Guy Pearce confirms appearance in Alien: Covenant! Last October Alien vs. Predator Galaxy exclusively revealed that Guy Pearce would be reprising his role as Peter Weyland in Alien: Covenant. Pearce hasn’t spoken about the film until now, where the topic was brought up with Latino Review Media and IndieWire.
While being quite cagey with his responses to LRM, he did confirm his involvement with Alien: Covenant. Pearce spoke more freely with IndieWire though:
“Ridley did such an incredible map for finding new ways to tell stories, and even if he does go back to the sort of the origins or what it was that made the original ‘Alien’s films so appealing, he still managed to do it in an innovative way,” the actor explained. “It’s not going to feel dated or old.”

Michael Fassbender and Guy Pearce in Alien: Covenant.
Guy Peace talks briefly about working with Sir Ridley Scott and being in another Alien film, he does point out that his involvement with Alien: Covenant is quite minimal when compared to Prometheus:
“I was really there very briefly,” Pearce added. “So I don’t feel it as deeply in my bones as when I’ve worked on something for months on end.”
Thanks to Pvt. Himmel for the news. Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien: Covenant! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien fans on our forums!
Just to reiterate the point though. The whole creative drive from RS with these prequels is to tell the Space Jockey's story and its relationship to the Alien. So even when there was a planned Prometheus trilogy, it was always meant to link back to the original franchise at some point. So you may not care about the alien elements or the continuity to Alien, but Fox and RS clearly do and see Covenant as a important link in the chain of the story their trying to tell.
Also, I do feel some Prometheus fans are overreacting. Yes, Covenant is bringing back the Alien front and centre, but the Promethean elements are still clearly there and I fully expect the film will answer a number of questions left over from Prometheus, while also expanding on the Engineer culture. But whether your satisfied with the answers is an issue to take up with Fox and RS, not the fault of the Alien fan base.
All in all, these prequels appear to be creation mythos stories: 1st film deals with human creation. 2nd deals with the Xenomorph creation. 3rd maybe Engineer creation? - Before the 4th links them all together, in a classic Greek mythology tale, of creations turning on their creators; obviously revolving around David; who's both classic Titan-Prometheus: Stealing fire from the gods. (the black goo) And neo-Prometheus: Frankenstein, Playing at being god, creating monsters.
I believe the substance the sacrificial Engineer uses is different from the black goo. It clearly has a different appearance and a different effect.
Finally, I have no problem with your position and actually agree with some of your points, but you do seem to be redirecting your sense of persecution, from your time on the IMDB forums, back onto people here; often unjustifiably so, imo.
Generalising about the fan base and trying to claim victimization, isn't going to get you anywhere. It just comes across as melodramatic.
As you've already said yourself, you've got to expect a degree of partisanship towards the Alien films, on an Alien forum.
As for moving the conversation over to the Prometheus board. I was just trying to be respectful to Hicks, not disrespectful of you or the Prometheus fans.
I love this header don't you?
I have always been fascinated by how John Logan's symphonic threading style would be used to connect the narrative investment in Prometheus into Covenant and when I heard about this scene I was greatly encouraged. Like all the best ideas it is so simple frame Prometheus inside the Covenant narrative. I also think both the painting, the piece played and the image from the teardrop flight path will prove to be important sign posts.
All of this reinforces Wayne Haag's remarks in CH's Podcast IV that Covenant will drag Prometheus in its wake and as the narrative emerges we will be responding with a certain amount of "So thats what that meant".
I haven't watched the trailers (Aliens Are Us) but the stills of David give a very substantial hint as to Ridders big (idea) for David.
However, I remain optimistic that the concepts and plot threads of Prometheus are not dead or forgotten. There are still two films left to get us to Alien '79, and we know that somewhere along the way an Engineer ship needs to crash on LV-426. And who knows- if Shaw has been virtually excised from the film, maybe keeping her fate ambiguous is important to whatever story concepts they have for the future.
So let's just move on -- Corporal Hicks has allowed this debate to continue -- it's time we all move on.
P.S. to be completely honest -- i fell like i'm either a thread killer or i just make some amazingly cool observation and no one seems to care.
I'd rather have people at least argue with me
I couldn't care less about continuity. It was a head-scratcher on opening day, but ultimately I consider all the connections to Alien to be a liability, like you said. They were better off without them, and I wish they had stuck with the original plan to completely strip the Alien elements from the sequels. The series got the reboot it needed. Rebooting back to Alien isn't really a reboot so much as backpeddling, imo.
That's only half of it. Lindelof pointed out that the prologue is there to show us that creation occurs after the destruction, it's just microscopic. It destroys and creates.
