For those of us in the UK, actor Michael Fassbender appeared on popular chat show The Graham Norton show on Friday night. Fassbender spoke a little about the film but a brand new Alien Covenant clip aired. The scene takes place towards the end of the film when Katherine Waterston’s Daniels and Danny McBride’s Tennessee are searching for the Xenomorph through the corridors of the Covenant spaceship.
Michael Fassbender’s Walter is directing them over the radio link and watching their movements as well as the Xenomorph scuttling through the vents. The video ends as Walter closes one airlock, the Xenomorph peers up towards the CCTV camera and destroys it.
Thanks to FreeFacehugz for the tip.
Ye of little faith
Good deal!
It was as if they had run out of sfx budget and had to do some of these cgi pieces on the cheap. Oh well!
It looked like it was sliding along the floor, like it was trying to stop to avoid slamming into the closing doors. That would also explain why the tail was whipped forward all scorpiony.
Spoiler tags man!
Tag added. Hicks.
In another thread it's confirmed 'this' is in the movie but surely not in this form???
Spoiler tag added. Hicks.
I'll have to watch the full scene, but the Alien has been on the ship at that point for a good bit of time I think. So it might have learned the structures of the ship. Like I said it can learn and adapt. Now if you think it's stupid, that's subjective. I think it's pretty cool that the Alien can figure things out. And it can see judging from the POV shots that we've seen in this particular moment so I'm sure it sees Walter.
so its a display of its intelligence, and besides that maybe the camera moved and made a little bit of sound.
*watches clip again*
They learn and adapt. At least that's how I make sense of it.
This clip is laughably bad.
Also, Walter wincing when the Alien snapped at the camera was extremely unusual given he's a droid. Is he reprogrammed with more human-like emotions and functionality at some point in the film?
What's going on with the ALIEN around the 0:09 second point in the clip--it looks like the CGI ALIEN has magically disolved its back bones through the floor plates, not through the hatch opening but through the actual floor metal plates--not cool, not good at all!
What made A L I E N so awesome (creature related) was that we never really saw the beast in the fashion we now do in the latest film. Thank God the shark in JAWS never worked--a great lesson to be re-learned in todays cinema-
That indeed look like a a simple After Effects overlay shots
Not sure how it plays in the film but it doesn't add anything to the clip there.
I suppose they could have even salvaged that scene by not being so closeup or dirtying up the image to mask a poor job at cgi. Anything surely would be better than currently.
And since when do androids jump? David didn't jump in Prometheus when the engineer's head exploded.
Scary to think this is what Ridley initially wanted with his Xenomorph (in Alien) had they had the digital equipment in the (late) 70's.
Godzilla 2014 a masterpiece? Do people really think that? The human element was pathetic, and Godzilla was kind of meh. Maybe I'm completely alone in that perspective.
Worst piece from the marketing campaing so far for me.
Not bad for only a few hours old. And people say aliens are just mindless bugs.
I like those effects of the alien, it makes it look scarier. CGI has killed horror because it makes everything look too perfect.
Liu Kang's animality: