Last year it became apparent that work on Alien 5 had stopped and Neill Blomkamp told The Verge that he believed Alien 5 was “totally dead.” Following the recently renewed interest in Alien 5, after Neill shared some old concept art, the writer/director has re-affirmed that the film is still not to be.
Responding to a fan query on Twitter, Blomkamp replied that he has “moved on” from Alien 5 but that it was an “amazing chance to work in the world Ridley and James Cameron created. And collaborate with Sigourney.”
Given the renewed talk of the possible Alien 5, perhaps Disney will take notice of the apparent general interest in the project and want to move forward with it where Fox did not? If so, would Neill be willing to return?
Since the apparent cancellation of Alien 5, Blomkamp has been working on an adaptation of The Gone World. He has also since founded Oats Studios and put out some fantastic short films via the studio. Alien’s very own Sigourney Weaver starred in the debut short. If you haven’t already, go check them out!
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Seriously Jonesy, why don't you think more about what you're going to say?
I couldn't have said it better.If they we're able to do what they wanted we would've got some different movies.
Almost every director needs a solid (co-)writer.
And both need a studio willing to back up those ideas.
Ah, movie business...
But ultimately Blomkamp needs good scriptwriters. Perhaps in that sense it is something similar to Scott. He is an excellent director, but his films are genuinely good as long as he has a good script to work with.
Bit similar in the music business. Like being good a singer doesn't automatically mean you can write good lyrics.
There's always ice cream.
The fact he's probably right about most of the audience wanting it is the best reason for not doing it.
People with shit taste don't deserve to get their way.
Guess he ain't gonna be watchin' The Last Duel and Gucci then?
I do feel bad for him in this situation, 'cause I'm genuinely into his style and really like District 9 and Chappie and some of the Oats stuff, but as much as I think he could have done a very good Alien movie, I don't think the particular one he was working on (based on what we had seen in the released concept art) would have been for me at all.
His Robocop movie's cancelation honestly still feels to me like a much, much bigger loss than his Alien movie's cancelation, to be quite honest. A Blomkamp-directed Robocop, satirizing the current socio-political climate, is something I was all over from day one.
I'm going to check out his new movie, Demonic, today I think.
From that video clip I took the opposite, that Rogan isn't much of a fan of Aliens but Blomkamp is, where Rogan complains in Aliens that the Alien is much easier to kill, yada yada yada, overlooking the context of the Nostromo crew was just a bunch of unarmed blue-collar workers... or Ripley was able to penetrate the Aliens hide with a small grappling hook - no explosive tipped ammo necessary. Same ol' song.
I literally, physically, cannot leave these aside.
Rakka is a lizard-people mod for District 9.
Blomkamp made a mistake. He started and stuck (and finished the career) with his African trilogy about poverty, inequality, class struggle and blah-blah-blah. Not surprisingly, people began to think that he couldn't film anything else. And his works were less and less successful. Again, because people don't want watch third times one film about blah-blah-blah.
And guess what? After Chappie (tbh better than D9 for me) his first indie film was again about beggars in rags vs alien invasion. I'm more than sure - Alien 5 also was about these themes.
I vote for Blomkamp only for a true Aliens sequel. But I don't care who will do it in the end: Blomkamp, Walter Hill or someone else.
Yeah, it would have probably suffered a...
-puts on shades-
Dark Fate
But that upsets people.
Blessed post.
- Neil Blomkamp is not a director.
- Ripley and Hick are not feature in the movie. But both of them are still alive.
- The film will ignore the event in Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection
- A new actress (age between 25-35 years old) will be cast to play adult version of Newt.
- Newt is the main character, and the future of the franchise.
- The reason why Ripley and Hick are not feature in the film. Because they live seperately.
And If they want to tell the the story prior to the event of the movie, when Ripley, Hick and Newt are still living together. All they need to do is made it into comic, video game or CGI TV series, animated series. etc
The film would be amazing! if done right.
Genuinely can't blame them there. He's got a great visual flair and can do pacing, but his original ideas are largely poo. Ridley-Lite/Pulp, in that regard.
That's precisely what happened, according to him: It took place after 'Alien 3' and was Ripley-less. It was Weaver who liked it and introduced the revision to make it take account of Ripley (although, to this day, we still don't know how).
They already knew that when they initially authorised it. If memory serves right, her involvement was one of the chief reasons which convinced them to buy it.
Think some of the last interviews mentioned his wife was teaming up on the writing of it.
Neil: I want to write and direct.
Ridley: No, you can write it, I'll direct it.
Neil: No, you can produce, I'll write and direct.
Ridley: No, you write, I'll direct.
Neil: I can't work under those conditions.
Fox: You're fired, Neil.
I've heard that Blomkamp likes to write and direct his own stuff and is quite protective of that, and Fox wasn't keen on him writing it on his own.
Don't know how true that is.
I think at some point he said it was Fox decision to ditch the project.
Like in Supergirl - one season they didn't have Superman in it cos BvS was out and WB didn't want to confuse audiences with which Superman was which (entirely contradictory that they have Flash, but it really makes no sense to me that they think people are really that stupid).
In this case, we've got the Prequels and then Alien5 - maybe they felt it was too much of the same thing going on and people "wouldn't understand").
Also, it's often said that Ridley Scott scuppered the project - I don't know how much truth there is in that (and I'll guess we'll never know!).
Then Fox probably turned around and said "She had sooo much influence over 'ALIEN 3' and 'ALIEN Resurrection' - and look how they turned out. Nope. We're no longer interested. Bye."
...and with the press of a button, Blomkamp's proposal got scuttled, sent down the chute into the dumpster.
Sure, but that's kind of missing the point - it seemed like NB wanted to do a Quantum Leap and "set right what once went wrong" in terms of the treatment of Hicks and Newt in Alien3 and provide a more satisfying end to the trilogy than was served up in Alien3.
As I say, I don't want to turn this thread into "Alien3 rules" - I totally get that some people were perfectly happy with it. Equally, there are others (myself included) that were not.
I think actually that NB's idea started out as having nothing to do with the established characters, it was only after he got talking to Signourney Weaver on the Chappie project and she expressed an interest in doing the movie when he wrote them into the story.
I would have loved to have seen it - maybe he'll leak the treatment one day.
Well Aliens 2 can be shot without Ripley and Hicks but with Newt. Just be competent in creating a story.