Look, I'm not stupid. I know that Avatar isn't the best movie ever made. My point bringing up the grosses was to show that Prometheus was a bigger hit than the last 2-4 movies that had Aliens in them, without the signature aliens or the word "alien" in the title. $400 million and tens of millions of discs means that a lot of people saw the movie, more so than the last several Alien installments. Which means that more than just Alien fans went to see it, and a lot of people must have liked it, because the user scores across the net are also higher than the last Alien films. Fox keeps citing a vocal minority of Alien fans as their target audience, not taking into account that the Alien series had been in decline for twenty years when Prometheus came out. There are a lot of people out there who like Prometheus who are being marginalized if not actively discouraged on this site. Hicks keeps telling me to leave my Covenant comments in the Prometheus board. During the Prometheus days, did he tell the haters to stay on the Alien board? Of course not. It's pretty obvious that Prometheus is the red-headed stepchild around here. Again, I don't think I should have to constantly defend myself for calling Prometheus a good movie and a success on the board for its sequel. Telling me to find another board to post these comments is not appropriate. It's dismissive.
...except that we're talking about Covenant. Telling Prometheus fans to stay on the Prometheus boards is just reinforcing my feeling that Alien fans are pushing the upset Prometheus fans away. They don't want to have to think about how upset they must be right now and are trying a little too hard to de-legitimize dissent. To a Prometheus fan, Covenant is upsetting. Unless you guys want to cut Prometheus fans out of the conversation, it's time to acknowledge that. Stop trying to tell us that Prometheus deserves to be retconned. Stop telling us that box office and our opinions and the movie's positive reviews don't matter.
Prometheus fans matter. They should feel welcome here. They shouldn't have to write a dozen defensive posts for every positive remark they make about Prometheus. If you want to focus on the fact that the glass is half-empty, fine. But don't tell me it's entirely empty. That half-full part of the glass has millions of fans, those fans have feelings, and some of them are reading right now. So keep telling me that we are marginal, that the box office meant nothing, that the reviews meant nothing, that the most famous film critic of his era, Roger Ebert, meant nothing. I expected an Alien forum to favor movies called Alien, but not to the degree that they reject the best-reviewed, highest-grossing entry in the franchise in thirty years, and its fans along with it.
Is this how it's going to be? From now on, Covenant forum is Alien fan territory and Prometheus fans should be advised that every comment they leave will result in being forced to write a dozen defenses?
I have no idea if this is actual concept art, but it looks pretty interesting. Maybe they'll use this idea in future movies.
I suggest waiting for the movie. I think personally it will be interesting to see how it ties into Prometheus. The trailer for Covenant made me rewatch Prometheus, and I had an "OK" time with it. It was nice. So there's that... Maybe others wil feel the same after Covenant is released?
Think we are going to have to get used to this Hicks...
PS : This is a light hearted joke btw. In case you IMDB fellas start to rage again...
In all honesty Corporal Hicks, it was meant as a light hearted comment and nothing more. Just a throw away post at the end of the night.
I agree with you, Prometheus was limited by its association with Alien and it has become a millstone critically around its neck ever since. And that's why the minute Fox and RS made up their minds to take their planned Alien prequel in a new creative direction, they should of bitten the bullet and made Prometheus an original Sci-fi movie, independent of the Alien franchise.
But I think you have to try and understand, the same annoyance you now have towards Covenant, is how many Alien fans felt towards Prometheus. They were sold the idea of an Alien prequel and ended up with a pseudo-prequel instead; full of retcon.
As for Covenant, I see it as a necessary bridge for them to try and correct the continuity issues Prometheus created between itself and Alien. At the end of the day, Prometheus, like it or not, was supposed to be an Alien prequel and has to reconnect narratively back to the original franchise. Fox and RS probably felt that Prometheus 2 was taking things further off reservation, as far as continuity was concerned; digging themselves a much bigger creative hole to write themselves out of; hence the new Alien bible.
By the way, what mystery is there really in regards to the black goo? - Its a bio-weapon that creates Xeno-like creatures, just like the mural in the ampule room; mystery solved.
Finally, associating a films commercial success with its quality is a silly argument to make. By that logic, Transformers is superior to Prometheus.
Anyway, as Corporal Hicks has requested a better debate for the Prometheus boards.
Again, from my position you're trying to make a bigger issue out of this than has been demonstrated. One reply that borders on joking doesn't make you the pariah you seem to think you are here. And as I have said several times in this thread - if you have an issue with someone's comment then report it.
People are entitled to like the film or dislike the film. Those people are entitled to make whatever statements they want regarding the film as long as they do so in a mature manner. You love Lindelof, awesome! Other people don't like Lindelof, just as awesome. I don't and I can tell you why without insulting you for liking him. I'd hope you're capable of doing the same.
As I've said though, take the Prometheus discussion to the Prometheus board and let's drop the subject here. I think I've put myself across quite clear with the matter.
