With the film barely 2 months aways, 20th Century Fox and Sir Ridley Scott have just showed off some brand new footage at CinemaCon! Based on the reactions and descriptions, this new footage is showing off some very big scenes! The best description of the footage comes via The Playlist (it should go without saying but spoilers):
“The sneak began with the spacecraft from the last film arriving at the Engineers’ home world. Surprised, startled or curious about this ship’s arrival, hundreds of Engineers have gathered in what looks like a Roman or Greek coliseum for the ship to dock. As the Engineers look on, the base of the ship opens and we find David walking on a deck. He looks ragged, but fully operational in a complete body. Then, as the Engineer population looks on, a mass of black bombs fall from David’s ship. The crowd panics and tries to escape the arena, but the bombs quickly explode and douse them with a black ooze that is sickeningly familiar. The Engineers are quickly transformed into hundreds (or would that be thousands?) of alien creatures as David watches from above satisfied with his…revenge?
We then jump to “present day” where David’s voice-over (or is it younger model Walter’s voice?) describes how man believed they are gods and are leaving their planet seeking paradise in the stars. Walter (Fassbender) has no intention of letting that happen.
It looks like the planet the ‘Covenant’ crew have landed on is either the Engineers’ abandoned home world hundreds of years after David’s actions or a sister planet that David has also seeded with alien spores. As the first trailer depicts, this crew of the colony ship the Covenant lands only to find themselves infected with the same alien monstrosities that besieged the crew of the Prometheus.”
There are other articles covering the footage, all seemingly have a different take on the specifics of what is happening. Playlist thinks the Engineers are being turned into creatures, i09 says they’re melting away. Some of the reports also mention that the new footage hints at David being behind the creation of the Alien.
We’ll know better when we see it with our own eyes when the film comes out. This footage is event exclusive and will not be officially released online. Thanks to Anthony, Pvt. Himmel and Evanus for the news.
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I'm fairly certain that anyone who thinks this is going to be disappointed. It was definitely the intent when they were filming Covenant that they are Engineers. Unless they're really butchering the film in the post - which I don't believe they are - it's likely that that intent has remained the same.
That's exactly what I believe is happening here.
i have mentioned it quite a couple of times and got burned for it multiple times..........been saying it all along.
What is the official synopsis?
Anything is possible. But IMO it's far more likely the planet is exactly what the official synopsis says it is, that those were the Engineers, and that a handful of eyewitnesses have mistaken different clothes, perhaps a slightly different design or just the wrong glimpse for 'something else'.
Who says he is bored with the Engineers? Also, isn't the objective of films like Prometheus and Alien: Covenant to lead to Alien anyway?
I'd much rather it be him carrying the weight of the film and not the Engineers, who I thought were massively underwhelming and contradictory to the Space Jockey in Alien.
I think the more they can distance themselves, the better the movie will turn out.
Is anyone else almost sad that the film is almost out? On one hand I can't wait to see it, while also I'm not looking forward to the long wait to the next one, if there is one.
There's something really fun about all the buildup and speculation.
If they removed the Engineer massacre from one cut of the film and are now reinstating it with different creatures, is it possible that Ridley and/or Fox backpedaled at the very last minute on killing off the Engineers?
Same here, it's quite interesting. I look forward to finding out when the film finally comes out and I don't mind which ever answer it turns out to be.
There is literally no reason David and Shaw would wind up on some other planet with different aliens after they were explicitly said to be going to the Engineers' homeworld. In fact I think the current plot synopsis still indicates that's where they are.
