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Is The Beast Cooked? (And Alien and Predator Under The House That Mickey Built) – AvPGalaxy Podcast #58

We have just uploaded the 58th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Our latest podcast is a bit of a reactionary episode, discussing Sir Ridley Scott’s recent comments reaffirming his belief that “the beast has almost run out” and we also talk a little about the news that Disney was looking to acquire some of 20th Century Fox’s entertainment assets.

 Is The Beast Cooked? (And Alien and Predator Under The House That Mickey Built) - AvPGalaxy Podcast #58

RidgeTop, Xenomorphine and I talk about Scott’s comment and if we think there’s any truth in that statement. We also throw out a wishlist of other directors we’d like to see take on an Alien film and just we also talk about whether Disney owning Alien and Predator is really such a bad thing?

At one point during this episode, Xenomorphine mentions that Clive Barker was attached to Alien 3 at one point during its production. You can find more information regarding this over on the Official Clive Barker website and on Alien Explorations.

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunes and Stitcher.

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Comments: 159
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  1. PsyKore
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 07:14:12 PM
    Quote from: PsyKore on Dec 10, 2017, 09:04:59 AM
    Quote from: SM on Dec 10, 2017, 06:23:21 AM
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 01:20:20 AM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.

    He said Elysium wasn't executed as well as the idea he had in his head.

    Which is usually the mark of a perfectionist, not someone who hates all his work.

    A perfectionist would have gotten it right the first time.

    That's not how it works.
  2. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 01:20:20 AM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.

    Personally, I find someone having the ability to acknowledge his own flaws and want to work on them is reassuring.
  3. Alionic
    Quote from: PsyKore on Dec 10, 2017, 09:04:59 AM
    Quote from: SM on Dec 10, 2017, 06:23:21 AM
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 01:20:20 AM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.

    He said Elysium wasn't executed as well as the idea he had in his head.

    Which is usually the mark of a perfectionist, not someone who hates all his work.

    A perfectionist would have gotten it right the first time.
  4. PsyKore
    Quote from: SM on Dec 10, 2017, 06:23:21 AM
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 01:20:20 AM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.

    He said Elysium wasn't executed as well as the idea he had in his head.

    Which is usually the mark of a perfectionist, not someone who hates all his work.
  5. SM
    Quote from: Alionic on Dec 10, 2017, 01:20:20 AM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.

    He said Elysium wasn't executed as well as the idea he had in his head.  Saying both films were bad sounds like an exaggeration.
  6. reecebomb
    Blomkamp - let him do some AvP films. If the result turns out to be awesome beyond the visuals, he can try to do that with a proper Alien film and then some. He obviously has talent and I loved District 9 but he needs to prove himself with another strong feature film, i'm not convinced by the Oats Studio shorts.
  7. Alionic
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Blomkamp admitted Elysium and Chappie were bad (publicly saying this is so stupid if you want studios to take you seriously for work). I don't think he has the competence to make an Alien movie. He might if somebody else writes it.
  8. SiL
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 10, 2017, 12:24:07 AM
    They aren't AUTOMATIC indicators. Obviously, this gets quite subjective, but I think most people with a decent taste, i. e. people who are not absolute plebeians, can agree that most superhero movies suck, even though those movies rack in quite a lot of money and probably awards too.
    People with taste and who understand what makes good films -- rather than plebians trying to chest-thump online -- don't think that most super hero movies suck (at least, not these days). Their issue is usually that they're cookie-cutter, generic, risk-free fair that ticks all the boxes of basic filmmaking competence, but are ultimately disposable and offer nothing substantial to viewers after the first viewing.

    From there the issue isn't even that this is a bad thing in itself; it's just that it pervades an entire genre, and we're getting inundated with these things. The occasional $200+ superhero beat-em-up would be fine, but we're getting close on two a year from Marvel and one a year from DC, and they're sucking the attention and money from other movies.
  9. tleilaxu
    Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Dec 09, 2017, 11:51:18 PM
    Lol if awards and gross aren't indicators of quality then what are. Obviously you won't like every film that does well but come on.
    They aren't AUTOMATIC indicators. Obviously, this gets quite subjective, but I think most people with a decent taste, i. e. people who are not absolute plebeians, can agree that most superhero movies suck, even though those movies rack in quite a lot of money and probably awards too.

    Quote from: SM on Dec 09, 2017, 11:57:50 PM
    QuoteMaybe you're the one who needs to grow up if you can't address other people's opinions without resorting to "dumbf**k schoolyard" and telling people to "grow up".

    Nah, it's not him.
    Nice passive aggressive one-liner you got there. I guess it's not a "dumbf**k schoolyard" without a few people ganging up on one poster. I wasn't sure whether to reply but you're practically baiting me.
  10. SM
    QuoteMaybe you're the one who needs to grow up if you can't address other people's opinions without resorting to "dumbf**k schoolyard" and telling people to "grow up".