The Walter clip was too short to formulate an opinion. I like the choice of quotes. That gives me hope that the new screenwriters didn't drop the Promethean themes. The part I'm most excited to see is another lesson from a master filmmaker in how to smuggle a worthwhile message into a movie by encoding the images with more detail than the script had. Alien and Blade Runner seemed to help him develop this ability to tell a story with the production design. He even stated this as his goal with Blade Runner. I think Prometheus was a masterpiece of production design and if I find the story of Covenant underwhelming, I will focus on whatever nuggets of wisdom Scott manages to smuggle into the images.
Do you happen to know what were some of the ideas for Prometheus 2?
Damon! stop it now! Your embarrassing yourself...
Do you ever think that lot of people just actually disagree with you and arent trolling?
People crap all over a lot of films that I love, I don't take it personally. Besides you could fill a whole room with fans of this franchise and none of them would agree on what makes it great.
I like Prometheus but I found it unsatisfying and that made its flaws stick out all the more, for me anyway. (At the theater when the credits rolled, I turned to my brother and said "it was kind of good?" Half asking while shrugging my shoulders. He didnt really say anything and looked like he didnt know either lol.)
As for the love/hate for Prometheus in the comments; Personally, I'm 50/50 with the film.Most people will Nitpick the straightest running line in history, others will cringe at the c-sec scene, but regardle Ridley did what he thought at the time was best, trying to cover as much ground as possible and give enough explanation and add his personal touch, but it instead became a complete mess (Possibly in par to Lindelof's integration with the writing) with questionable nitpicky actions and an overhyped marketing course.
As long as Ridley doesn't pull a rinse/repeat of the series of the next 5 films in the series and adds more and more tiers of god-status extraterrestrials who made the previous iteration to the point human's were made, and actually let's Blomkamp into the fold with his addition to the series, we stand a good chance at getting a logical and enjoyable prequel story to the events of Ripley. This is all that I ask.
i wonder if 20th century fox are tempted with merging the alien and predator franchises again. Seems though shared/expanded universes are all the rage these days.
Curious -- was there a lot of Guy's footage left on the cutting room floor in Prometheus? And if so, was any of it him as a younger man?
I remember the TED video excerpt -- which was cool. But was anything else filmed?
I think Guy's role in this is pretty much a cameo.
Well -- 2 or 3 weeks of getting that makeup on --
So unless I misunderstood - did Guy say he spent even less time on Covenant? If so -- his role must be itsy bitsy this time around, and my guess, told in just a couple flashbacks.
Perfect summation. Best film in the franchise indeed.
How often are Prometheus fans subjected to "Don't pet the snake!" or "Don't run in a straight line!" or "Old man makeup!", all of which can be explained and HAS been explained for MANY years.
I'm sorry you feel that way but from my perspective, what I see is a Prometheus fan attempting to belittle those who didn't like it. There's nothing wrong with enjoying Prometheus, there's nothing wrong with disliking it. Let's just do both with respect.
I share your views on this as well.
Prometheus reignited my love of this series in a big way. I admit it has imperfections but all the constant negativity about it is frustrating.
I've been listening to several podcasts recently related to this series of films and Covenant and there always seems to be discussion on the so called flaws of Prometheus, but never much on the positives.
Anyway, in reference to the first post - I'm really exciting to see Guy as Weyland again. Fantastic actor IMO.
You see I don't like this categorisation on Alien and Prometheus fans. There are people who like/love both. I like Prometheus and I don't feel being trolled for liking it. Besides it's the same universe. There are die-hard Alien fans who like Prometheus more than A:R.
I don't find this board hostile towards fans. Obviously there're people who sometimes annoy me but it doesn't mean they're my enemies. We just have different opinions. It's life. If I were you I wouldn't take it personal.
I really don't think he put too much thought into his answer. Origins is just a word.
Here f**kin' here. Absolutely.
Sad but true. I'm in total agreement. I'm a colossal Alien fan but wanted that continuation of deep movies using the mythology and Prometheus was a great first step. I just remember the good old days when we were treated to answers like Lindelof's. Example:
"Finally, the scribe touched on how the title of Prometheus hints at the larger themes that are explored in the film:
"I don't want to sound like the movie is a history lesson, but I do think that the primary take away from the myth of Prometheus is that the Gods were nervous about mankind. They were nervous about what they would be capable of if they had fire. Fire was a big piece of technology that they would build off of. And the story of any creation is eventually a child will try to destroy its parents. It's a very paranoid world view, mythologically-speaking it pops up a lot. Especially for us Star Wars aficionados. So the essential story is: I don't want to give my kid this toy because eventually he will develop it into a weapon that will kill me. So I will therefore withhold it from him. And what is the price I must exact on somebody who betrays me?"
A damn shame.
Does the new Walter viral teaser give you hope though? I dig it and hope we get a lot of that kind of thing. Remember, Scott said that although Alien is in the title, he'll supposedly only be using the traditional tropes sparingly.