20th Century Fox has released another new marketing video (via their Indonesian Twitter account) for Alien: Covenant, this one focusing on Daniels and the presence of MU-TH-UR aboard the Covenant.
“The crew of the Covenant leading into new planets accompanied MU-TH-UR, smart artificial intelligence.”
Para awak Covenant menuju ke planet baru ditemani MU-TH-UR, artificial intelligence cerdas. #AlienCovenant di bioskop & @IMAX mulai 10 Mei. pic.twitter.com/eg3jL9cDAq
— 20th Century Fox ID (@20thCFoxID) May 3, 2017
Unfortunately, the video quality isn’t great so we’ll update this post when the new video is uploaded to YouTube,
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Update 03/05/2017 – The video has now been deleted.
Update 05/05/2017 – The video has been re-uploaded to the domestic 20th Century Fox social media accounts.
“When survival is her only option, #SheWontGoQuietly. Daniels (Katherine Waterston) teams up with MUTHUR, the Covenant’s onboard AI, to take out a hostile alien threat.”
It's Luke Scott.
This is another short directed by his son Luke Scott.
The video is now up on YouTube.
Ah, you meant in terms of everyone being able to talk to the computer, not location? My bad.
Either that, or Muthur needing to be rebooted and taking on a different default voice seem to be the only possibilities in which Weaver could voice now that we know another actress is involved. Its not very likely, but at least logically thosr could be the only scenarios.
I mean I could go through it critiquing each and every part and why it's poor, much poorer than anything I have seen from Ridley Scott, if you want but to take one in particular. The card game has Tennessee sitting with his back to the camera for most of it and he is the main focus of Catherine Waterstone's characters show boating, so we would want to see how his character reacts to it and he then awkwardly half turns so we can see his face to make a joke.
That sort of shooting mistakes would not be in a Ridley Scott film.
As I stated above, I hope you are right about the first bit. The second bit you are right for sure because someone else has already been identified as the voice of MUTHER
I could be wrong, but I did tell everyone that wasn't Sigourney Weaver...
As for who can access MU-TH-UR/Mother, access may be more open depending on the type of mission brief. Further, with
She had access at that point as she explained to Ash.
1. To learn as much as possible about Walter, in order to make it easier for David to impersonate him.
2. To make Walter similar to David in action and thought, to more easily impersonate him.
I think great effort will be put into making the audience believe that it is indeed Walter; probably going all the way to the end, with the truth most likely being revealed post-credits, maybe with Walter (David) casting some triumphant smirk once Daniels is dead or back in cryo. Maybe David will head to the bridge and set coordinates for somewhere worse. Surely they wouldn't wait for the next film to reveal it was David afterall? It would be wild and unexpected though.
On a side note, the room she's in with the alien really reminded me of Isolation, which is wonderful.
I suppose this is another case of Ridley throwing out the old in favor of the new.
Trying to hide their evil plans by not saying how much times she has left, but we will tell you shit will blow up.
She also resetted the digital counters on the pulse rifles, making it count in predator nuke style thing.
"you know have one predator hand to reach safe minimum distance"
I still detect Sigourney's voice, it sounds less Sigourney-ish though. I really hope it is her. One thing is for sure, its enough of a voice acting role to attract any of the female actors in the alien franchise who wouldn't say no to making a few extra coins by voicing muthur.
yep, as red as they get.
What do you think??
those can't be actual clips from the movie?
I want more ammo, mother!
odd, didnt that window actually show the view from the 'lake' on the planet?
Then that last part where the AI actually helps the character reminded me of this
Ah, yes. I can hear it now. Thanks. I think I need to de-gunk my ears.
"MU-TH-UR, any additional ammo on board?"
Or lethal ammo aka lammo?
Definitely something to do with ammo. lol.
Hmm, I re-listened and it doesn't sound like that to me. It sounds a bit more like "I know there's s'ammo onboard". Perhaps Daniels has been knocking back the space-piña-coladas.
♫ If you like Pina Coladas, and acid that's like rain ♫
♫ If you're not into yoga, when you're only left with half a brain ♫
Imagine the future where we really give our lives in the "hands" of an a.i. a chip called muthur in full control of everything, keeping a close eye on your behaviour and link every type of behaviour to something, and the walls and ground and tables are all touchscreen sensitive, so she will always know what you are writing on a letter or if your pase is off balance when you are trying to trick her that your cool but she already sees through it all just because the cheatin bitch has studied you for days, months, years...
Its like the song from Queen, to much a.i. will kill you
In space, no one can hear you bleat.