With Alien: Covenant’s release in just over a month, 20th Century Fox have released another new Alien: Covenant featurette to promote the film (via Fox Extras. H/T to unclefishbits on r/LV426 for the find). Titled The Next Chapter, this new video talks about bridging Prometheus and Alien: Covenant.
Featuring Sir Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender talking about Alien: Covenant, The Next Chapter is full of new Alien: Covenant footage including the younger Peter Weyland, the Juggernaut arriving on Paradise and more! Check it out below!
The video no longer seems to be available via Fox Extras but thanks to puscyfer we have a copy of the video!
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Personally, I would love to see the chestburster shed its skin and molt.
I found this interesting cause it seems to indicate we'll see the chestburster in its original form,and maybe the Empire shot is indeed a juvenile.
I agree with 426Buddy and others, it doesn't really sound like her—except for the Walter bit.
but hey, i'm bringing way too much attention to this rather minor detail. let's just forget it.
From Weaver's perspective (nearing 70 years old) its cash in the bank and an easy gig. As a fan, I'm rapt if its her.
What bit is confusing?
it won't be Ripley voice ......
you might aswell be arguing that baby stuff and Peter Griffin can't exist in the same cartoon.....
like , really ?
good points.
Personally, i read MUTHUR being simply MUTHUR the same overall, but i failed to take in to the equasion as mentioned above too that there are different MUTHUR versions.
Not saying it's not. But he's quite clearly changed his mind. I perceive it as back stage banter.
We don't know because it was a quote from a set report. I personally didn't perceive it as spiteful whatsoever but rather playful injected with a bit of his Geordie humour.
He's had a change of heart with the Alien over the last two years though, that's extremely evident in a lot of the stuff he's been saying (especially recently).
I don't think Blu-Ray exclusive. Prometheus had featurettes like this one released several months before the film was in theaters.
This Youtube channel started uploading them in December 2011: https://www.youtube.com/user/PrometheusNews
Crikey, imagine the tongue lash they'd get if the Internet was around then - a villain recast as an ally!
I imagine the reaction was the same then as it should be now - no-one is fussed.
Maybe this wasn't supposed to come out yet. Maybe this was supposed to be a Blu exclusive featurette??
That actually sounds kind of awesome. XD
Well done.
Several things. First of all, regarding your Terminator comparison, no it wouldn't bother me, depending on how it's done. For example if they have MUTHUR say "get away from her you Bitch" with Weaver's voice in Covenant, yes, that would be completely ridiculous because it will go from a nice nod to obviously referencing Ripley and things that have not yet happened within the Alien universe, which would then be really problematic.
As for your original "equations", two things : Ripley ≠ Weaver, and MUTHUR Covenant ≠ MUTHUR Nostromo. So the rest of your logic makes no sense.
Weaver's voice at 67 isn't Weaver's voice at 30, and Ripley died way before she could hope to reach her late 60s ( Rest in Peace
And MUTHUR Covenant's voice doesn't retroactively change MUTHUR's voice in Alien, I don't even see where that idea of yours comes from
SIRI has a lot of different voices already and it's not been around for twenty years, so to think the voice would be the same because the operating system has the same name is not a legit leap.
Also this.
I don't think one has to theoretically 'lose sleep about it' just to discuss something, and that's exactly what we're doing here.
It doesn't disturb my viewing pleasure, i just find it logically not defendable.
I understand Ridley giving Ripley a part, also from a commercial eye (weaver's in it!!!zomg!!), and i understand Weaver enjoying being part of it,
but it's just utterly 'confusing' in my opinion.
it's a non-issue to you, but it isn't to me.
Let's compare it to the Terminator universe.
Imagine James Cameron will make a prequel to all the Terminator films that we have. Let's take that 20 years 'in between' negates everything nonsense and say, the movie takes place 20 years before the original, so it's in the 60's. Let's say there is a narrator or a radiostation on, and the person narrating/doing a talkshow IS Arnold Schwarzenegger and you can CLEARLY hear his accent and hear it's Arnold; the effin terminator.
it makes ZERO sense to put him in that role, it only confuses and downgrades.
Would you call it a non-issue? 90% of the population wouldn't call it a non-issue. you could defend it all you want "more people have an austrain accent, i don't see the issue" but that's really total bs,
It's the same with weaver voicing the computer. it's just odd and feels weird. But hey, if it's not an issue for you, good for you.
So what if Weaver has a voice acting role of muthur in 'ALIEN: Covenant'. I don't see what the big deal is here.
I read the entire sentence and your clarification just indicates it had little merit in the first place.
The two MUTHUR models are 20 years apart. So what if they have a different voice?
