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Alien: Covenant 2 to Start Shooting in 14 Months?

Following the premiere of Alien: Covenant, Sir Ridley Scott has been fielding many questions from the press at the various junkets. IGN UK has posted their own chat with Ridley Scott where they put across some questions about Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5/3.2 and the sequel to Covenant, Awakening:

“We’re writing [a sequel] now, as we speak. I’ll be filming that within 14 months.”

Ridley Scott has spoken previously about how he wanted to move onto the next Alien prequel fairly quickly, stating that he didn’t want to leave another substantial gap between the films.

Interestingly, Ridley Scott seemed to suggest that the name for Blomkamp’s aborted Alien project might have been Alien: Awakening. This may just be a slip of the tongue though. He does re-emphasize that 20th Century Fox didn’t want to proceed with the new Alien sequel:

“But they didn’t go forward with it, Fox, so I just kind of kept out of it. I mean, I’d literally ignited this thing to bring it off the ground again, because it was lying there dormant on a shelf. I had this thing to bring it back up – but here we are.”

Thanks to Ingwar and Collider for the intel. Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien: Covenant and Alien: Covenant 2! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien fans on our forums!

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Comments: 30
  1. Alienon
    Hmm... Heil Blompkam's Alien: Awakening.

    Awakening from what? From cryosleep-nightmare (alien3/R) of course!

    Neill's Alien5:Awakening??Is that correct?

    Can't wait for Covenant ! But I also want films post-Alien Resurrection. And I'm all for the Ripley clone showing up again !

    Ridley could film the sequel easily next summer as fast he works.He wraps a movie within 3 month or less.He could just film his other project this year and covenant sequel a year later.If Covenant is a hit than Fox will want to have the next for the 40th anniversary as mentioned.Than could be Alien 5 next if these movies doing great.I hope so.

    @SyntaX : please no spoilers like this:

    "Although David is responsible for the creation of a Xenomorph himself"
  2. SyntaX
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 10, 2017, 08:57:09 AM
    Obviously we'll need to see how well the film does at the Box Office but it seems like there's a pretty positive buzz in general about it. And we know they're already working on it so they seem to have a direction in mind. Although, who knows with Scott and how many projects he seems to have on the go.

    While I enjoyed Covenant, I still found it's flaws really groan inducing, I think it's time to hand over the reins again.

    Things could've been alot better. The more I think about Covenant, the more I start to hate it  :-\ It contradicts so much that I loved from the previous movies. I'll go see it again next week. Because there's a ton of things I already forgot.

    I really hope an upcoming Alien movie doesn't mess around with what has been established in Alien/Aliens. Although David is responsible for the creation of a Xenomorph himself ... I'd really hate the idea he was responsible for all of them.

    Let's hope Ridley Scott is able to connect the dots himself instead of reinventing the entire franchise. Leave Alien and Aliens out of this. Connect to Alien and leave it at that. Damn shame Alien 5 (Blomkamp's version) has been canned. Could've been a great ride seeing Hicks, Ripley and Newt return.
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Obviously we'll need to see how well the film does at the Box Office but it seems like there's a pretty positive buzz in general about it. And we know they're already working on it so they seem to have a direction in mind. Although, who knows with Scott and how many projects he seems to have on the go.

    While I enjoyed Covenant, I still found it's flaws really groan inducing, I think it's time to hand over the reins again.
  4. zoidy
    Face it people, Ridley is a clever guy, making movies for a lifetime, used to fielding questions from the press, and he's 80 years old.

    In that context, when youre getting the same questions 10 times a day from different outlets, who *wouldn't* have a little fun and tell each one something different?


    Edit - just to be clear, what I'm saying in all seriousness is Ridley might make another, it might be in only 14 months ... but it's unlikely, and I wouldn't believe what he says now. Not because he's lying, but because he's spitballing, and thinking aloud, as he does.