Fox should just release the footage altogether to stop the increasing layers of speculation... I, for one, am definitely not impressed with what has transpired from leaks, quite the opposite, being quite appalled, especially at everything revolving around David, somehow stitching himself up, when he clearly could not even get up nor get out of the ship on his own at the end of Prometheus, and surely the whole android going bonkers repetitive idea is getting awfully stale now, so they better have a far better story than that...also, the black goo would mutate the engineers, and we clearly see from the petrified corpses, that many were not transformed and looked like the corpses found in Pompei, meaning that they were killed instantly, so death by goo is a big stretch from the various postures of the various corpses in the leaked photos... one thing these trailers and leaks did to me though, they did what they were set out to do, making me more and more curious and eager to watch the movie... But I am not liking what I am seeing, especially psycho David killing people indiscriminately, humans and Engineers alike... Where is the logic in that, not analysing data, separating the innocent from the guilty...? And there is no way David created the Xenos... The Space Jockey cause of death and the cargo hold fulla eggs that Kane found in ALIEN, clearly disprove that, as does the stated fact that the Derelict ship was dated as being 2 thousand years old and the ALIENS assertion that there had to be a Queen to mass produce such vast quantity of eggs...
Yeah, I was wondering why they said "hundreds of years after" in the article. I was under the assumption it was only 10 or some odd years later.
As far as the engineer pods being used for humans, its just a what-if. There's no telling how much time it took for david and shaw to reach paradise. If Shaw stayed awake, maybe there were ample supplies from Vicker's pod to sustain her. But David is pretty slick at figuring things out and making them work, and if female or adolescent engineers are comparable to humans in size, it might be possible.
I'm not sure those Engineer pods are compatible with humans...but maybe.
Good point! Maybe they took off to earth to finish the LV-223 Engineers' plan? That might make for a Independence Day-like sequel.
David cut a deal with the Jockeys to wipe out the Engineers.
They also say that there were evidently other Engineer ships escorting David. Maybe they decided to shoot him down after he started nuking the inhabitants with the accelerant. But what became of those ships then?
10 years after Prometheus.
What could have transpired to cause that? Maybe David tried to take off and do the same thing to another planet?
There could be other planets out there inhabited by variants of Engineer created 'humans' in differing stages of advancement. David could have his hands full.
David's 'Lab' has what looks like papyrus and charcoal drawings on the walls and his instruments and tools are medieval. There is no sign of any modern technology whatsoever. Add this to the set report about a sacrificial altar and we are looking at a species equivalent to the Aztecs or ancient Egyptians. These are not the Engineers from the start of Prometheus but another product of them.
I just watched a reaction video from GeekTyrant (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKSICi_spRo) - they are usually reliable. They were quite clear that the footage shows a NEW type of species being destroyed by the black-goo bombs. As some people stated from the set-leak that the dead bodies didn't look large enough to be Engineers, according to this video, its because they aren't.
They are apparently another (less advanced, Roman empire-like) race, like humans in which the Engineers created.
So, ya.
I'm getting very bored of seeing a condescending attitude from you. If I see it again, you will no longer have the ability to post on this website.
We shouldn't have to keep reminding people to be civil or respectful. You're supposed to be adults. Behave like it please or you simply aren't welcome here. It's that simple.
Engineers spread through the galaxy by sacrificing one of their own to start a new. Not every engineer civilization will be as advanced as the ones we saw in Prometheus because they might be at an infant stage of development. David probably encountered a young Engineer civilization and dropped the hammer on them to prevent them from evolving into something like their predecessors. Its that simple.
Those could just be different factions of Engineers, the styles being due to different cultures.
Like how a Shaolin Monk wears robes while you likely wear something a bit more tighter.
Their different motivations are due to different agendas, one faction seeks to create while another destroys.
The Juggernaut and the Flying Saucer are basically different classes of Engineer ships built for different purposes. Like the Nostromo and the Sulaco are for humans.
Lmao pretty much. I'm starting to regret it a bit.
Looking forward to seeing the scene but only reservation is I hope it doesn't further complicate the black goo's effects.
Hope David talks about the goo and sheds some light on what it is during the film. If it plays such a big role in xenomorph creation it should be presented as more than a mysterious catalyst or accelerant imo.
And Ridley Scott is the one filming the action.