The Ripley of Alien has aged 38 years and is acting anyway and doesn't sound the same. GPSs have different voices and I can't imagine SIRI will sound the same in 20 years time. What a non-issue.
You can be passionate about filmmaking and have disdain for the general audience. You can see in every shot released so far how beautiful the movie looks. There are plenty of shots that made me go "wow, this is very well done" or "wow, he framed that amazingly" so clearly passion for the film isn't an issue for Scott. He does come across as having quite a lot of disdain for audiences who don't "get" his movies, which is sort of understandable for an artist whose work keep being spat on only for it to be reassessed to great acclaim down the line.
Having the Aliens in the movie apparently wasn't his idea, but once he accepted the idea I think he embraced it. I personally found that the footage we saw from Covenant so far is a lot "prettier", colourful and inventive than anything from Prometheus, so it looks like Scott had a better time doing his thing on Covenant than he did on Prometheus. The way he plays with the ship's design in this movie to make beautiful creative shots... he did that in Prometheus, but a lot less ( as far as I remember anyway ). 2001 inspiration seems to have really ignited something in him for this movie.
Spiteful? How do you know? You weren't there. You didn't see him saying that. Therefore you didn't see his facial expression and didn't hear tone of his voice. Maybe he was joking and having fun. Only because he said They wanted Aliens? I'll give them f**king Aliens doesn't mean he's wasn't passionate about making Covenant.
did you read the entire sentance? IF ripley=weaver voiced MUTHER, then she talks to her own voice in alien. After all, MUTHUR in Covenant, MUTHUR in ALIEN. David communicates with MUTHER (Ripley's Voice), Ripley communicates with MUTHUR. thus, if MUTHUR = ripley, she's essentially talking to her own voice in ALIEN.
what i'm saying is it is stupid that weaver voices muthur.
So do I. Keep in mind those stills are of the creature moving very fast and through dark areas, you can hardly tell by those stills if the cgi isnt up to snuff. Im pretty confident the finished film will make everyone happy, at as far as the cgi goes
I think the guy who leaked it had a buddy who worked as an editor or something. I mean, minus the shower/nudity scene, this pretty much is exactly what was described then before any trailer was ever available.
What was the context?
I don't think he's saying that. I think you're reading into it your own issues with Prometheus. Which are valid enough to have, but I don't think they have much to do with Ridley Scott daring to say he thinks his previous space horror movie was scary. Of course he's going to say that.
Again, nobody's saying he needs to publically apologise. There's a difference between that and effectively saying, 'I still regard this earlier thing as a superb example of how to scare audiences.'
This has direct consequences for how this newer film will come across, considering he's repeatedly claiming he'll "scare the shit out of" us quote as before.
It's relatively trivial, but is no less concerning. We know he said on set something like, "They wanted Aliens? I'll give them f**king Aliens..." It came across as spiteful, rather than doing it because he has a passion for them.
Locusta knows what he's talking about. He's not only a professional CGI artist, but was responsible for the creature art in the recent 'Weyland-Yutani Report' book.
And, going by those still images, I'd have to agree. It won't necessarily matter if their split-second fleeting glimpses, but if it's an indication of how they'll look in all scenes, they could very easily cause an 'uncanny valley' effect. It all depends on if there has been much post-production work on them.
I like Weaver voicing, as the character has so much legacy in the movie, and she somewhat 'belongs' in the series, and it's above awesome she is able to work with Ridley. Nostalgic-wise, it's off the charts.
but if we step aside from that 'weaverfanboism', then it's not so great at all.
First of all, her voice is too recognisable. Even if she's older and trying to sound a tad different, and a bit computerized, i can distinctly hear her voice being 'muther'. That's strike A > Muther had a different voice, and then, Weaver actually communicated as Ripley with Muther in Alien. So that somehow makes her communicate to her own voice. which is just lunatic. B > The same 'huge' character from a total of 4 movies also has to voice in and be part of prologues to Alien, when the reality is she is already born in the Covenant movie.
There has been talk and rumour of Weaver getting somehow involved with the movie, then there were some more mentions of that and there were some rumours that she would be voicing muthur, and now all of a sudden we actually hear 'muther' aboard the covenant calling for david in a clear distinguishable Weaver voice. It's Weaver 100%.
also, mentioned in the other thread, and possibly posted in the wrong thread;
i don't like the idea of ripley voicing 'muthur' in this mention. it's dumb beyond words. but again, it's too obvious that it's weaver.
It's good to see Walter appears to be a good guy, judging by him helping Daniels and Tennessee search for the xeno back on the Covenant.