20th Century Fox and Audi have just released a fun little video with the Lunar Quattro rover used during the filming of Alien: Covenant. The new short shows the lunar quattro activating having detected an unidentified lifeform in the terraforming bay aboard the Covenant…
“Audi presents a suspenseful short film featuring the Audi lunar quattro as an integral part of the Alien: Covenant colonization mission. Besides providing exploration and research support, it also patrols the ship for unseen dangers. One night, an unidentified presence in the ship’s Terraforming Bay prompts it to investigate what might be lurking in the dark.
Exploring the unknown. The Audi lunar quattro. With intelligent technologies.”
The lunar quattro a genuine lunar rover concept that is the product of Audi and The Part-Time Scientist’s participation in Google’s Lunar XPRIZE (GLXP) competition. In addition to the short, Audi has also shared some pictures of the lunar quattro on location at Milford Sound and on set in the terraforming bay on their website.
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Yep that's about right.
They could have been en route for 10 years (when Prometheus landed) making the trip 17 years...
Or they may even have left before Prometheus left.
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Ridley has signed up Durex for the follow up to Covenant, mainly for the scenes after the colonists awake from cryo...
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We get to see Private Cole up close and say a couple lines...cool
Spaceship engineer: So, for mapping of the colonists' new planet I think we should equip the Covenant with PUPS. Those flying ball things that can build up a 3D map of an environment and detect toxins and lifeforms, amongst other things.
Company executive: No, sounds like a terrible idea. A little robot on wheels can do that in only a matter of months.
Spaceship engineer: Well, it's your call, but what if there's long grass? Or a wheat field or something?
Company executive: It can drive up on a hill, stupid!
Spaceship engineer: ...and the Covenant should have full interior coverage CCTV.
Company executive: Why? Just put a few cameras here and there. What you need is something to patrol the ship for unseen dangers.
Spaceship engineer: OK, you have a Walter android on board.
Company executive: No! Walter will be busy enough watching old movies and styling his hair. These are unseen dangers. Right then, the little robot on wheels. Ideal to find things lurking in the dark; in which case it had better be solar powered. Any questions?
They're even called that in the assets set.
Apparently they are using 90 year old bobcats on the Covenant...
It's a cool commercial.
It's neat, cause I drive an Audi and I love the Alien Universe.
Two of my favourite things.
I'm sure ADF will take a swing at the technicalities in his novelization. It's the sort of thing he'd probably be pretty interested in.
There's no way to determine the distance of Origae-6 with only the travel time of the Covenant.
You are overstating things a bit. We have basically no knowledge of Tennessee's younger brother beyond Tennessee giving him shit in a humorous way in a personal message, it doesn't need to be taken so literally as though Tennessee's brother is a literal child or teenager (he doesn't talk to him like one). Tennessee also mentions his brother already has kids - they would simply be older.
i seriously doubt that 7 year mark. impossible. Tennessee in his vid stated he can't wait to see his 'baby brother' old, bald, and having kids. 7 years is nothing. no way in life. makes no sense. huge continuity problem there.
People let your precious brains work and your maths be done. Calculated above light speed = ?
Also, the rover is so cute
We've had Gillette, AMD and now Audi. Were there any others?
I'm assuming this is in the film though, right? The shot of the Alien is from one of the tv spots. I thought that particular shot was from the shower scene.
Only nameless cast member is Alexander England.
Just some slime coming down from roof, and xeno quick shot at the end. Nothing we haven't seen already.
Any spoilers in this? I think of Wall-E when I see this robot.