    Nah, it's not him.
  11. tleilaxu
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 09:35:23 PM

    Quote from: PierreVW on Dec 09, 2017, 06:25:17 PM
    Not shit. But NB is mediocre. Ridley Scott is a way better director than him. It's weird that you and lot of people in this forum don't accept that fact.

    I'm not debating about who's the better director.  It's about these incessant dumbf*ck schoolyard style "Batman is better than Superman" style arguments on these boards. And hyperbolic statements like "Neel Bloomhack is teh shitty directer cause he wants to retconz mah alienz 3". Or "Riply Scot is senile cause he doesn't want to make teh kind of alienz movie I wants". Or the "fact" that anyone who doesn't like the direction Scott is taking the franchise is automatically an Aliens fanboy who just wants pulse rifles and Queens.

    Grow up for f*ck's sake!
    Maybe you're the one who needs to grow up if you can't address other people's opinions without resorting to "dumbf**k schoolyard" and telling people to "grow up".

    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".
    As if awards and gross are an automatic indicator of quality.

    Quote from: Kurai on Dec 09, 2017, 07:06:47 PM
    Quote from: PierreVW on Dec 09, 2017, 06:25:17 PM
    Not shit. But NB is mediocre. Ridley Scott is a way better director than him. It's weird that you and lot of people in this forum don't accept that fact.

    I'd say NB is a mediocre writer, but his visual directing skills are far above average.
    Aight I might have to contradict myself here. His visuals are actually pretty good.
  12. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯

    Quote from: PierreVW on Dec 09, 2017, 06:25:17 PM
    Not shit. But NB is mediocre. Ridley Scott is a way better director than him. It's weird that you and lot of people in this forum don't accept that fact.

    I'm not debating about who's the better director.  It's about these incessant dumbf*ck schoolyard style "Batman is better than Superman" style arguments on these boards. And hyperbolic statements like "Neel Bloomhack is teh shitty directer cause he wants to retconz mah alienz 3". Or "Riply Scot is senile cause he doesn't want to make teh kind of alienz movie I wants". Or the "fact" that anyone who doesn't like the direction Scott is taking the franchise is automatically an Aliens fanboy who just wants pulse rifles and Queens.

    Grow up for f*ck's sake!
  13. PierreVW
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Dec 09, 2017, 05:49:27 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    Here's what should be buried:
    1. Aliens 2. If you want le pulse rifle marine XD vs le buggy xeno version 2 you should just go play videogames instead.
    2. Any notion of Neill Blomhack/Hackkamp ever directing an alien movie. The guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.
    3. People like you making guest accounts to spam the same thing in every thread. I'm 99% certain you are Dabau.

    4. This kind of elementary schoolyard behavior.

    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".

    Not shit. But NB is mediocre. Ridley Scott is a way better director than him. It's weird that you and lot of people in this forum don't accept that fact.
  14. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 09, 2017, 05:16:00 PM
    Here's what should be buried:
    1. Aliens 2. If you want le pulse rifle marine XD vs le buggy xeno version 2 you should just go play videogames instead.
    2. Any notion of Neill Blomhack/Hackkamp ever directing an alien movie. The guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.
    3. People like you making guest accounts to spam the same thing in every thread. I'm 99% certain you are Dabau.

    4. This kind of elementary schoolyard behavior.

    QuoteThe guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.

    Lets see, District 9... 4 Academy Award nominations including best picture and best screenplay for "Blomhack". Made back more than x7 it's production budget at the box office. Yep, shit director and that's an "objective fact".
  15. tleilaxu
    Here's what should be buried:
    1. Aliens 2. If you want le pulse rifle marine XD vs le buggy xeno version 2 you should just go play videogames instead.
    2. Any notion of Neill Blomhack/Hackkamp ever directing an alien movie. The guy is a shit director, this is objective fact.
    3. People like you making guest accounts to spam the same thing in every thread. I'm 99% certain you are Dabau.
  16. Maron


    FOX is just too incompetent to make good decisions after Alien3  and even this movie isn't beyond controversy.

    Whatever Disney is going to do with this franchise, they will have a plan, because they are competent.

    Hopefully by burying Scott's trilogy, but unfortunately that won't happen.
  17. reecebomb
    Quote from: DerelictShip on Dec 08, 2017, 06:44:18 PM
    That's only if you compare it to Alien, though. I think the film really did great for what it was trying to do. Still had it's fair share of sub par moments, too.
    Like one of the first few scenes...

    ...if I recall correctly there was a good build up to that point.

