San Diego Comic Con has come and gone and as we expected, The Predator was a no-show. However, Olivia Munn was at the convention promoting her upcoming film The Lego Ninjago Movie. While chatting to YahooMovies about the new Lego movie, Olivia Dunn talked very briefly about The Predator.
Munn re-iterated that The Predator was set in the same universe as the other Predator films but it didn’t rely on them for its own story. More interestingly, she spoke a little about the first time she came across the actual Predator on the set of the new film.
“It was bananas. We all go into this room…it was really creepy….because we go into this room to go see him and he’s just…he’s moved by a guy with this remote control. It’s so visceral. He’s breathing and everything moves and it’s a trip. It’s really intense. It’s jarring actually because it’s not animated in CG, it’s just right there.”
Veteran Predator (and Alien) effects company Amalgamated Dynamics Inc. are providing the creature effects for Shane Black’s The Predator.
Fellow The Predator actor Keegan-Michael Key also recently talked a little about his experience working on the film, describing it as a “real privilege to do” and that viewers expecting a simple retread of the first film would be in for “a very pleasant surprise.”
Keegan also commented on the continuity of the new film, confusing the matter a little for people. He said it wasn’t a sequel. Alien vs. Predator Galaxy would just like to clarify that a little for those confused by his comments.
The Predator is a sequel, it is just not a direct continuation of any of the other Predator films. It is 100% set within the same continuity as it features Peter Keye’s very own son. It just doesn’t pick up any specific story threads from the previous film.
Thanks to ace3g for the news. Keep checking in with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on The Predator! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Predator fans on our forums!
DaddyYautja, both Predator 2 and Predators have mentioned the events of they are not entirely stand alone.
and all preds had animatronics faces. Or is she talking about that spider predator thing?
I wonder if it'll be a complete body, apparently strapped to a table, or if it'll just be the upper-torso or something. Can't see why they'd need a complete body.
Yeah, exactly. I'm surprised this ever confused people.
Sorry, the site doesn't like guests posting one after another. Tends to merge them.
It would have been interesting to see Legacy do the effects but I do like ADI's Predators and I really like the suits and masks we've seen so far from this.
Possible for the taller more powerful predator..but she also coud of been talking about the guy who controls the teeth and eyes and facial movement with a remote control..
but even that took more then one man before"...just for the facial movement.. Gotta wait and see.
"It's jarring actually because it's not animated in CG, it's just right there!"
Then when the movie comes out all of the awesome practical effects are covered up with cheep atrocious looking CGI, can't wait!
sorry the site glitched and made me replay to your post, I didn't mean too.
And here I was hoping Stan WInston studios was gonna get the rights to do the predator creations and whatnot
From what she describes, it seems like this will be the same as all the others: A definite sequel which simply happens not to feature the previous characters.