Do you remember that prequel novel to the original Predator that was reported on last August? The one that would be written by Christopher Golden and would apparently retcon Predator to include two Predators? Evidently it’s been canceled and it was never approved in the first place.
“Two Predators race through space, one a rogue, the other in pursuit. Their conflict brings them to Earth, where the rogue launches the assault on “Dutch” Schaefer and his unit, as seen in the 1987 movie Predator. The pursuing Yautja arrives and stops the rogue. In an ironic twist, however, he is mistaken for the rogue and attacked by Schaefer, who seeks to avenge his men.”

Christopher Golden’s Predator prequel has been cancelled.
The BNC CataList page that revealed this novel to the world has since been updated to say that the book was cancelled. When asked by a member of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy community, Christopher Golden informed that the novel had never been approved: “It was never approved and should not have been announced before it was.”
Thanks to Engineer and Xenomrph for the news. Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Alien and Predator merchandise news! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
I only had his work address, I'm afraid.
Indeed, I've loved the Aliens ever since I was 5 or 6, I always thought they were super cool but oddly never found them terrifying, just really awesome.
But obviously if I did run into an actual Xenomorph in a dark alleyway, I'd shit enough bricks for a new Hadley's Hope to be built.
I think I'd much rather run into your average Predator hunter in a dark alley. It'd still be terrifying, but he'd likely not be interested and leave.
They can also do a lot of cool stuff, like cling to walls, spit acid, and pop out of people's chests.
Thank you for joining us for this interview, Xenomrph, let's us begin. Why are Aliens cool?
That's a little more confusing since they were three issues in. The scripts would've been completed months ago and you wouldn't think artwork would take this long to finish.
Maybe that's why I didn't see Josh Izzo in the special thanks section on the most recent issue of Defiance or Life and Death (can't remember if it's both).
Could that be explaining why the Alien vs Predator vs Judge Dredd comic keeps being delayed? I think that began early this year.
But since that ^ didn't happen... this got silently swept under the rug "and was never approved nor was it meant to be announced". Some serious cloak and dagger cover up going on here.
This thing will likely appear again somewhere else.
Considering the range of topics they can cover this insistence on prequels/interquels rewriting the original stories is bizarre.
He only wrote the one.
No idea about this Predator one though.
Does he pitch these or does he just get lumped with them?