    It's way below the quality of the original Alien trilogy or The Thing, sadly not many great sci-fi horror films made out there. Pandorum is certainly one of the better ones made in the last decade, which isn't saying much. I remember liking it, it was a very watchable low budget space horror with some good moments and like you've said a fair shair of sub par moments. But that's not something Alien franchise really needs. I was really surprised to find out that Pandorum is nowadays actually better regarded by the audience than Covenant. IMDB 6.8 vs 6.5 for Covenant, Letterboxd score for both. is 3.0 and Covenant seems to be dropping fast.
    Pandorums metacritic score is 28, the score i feel Covenant really deserves.
  18. reecebomb
    I thought Pandorum was just ok, not as bad as it's reputation (actually it's reputation isn't too bad these days)
    but nowhere near the quality of the original Alien films. I'd say it's on par with Covenant, but Alien film standard should be way higher than that or it's just not worth it. We can always have the AvP for the run in the mill stuff.
  19. DerelictShip
    I really like that (I forget who) brought up Pandorum. Thought that was a super underrated sci fi thriller, and if anyone bothers to watch it please do. Ignore all the reviews and critics, it scores pretty low there, but overall I thought the story was great and it was pretty suspenseful.
  20. Nostromo
    Wow, this podcast is just too spot on perfect! A much needed and perfect rant! Haha Xenomorphine love this guy! You guys sure are right 500% on everything said in this awesome podcast, think I'm going to listen to it for the 3rd time. Someone wake up Scott! Send him this podcast and make sure he listens to it over and over again!
  21. kwisatz
    What kinda buffles me is why Scott easily surrendered his chance on making a Blade Runner sequel when as of late he seems to be immensely fascinated with the whole AI thing (again) and instead trys to push this theme (which obviously is only a side theme in the original picture) through in a franchise where he knows that a lot of the fans and the studio itself are more or less interested in seeing only one thing return: the infamous Alien.

    AI stuff and BR way better matches in my eyes. Im glad though cause i think BR2049 turned out infinitely better than Prom and AC.

    Scott is such a veteran in his field, he mustve known the chances of a considerable public backlash werent exactly low, and above all else he mustve anticipated that sooner or later FOX would insist on reimplanting the Alien. And that they wont be happy with statements like "the beast is cooked" goes without saying.

    Think the chance of a sequel under Ridleys helm are quite slim as of right now.

    A little kitchen sink psychology at the end: I think Scott isnt very happy himself with the portrayal of the Alien in AC and is trying to distance himself from that part of the picture by coming out with these public comments on the subject. Im really getting the impression theres a lot of dissens going on between him and the studio bosses and hes getting more and more frustrated seeing his artistic vision getting burried under external influences on his artistic work.

    FOX wont do another sequel with yet another Alien cameo and Ridlley prob wont be interested in another Alien focused picture and too old and resigned to compromise again here...

    On the other side someone like DV is getting 150mio for a 2:45 R-rated picture and then FOX comes along imposing the Alien on Ridley again, demanding a roughly 2 hours action fest? Whyyyy would he do that-- Then again he seems to be the archetype of a workaholic so theres that.
  22. FenGiddel
    Geez, dude: you play that one note like Walter without David's fingering. To the open-minded, I'd throw these in the mix: I was talking with someone recently about Special Order 937 and the new SO 931 we hear about in 'Advent.' I always wondered if there are 936 others. Or if it was the 37th in Series 900 orders designed for ET contact situations? That would be an interesting thread to weave in... Also: I hope Dan O'Bannon's love for Lovecraft's 'cosmicism' might've gotten imprinted on Ridley back in '79; the idea that ordinary life is a thin shell separating us from something so alien and abstract that encountering it would damage drive a person insane. That's the kind of 'engineers' I'd like to see... Sort of like SM's idea of the 'nouveau riche' (David) versus the 'vieux riche' (the creators of the alien of ALIEN). I'd say the potential for the prequels to waste the opinions of the naysayers is  v a a a a s t ...
  23. FenGiddel
    Quote from: Ingwar on Dec 04, 2017, 07:59:32 PM
    It didn't say that he didn't earn the right. He did earn it and he ... wasted it with Prometheus and Covenant. Time to pass it to somebody else. It doesn't have to be Neill.

    PS Scott himself muddied the waters.
    Ah, c'mon, Ingwar! How about a more positive use of those words. Perhaps use 'wasted' in a sentence with 'Prometheus' or 'Covenant' to  refer to the level of intoxication one might experience from a drinking game that required a shot every time there was a 'that rat-bastard, David!' moment...;D
  24. SM
    QuoteIt didn't say that he didn't earn the right. He did earn it and he ... wasted it with Prometheus and Covenant. Time to pass it to somebody else. It doesn't have to be Neill.