    People shouldn't take what he says as being fact, until the movie actually starts pre production. Then and only then will we know, huh, he is making a new alien film  ;D
  5. brokentusk420
    It would have been a terrible movie seeing those geriatrics parading around again just because a group of people wish that the characters didnt die off. Please....this whole bumkamp movie is the epitome of the fan(s) who feel they are entitled to a say in the production and outcome of a movie franchise. What happen to letting the artists do as they please? Free of the fear of some group of internet bloggers shitting on their property because it doesn't fit their narrative of what they feel should happen.
  6. Immortan Jonesy
    Quote from: motherfather on May 10, 2017, 01:51:38 AM
    Didnt it take aaaages to write covenant and then rewrite it and have it knocked into shape?  A number of writers were attached and detached to the "in the pipeline" prometheus 2 project.

    It sounds a bit optimistic to be shooting next year. Unless there is some way to cash in on pre-Brexit film studios etc...

    After Prometheus, I believe they were clueless about the proper direction of the story. But now it's different, they have a clear vision of where to go. But I could be wrong  :P
  7. Predaker
    Quote from: motherfather on May 10, 2017, 01:51:38 AM
    Didnt it take aaaages to write covenant and then rewrite it and have it knocked into shape? It sounds a bit optimistic to be shooting next year.

    Right, although this time it's a bit different. They're already working on the script with the same writer and there is more focus with what they want to do next, now that the prequels are back on track. Delays could still happen but if they go ahead with shooting next summer, we could easily get the next one in 2019.
  8. motherfather
    Didnt it take aaaages to write covenant and then rewrite it and have it knocked into shape?  A number of writers were attached and detached to the "in the pipeline" prometheus 2 project.

    It sounds a bit optimistic to be shooting next year. Unless there is some way to cash in on pre-Brexit film studios etc...
  9. hfeldhaus
    In all fairness to Fox, you have Ridley Scott on one hand and Nell Blomkamp on the other. Just having Scotts name on it gives it a profits boost whereas Blomkamp has had a stuttering start to his career.
  10. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯
    Quote from: Ingwar on May 09, 2017, 10:13:21 PM
    Quote"Except I do question – why have both (Blomkamp's Alien and Scott's Alien) out there? It seems like shooting your big toe off – it doesn't make sense. But they didn't go forward with it, Fox, so I just kind of kept out of it."

    That means studio might have listened to what Ridley was thinking and they killed it.

    It would ultimately still have been the studio's decision. But Scott seems to contradict himself since he also says; "If I could have, I would have [produced it]". And why wouldn't it make sense? If Disney can produce two new Star Wars movies in different time periods why can't Fox do the same with Alien?

    Also a lot of confusion with regards to Alien: Awakening. First it was supposed to be a prequel to Alien: Covenant and now it was apparently the title of Blomkamp's project? WTF?   ??? :laugh:

  11. Ingwar
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on May 09, 2017, 09:33:16 PM
    Quote from: Ingwar on May 09, 2017, 09:16:52 PM
    And he killed Blomkamp's project.

    Well he said; "I just kind of kept out of it". I interpreted that as, he didn't want to get involved with the studio's politics.

    He also asked question:

    Quote"Except I do question – why have both (Blomkamp's Alien and Scott's Alien) out there? It seems like shooting your big toe off – it doesn't make sense. But they didn't go forward with it, Fox, so I just kind of kept out of it."

    That means studio might have listened to what Ridley was thinking and they killed it.
  12. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯
    Quote from: Ingwar on May 09, 2017, 09:16:52 PM
    And he killed Blomkamp's project.

    Well he said; "I just kind of kept out of it". I interpreted that as, he didn't want to get involved with the studio's politics.

    Quote from: cucuchu on May 09, 2017, 09:21:08 PM
    Lets see how successful Covenant is first.

    Yeah, that will be the determining factor. He's doing "All the Money in the World" next, a relatively small project that will probably keep him busy for the next six months or so.
  13. SpeedyMaxx
    Ridley says a lot of stuff. He said similar things during promotion of Prometheus. I'll believe it is filming that soon when I see confirmation that shooting's begun. I think it's more likely he'll do one or two other things in-between.
  14. cucuchu
    Lets see how successful Covenant is first. If it bombs, then I have a feeling a sequel will be either non-existent or not where Ridley wants to take it.

    Hoping for the best though. Just worried that public perception of the movie might not be up to par. Googling Alien Covenant will drop some rather tepid/disappointing reviews on the first page of results.
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