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Interview with Predator: If It Bleeds Editor Bryan Thomas Schmidt – AvPGalaxy Podcast #56

We have just uploaded the 56th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! The latest episode of our podcast sees RidgeTop and myself chat to Bryan Thomas Schmidt, the editor of the upcoming anthology Predator: If It Bleeds.

We talk about If It Bleeds, Bryan’s love for Predator 2, crossovers, what reboots mean to fans and the studios, canon, his and Holly Roberd’s short story starring Mike Harrigan and Garber, the usual detour to something Star Trek related and plenty more! Bryan also reveals that Titan is published a novelization of The Predator!

 Interview with Predator: If It Bleeds Editor Bryan Thomas Schmidt - AvPGalaxy Podcast #56

Predator: If It Bleeds editor Bryan Thomas Schmidt talks about his love of Predator 2 in our latest podcast episode!

When Bryan refers to Nancy Collin’s comic, he is talking about Predator: Hell Come a Walkin’. Predator: If It Bleeds is due for release on the 17th of October and is available to pre-order on Amazon (UK/US). Be sure to head on over to the reviews section and check out my thoughts on the upcoming anthology!

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. For your Apple owners, our podcast is also available on iTunes.

You can learn more about Bryan on his website. You can also follow him on Facebook or Twitter. Bryan also co-hosts his own podcast called Genre Talk which you can find on Podbean.

Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator and all things Predator! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 18
  1. Mark Ward
    I thought Drug War was great - it was awesome to see Harrigan back in action - brought back a lot of memories from Predator 2 so had to go watch it again! There are so many great stories in If It Bleeds that i really hope that they get to do another anthology and yeah - it would be awesome to see an AVP anthology - i am so needing to find out what happened to Alexa following her encounter with the aliens and the queen. It would be great to see a continuation of her story, she was one of the key highlights of AVP.
  2. Corporal Hicks
    When I'm at home I have to have everything turned off but when I'm out and about I find I'm able to turn everything else out. I'll generally always have a book on me when I'm travelling and I'm not driving.

    The book is officially out today, folk! Go pick it up!
  3. Darkness
    lol, finally listened today. I was laughing at work when I heard the hot tub and your mother remark.

    I think I will enjoy reading an anthology of short stories rather than a full novel.
  4. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: BryanThomasS on Oct 05, 2017, 07:38:32 AM
    I love the scene where they fight on the building and the Predator crashes into the apartment and the old lady comes with the broom...hilarious.  One of many.

    "I don't think he gives a shit..."

    For me, it was always that scene when Harrigan steps into that spaceship. When I saw it as a kid I was fascinated by all the design choices and those skulls.

    Quote from: Tony Pope on Oct 06, 2017, 01:22:57 AM
    Terrific Podcast! Such chemistry between all of the personalities involved makes for an entertaining listen.

    Thanks, Tony! Glad you enjoyed it! Bryan was so much fun to have on.
  5. Saith
    Terrific Podcast! Such chemistry between all of the personalities involved makes for an entertaining listen.

    Pre-ordered this book, but the wait is proving difficult. Will read though Turnabout again as seems relevant! 
    Drug War also sounds really great.
  6. GreybackElder
    Quote from: BryanThomasS on Oct 04, 2017, 12:03:55 AM
    Thanks. I am a cool guy...   words no one in high school ever said about me LOL. And I hope you all enjoy. I made this book for us.
    Well Mr. Bryan Thomas Schmidt let me welcome you to the coolest fandom around(said no one ever probably.)Thank you again for your contribution to everything predator! By the way, do you have a favorite scene in P2? I would have to say either the meatlocker scene or the ship scene when the clan arrives! Great stuff!
  7. GreybackElder
    I think I have to agree with 426buddy on this one, excellent job boys! I love how Bryan Thomas Schmidt is such an enthusiastic predator fan. "If it bleeds" sounds like it's going to be a killer read!
  8. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: 426Buddy on Oct 03, 2017, 12:44:09 AM
    Another great podcast fellas, i was going to skip this because of Bughunt but I think i'll definitly pick it up.

    Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I found Bughunt middling but If It Bleeds just kept going from strength to strength for me. Really enjoyed it.

    QuoteHe seems like a really cool guy, I think its awesome that hes such a big fan of P2.

    Bryan was really fun to chat to! I'm glad he took the time to join us for a nerd session.  :)
  9. 426Buddy
    Another great podcast fellas, i was going to skip this because of Bughunt but I think i'll definitly pick it up.

    He seems like a really cool guy, I think its awesome that hes such a big fan of P2.
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