    The box office and reviews tell us it's wasn't as wasted and you'd like us to think.
  25. tleilaxu
    Quote from: trilobite on Dec 04, 2017, 09:37:48 PM
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 04, 2017, 09:06:14 PM
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 04, 2017, 09:35:20 AM
    So I was just reminded about some insider comments we'd heard about Scott and Alien 5. It sounds like there may have been some dick moves from Scott in regards to getting Alienkamp pushed to the side.  :-\
    Even if that's true it'd still be great news. Blomkamp's best film was literally an Apartheid story with shrimps. No f**king thanks to that in the Alien-verse.

    Quote from: trilobite on Dec 04, 2017, 03:50:21 PM
    denis villeneuve would be a dream, his track record is really exciting and i think dune is in good hands
    would also like to see what david fincher could do if given another shot.
    Are you sure about that? After Blade Runner 2049's Hollywoodesque script I'm less certain, and on top of that Brian Herbert, the man dedicated to raping his father's legacy to death, is also collaborating on the movie IIRC. I'm prepared to get disappointed.

    you didn't like br2049? i'm not sure i'd call it hollywoodesque either, considering the ending
    "GUYS WE ARE NOT SLAVES WE ARE HUMANS TOO, AND THE FACT THAT WE CAN HAVE KIDS PROVES IT, ALSO HERE'S HARRISON FORD REUNITING WITH HIS DAUGHTER" this was like, super Hollywoodesque. I got hyped for Niander Wallace, but in the end he's just a guy trying to optimize replicant production. And for some reason they need to take Harrison Ford to space before they can torture him. So many things didn't make sense and felt like Hollywood plot contrivances.
    Note, I still liked the movie, just wasn't what I was hoping for.
  26. trilobite
    Quote from: tleilaxu on Dec 04, 2017, 09:06:14 PM
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 04, 2017, 09:35:20 AM
    So I was just reminded about some insider comments we'd heard about Scott and Alien 5. It sounds like there may have been some dick moves from Scott in regards to getting Alienkamp pushed to the side.  :-\
    Even if that's true it'd still be great news. Blomkamp's best film was literally an Apartheid story with shrimps. No f**king thanks to that in the Alien-verse.

    Quote from: trilobite on Dec 04, 2017, 03:50:21 PM
    denis villeneuve would be a dream, his track record is really exciting and i think dune is in good hands
    would also like to see what david fincher could do if given another shot.
    Are you sure about that? After Blade Runner 2049's Hollywoodesque script I'm less certain, and on top of that Brian Herbert, the man dedicated to raping his father's legacy to death, is also collaborating on the movie IIRC. I'm prepared to get disappointed.

    you didn't like br2049? i'm not sure i'd call it hollywoodesque either, considering the ending
  27. tleilaxu
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Dec 04, 2017, 09:35:20 AM
    So I was just reminded about some insider comments we'd heard about Scott and Alien 5. It sounds like there may have been some dick moves from Scott in regards to getting Alienkamp pushed to the side.  :-\
    Even if that's true it'd still be great news. Blomkamp's best film was literally an Apartheid story with shrimps. No f**king thanks to that in the Alien-verse.

    Quote from: trilobite on Dec 04, 2017, 03:50:21 PM
    denis villeneuve would be a dream, his track record is really exciting and i think dune is in good hands
    would also like to see what david fincher could do if given another shot.
    Are you sure about that? After Blade Runner 2049's Hollywoodesque script I'm less certain, and on top of that Brian Herbert, the man dedicated to raping his father's legacy to death, is also collaborating on the movie IIRC. I'm prepared to get disappointed.
  28. Ingwar
    It didn't say that he didn't earn the right. He did earn it and he ... wasted it with Prometheus and Covenant. Time to pass it to somebody else. It doesn't have to be Neill.

    PS Scott himself muddied the waters.
  29. SM
    Quote from: Ingwar on Dec 04, 2017, 01:31:09 PM
    Quote from: SM on Dec 04, 2017, 11:41:23 AM
    Advantages of seniority and a proven track record and awards vs. a guy who made one good movie and two average ones.  He should let the new guy take over just 'cos?

    From 2010 Scott made mediocre movies like Robin Hood, The Counsellor and Exodus: Gods and Kings. Two so-so/decent, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant and one great, The Martian. Would you call that proven track record?

    Alien and Blade Runner were Scott's second and third movies. Why not give a chance to somebody young and passionate about Alien universe?

    The three you disingenuously cherry picked while attempting to handwave the preceding 30+ years of the man's career were stronger than Blomkamp's three features.

    He's earned the right across that career to say 'I want to continue with this and not have the waters muddied'.

    I'd say 'nice try' but it really wasn't.
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