With the American Blu-ray release of Alien: Covenant just over a month away, 20th Century Fox has released a press release confirming some of the special features that will be included in the home release of Alien: Covenant.
The new press release gives us a break down of the 18 minutes worth of deleted and alternate scenes that we can expect! Some of these we have previously detailed in our Alternate/Deleted Scenes page but some aren’t as well known.
Having read Alan Dean Foster’s novelization and had reports of scenes missing from the test screenings, we have an idea as to what some of these alternate and deleted scenes are likely to be!
- Prologue (Extended) – During the film’s prologue there was some extended dialogue between David and Weyland while David plays the piano. David explains what Richard Wagner’s Das Rheingold – Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla is about, telling Weyland that it is about God’s abandoning their creations due to their displeasure with their creation’s greed and vanity, only to realise that the Gods themselves share the same flaws.
- Walter in Greenhouse – There is a short scene where Walter is tending to a greenhouse aboard the Covenant, whistling to himself as he does so. There’s a brief dialogue exchange where Mother tells Walter music helping plants grow is a myth. He asks why she thinks he was whistling to the plants.
- Oram and Daniels (Extended) – After the crew access the damage on the Covenant, Oram orders Daniels to take some time off and “cry it out.” His suggestion does not go down well.
- Walter Visits Daniels – As discussed in our Alternate/Deleted Scenes page, there’s a brief scene where Walter visits Daniels in her quarters (after Oram removes her from active duty) and offers her some cannabis to relax.
- Daniels Bedroom Flashback – I believe this one maybe the previously discussed deleted scene with Jacob and Daniels in their apartment back on Earth, discussing their cabin in the woods. In the novelization it was placed before the crew awakens from cryosleep but it may have later been moved in the edit before being removed completely.
- Jacob’s Funeral (Extended) – After Daniels invites Walter to join in with Jacob’s funeral, Walter offers to perform a funeral service. After Daniels turns him down, Walter asks why she invited him. Daniels explains that she’s now alone in a crew made of couples and that she thought Walter might know a thing or two about being on his own.
- Ledwards Fall
- Crossing the Plaza (Extended) – In The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant, there’s a production still of the Covenant expedition survivors looking down the big hole in the middle of the plaza approaching the Citadel.
- Daniels Thanks Walter – While in the Citadel, Daniels takes a moment to thank Walter for diving in front of the Neomorph and saving her life. He tells her that he is “here to serve.“
- Rosenthal Prayer
- Walter Reports Back – After having had a chance to talk to David and be shown around his quarters and Shaw’s grave, Walter reports his impressions back to Oram, Daniels and Lope. He expresses his concern about David’s tangential thinking and lack of maintenance.
- Stairs to Eggroom (Extended)
I’m not sure what Ledwards Fall, Rosenthal Prayer or Stairs to Eggroom may entail and none of this is 100% confirmed. It’s just what we think based on existing information. Interestingly though, there appears to be no trace of either version of the deleted scene featuring both the Neomorph and the Alien.
Thanks to Rafael Saraiva for the news. The American release of Alien: Covenant is currently slated for August 15th. The European release isn’t until September 18th.
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Does answer some questions, I had before and clears a few things up for me.
Ill give Covenant another watch when it comes out
Blame Shaw! She rejected Paradise as a gift!
No, problem, but credit has to go to Alien Prequel Fan Club member Austin James O'Neall for the upload. The version I was going to upload was shitty compared to his. Looks like he recorded it off his Xbox.
I just wanted to make sure the fans were aware of it.
Poor Shaw. It was horrifying what David did to her.
I love how the video is in the form of transmissions. I always suspected that this was how W/Y found out about the Xenomorph.
Poor Daniels. I really liked her.
The full Phobos segment is awesome.
Yeah, after all the current senior people at Fox have moved on we could certainly see a few new reels come to light.
