorable character development done right without being forced or re-reading press releases prior to invention of the Speaking of which his IMDB profile page is as incomplete as his movie character.

    While I rated ALIEN-COVENANT a 3.5/5 (heck even a 4/5 on a good day) it's the first futuristic "ALIEN" entry since 1997 Resurrection so its not like the competition this franchise is strong. Fans place value on futuristic settings and believeable "realistic" representations of workplaces in space.

    I will say MUTHUR sounded a little, ahem "smitten" by talking to 6 foot 1 Ben the kiwi so I hope no judgement was clouded during the production of this podcast or the admission she felt COVENANT was the best ALIEN movie of all time, as proclaimed @ 9:38.

    To be frank you might as well have interview "The Pizza Guy" from AVP-Requiem if the basis is on discussing a cardboard cut-out character.
  9. Scorpio
    Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 27, 2018, 12:33:36 PM
    Ledward was security, not a scientist as far as I am aware, and his carelessness and lieing for no reason to have a ciggy pales in comparison when science officer and man of god, Oram, sticks his head into an egg after everything he is witnessed.  :P Plus Ben was talking about his character, not the others.

    There's carelessness and there is supreme dumbness.

    Or there's human ego getting in the way of progress.

    Security are also given training, not as much as a scientist, but for this kind of mission it probably would have been more extensive than your average security training.
  10. Jonesy1974
    Quote from: Scorpio on Apr 27, 2018, 12:50:03 AM
    "My character was the first to die and I wanted to make him as much of an arsehole as I could because he was so careless to smoke a cigarette on like this beautiful island.. and he throws his cigarette.. and I thought those were choices Ridley and I came up with together... I felt safe coming up with a distinct character that maybe represented the carelessness of humanity and the reason that maybe we were on a colony mission to begin with"

    All the complaints about 'dumb scientists', from Benjamin Rigby, it was the intention all along.

    Good point
  11. The Cruentus
    Ledward was security, not a scientist as far as I am aware, and his carelessness and lieing for no reason to have a ciggy pales in comparison when science officer and man of god, Oram, sticks his head into an egg after everything he is witnessed.  :P Plus Ben was talking about his character, not the others.

    There's carelessness and there is supreme dumbness.
  12. Scorpio
    "My character was the first to die and I wanted to make him as much of an arsehole as I could because he was so careless to smoke a cigarette on like this beautiful island.. and he throws his cigarette.. and I thought those were choices Ridley and I came up with together... I felt safe coming up with a distinct character that maybe represented the carelessness of humanity and the reason that maybe we were on a colony mission to begin with"

    All the complaints about 'dumb scientists', from Benjamin Rigby, it was the intention all along.
  13. MU-TH-UR 6000
    Just heard it as well. Really chill guy, with a fantastic taste in directors! Love all the ones he mentioned (even if You Were Never Really Here was a bit subpar for that director, in my opinion). It's also really nice to hear someone who appreciated the little religious and gothic nods Logan dropped throughout the movie. The background stories and themes going on in Covenant and Prometheus are really interesting, just wish the main story for both was just handled better.
  14. The Cruentus
    Nice interview, Ben Rigby seems like a cool guy with some interesting views. I agree that a sci/fi film really needs to be done well for it to have the necessary impact. Its an easy genre to get wrong.

    Ledward's death scene is probably one of the better parts of the film, its just a shame it was spoiled by the trailers. It could have been more effective if it came as, well, not so much a surprise since you know something is happening to him, but I suppose "wowed" by seeing for backbursting for the first time.
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