Like Alien 3. It took Fox ten years to admit they screwed the pooch with Fincher and in return released the Assembly cut.
this has been a long and on going theory among some of us... im pretty much certain that the Engineers shown in the beginning of Prometheus (both theatrical and deleted scene) aaaaaaaaand the Engineers on the planet in Covenant are the same faction. The Engineers on LV-223 were a war mongering faction which split due to the peaceful Engineers wanting to retain religion with rejection of a technology based populace versus the warring faction who kept technology in their forefront.
and again, what leads credence to this is the easter egg in Aliens: Colonial Marines. fox said the game was canon, including the "prometheus easter egg"... soooooooooooooo the wolf that David refers to is most likely this warring faction.
I still like the film, but, y'know...
The way the short video was edited made it seem like the xeno was the wolf David referred to. The long version makes it clear that David is referring to the Engineers. I'm back to thinking that the Engineers on LV-223 had rebelled against the peaceful ones on Paradise and been outcast.
though i would still like to see the footage of Shaw and David that was cut from the film (given i loved Shaws character a lot)... 10 years of travel and discovery of the Engineers history is a bit much to leave out. maybe one day it will leak
As time passes those 12 minutes will become like the illusive workprint of Alien 3 that for years many spoke about until Fox finally decided to release it for the Anthology release. That cut greatly improved upon the film. I have feeling that will happen also with Covenant, though I hope it doesn't take 10 to 12 years for that sequence to finally see the light of day.
Isn't it on Youtube or somewhere else?
Sadly, there is more footage with Noomi though it was cut out, and for some reason was kept out from the blu-ray release.
That was AWESOME! So creepy and dark. The idea of David being the creator was hard to swallow at first, but I've really grown to love it.
I'm afraid not. That's pretty much absent from the novel from what I remember.
Currently tearing thru the Alien Covenant novelization... which Im quite enjoying much more than the movie due to how detailed it is and lets in on what the characters are thinking and feeling (the opening scene with David and Weyland was MUCH better in the book). But, books have a lot of room to convey said detail that films cannot do, which is always a treat (ie: Arrival vs The Story of Your Life, both are amazing, but the book was able to convey LOTS of details the film left out)
Heres hoping that the prequel novel intersplices some story line of "The Crossing" with the main storyline of the Covenant crew!
He's gone loopy, remember. Fassbender said in the Collector's Edition how he killed Shaw so she couldn't ever leave him. I kinda liked that psychotic angle to his motivation.
Also -
With how he treats her corpse here, I have to question if David really loved her? Maybe he did, but he sure has a strange way of showing it.
Now that becomes even more creepy since Daniels asked David what did he do to Shaw, and he replies the same thing that I'm going to do to you.
I was uploading it to Youtube and I had to take it down. Sorry.
The video hints that Daniels is going to be the Queen. As David is talking about his plans it shows a shot of Daniels in cryo sleep.
It reminds me of what happened to Mary Kelly.
Speculating here, perhaps, just perhaps, this 'queen' could be the one who births those eggs in the juggernaut found in LV-426, instead of the egg morphing theory that's been thrown about recently. Though, now knowing that Fox is reassessing on what to do with the prequel trilogy, we might be left with only speculating and theorizing.
Here's something to hold you over.
Rosenthal's Prayer showing a little bit more of the adult Neomorph! Looks like the practical suit.
no worries. I'll wait for the blu ray to see this on my big screen. Though, thanks.
I'll PM you the video later on after I'm done doing some work around my house.
thanks for the clarification. Though, this viral is revealing that David is one sick puppy.
The video is more like a warning to the company, not that he's working for them. He promises his new creations will take over the world. The word report was probably the wrong one to use.
Whoa! That's opening a can of worms regarding the Corporation. One can speculate they know what happened, and the corporation sent the Covenant to rendezvous on Paradise for David to experiment on the colonists. In addition, this settles the debate if there's going to be a Queen in the prequel series.
Oh Jesus Christ!. DAFQ! Oh no!
Oh yeah! Pretty graphic!
I have to guess does it show David experimenting on her corpse?
I recently bought this and the viral marketing video called 'Advent' is pretty sick! Poor Shaw! It also definitely confirms that David is the creator of the Xeno. The film does that, but this video puts the speculation to rest.
Looks like Australia gets a nice release date. I'm buying it for the commentary.