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The “Slim” Chances of Blomkamp’s Alien 5 – AvPGalaxy Podcast #46

We have just uploaded the 46th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download). Our latest episode of the podcast sees us discussing the latest news about Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5, that we may not even be getting the film at all.

 The "Slim" Chances of Blomkamp's Alien 5 - AvPGalaxy Podcast #46

The 46th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is regarding the “slim” chances of Alien 5.

In January Neill Blomkamp commented that the chances of seeing his Alien 5 come to fruition were “slim“. This news was something that disappointed a lot of people and pleased just as many others. Our latest podcast includes a discussion of this news and the over all concept of the film by podcast regulars Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop and Xenomorphine.

If you are one of the fans who is really disappointed about the possibly of not seeing Neill Blomkamp’s project make it to the big screen, there is currently a petition in progress to show 20th Century Fox that there are fans who are still interested in seeing it made. You can add your voice to it over on iPetitions.

Our latest episode is available to download in our Podcasts section (simply right-click and save as) or for your Apple owners, our podcast is also available on iTunes.

Stick with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest news and information on Alien 5! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien fans on our forums!

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Comments: 49
  1. Kel G 426
    QuoteThe first major obstacle is the title.  It does reek of desperation, not to mention it screams "cheap".  It sounds like a boxing match.  I'm not sure you can get round that, which means it would be up to  actual content to elevate the title.

    If they would just make the film everyone wants and set it in the future, they could bill it as a "Colonial Marines" movie.

    QuoteI personally believe that it isn't and Alien no longer needs Ripley,

    It's not so much that the series needs Ripley. Or Hicks.  Folks just want to see those characters get a better turn than they got in Alien³.
  2. BishopShouldGo
    For starters a new AvP movie should be called "Alien Versus Predator". Spelling it out gives it more class.

    Then the content would of course further elevate it provided it's good. Don't approach it in a crossover manner. Approach it like any other film. Story story story first.
  3. SM
    QuoteWell, if you are right then I guess that the franchise is pretty much dead already

    I pointed out the opposing response to my argument and said it was correct...
  4. Nyarlathotep
    Quote from: SM on Mar 01, 2017, 03:44:07 AM
    When it comes to Ripley and people screaming "enough Ripley", my response is that there's six films with Aliens in, and the four best ones have Ripley in them, the implication being Alien and Ripley need each other.

    The reasoned response to that is 'just because the existing AvP films don't work, doesn't mean they couldn't in the future'.  Which is completely correct.  There are ways to get the balance right so the respective franchises aren't weakened (something like the first comic series would work).  The first major obstacle is the title.  It does reek of desperation, not to mention it screams "cheap".  It sounds like a boxing match.  I'm not sure you can get round that, which means it would be up to the actual content to elevate the title.
    Well, if you are right then I guess that the franchise is pretty much dead already. I personally believe that it isn't and Alien no longer needs Ripley, but I guess Covenant's success or failure will be the true Judge of that.

    Even if it did somehow work (which as I previously said I doubt that it would) I'd still be against it because of my detestment of the idea.

    Quote from: LCpl. D. Grant on Mar 01, 2017, 03:56:00 AM
    Quote from: Nyarlathotep on Mar 01, 2017, 03:13:08 AM
    Because I feel that film crossovers not only reek of desperation, but often serve to only further weaken there respective franchises.

    The comics didn't.
    I was speaking of film crossovers, not comic ones. I have no problem with the crossovers as long as they stay in the extended universe.
  5. SM
    When it comes to Ripley and people screaming "enough Ripley", my response is that there's six films with Aliens in, and the four best ones have Ripley in them, the implication being Alien and Ripley need each other.

    The reasoned response to that is 'just because the existing AvP films don't work, doesn't mean they couldn't in the future'.  Which is completely correct.  There are ways to get the balance right so the respective franchises aren't weakened (something like the first comic series would work).  The first major obstacle is the title.  It does reek of desperation, not to mention it screams "cheap".  It sounds like a boxing match.  I'm not sure you can get round that, which means it would be up to the actual content to elevate the title.
  6. Nyarlathotep
    Quote from: SM on Mar 01, 2017, 02:14:50 AM
    Why not?
    Because I feel that film crossovers not only reek of desperation, but often serve to only further weaken there respective franchises.

    Quote from: BishopShouldGo on Mar 01, 2017, 02:53:58 AM
    Quote from: Nyarlathotep on Mar 01, 2017, 01:47:53 AM
    I disagree, there is plenty of reason to hate both ideas, and no AVP most definitely does not deserve "A-level treatment."

    If someone said "It! The Terror From Beyond Space" didn't deserve A-treatment, we never would've received Alien.
    I never said that it didn't. What I meant was that most crossovers such as AVP don't.
  7. Kel G 426
    As someone who wants both Alien 5 and a new AVP, it's weird to me that Blomkamp champions one idea, yet condemns the other.  Both concepts have the same potential to be awesome movies.

    There's really no reason to hate the AVP concept.  It's a B-movie idea for sure, but so was Alien, right? Just like Alien, it deserves the A-movie treatment.

    I don't know what FOX thought they were doing with the first two "vs" films, but those definitely weren't A-level treatments.

    I've always wished that Aliens Vs Predator had been made as a sequel to Aliens. Similarly, I'd love to see Blomkamp follow up A5 with a new AVP.  Would love to see Rip n Hicks to encounter the predators.
  8. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: oberonqa on Feb 26, 2017, 10:25:19 PM
    To be honest who doesn't like the AVP concept as it has been depicted on film so far?  I wonder if his feelings is due to not liking the idea of the two franchises intermingling or is it due to execution of the idea?  If it's the former... not much can be done to change his mind there.  If it's the latter, then I wonder if he might not be able to be convinced into doing it by showing him the AvP comics.  He may not even be aware of the comics if it's a matter of disliking the idea due to the execution of the movies....

    It's the former. He doesn't like the concept, itself and thinks both series should stay away from one another.
  9. oberonqa
    Quote from: SM on Feb 26, 2017, 10:39:08 PM
    QuoteTo be honest who doesn't like the AVP concept as it has been depicted on film so far?

    A clear majority.


    Exactly - the films have not done the AvP concept any measure of justice.  I do think there is potential for a good movie... but it has to be done right and the right way to do it is NOT the way the movies have done it.
  10. oberonqa
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Feb 26, 2017, 04:08:16 AM
    He's on record as heavily disliking the AVP concept.

    To be honest who doesn't like the AVP concept as it has been depicted on film so far?  I wonder if his feelings is due to not liking the idea of the two franchises intermingling or is it due to execution of the idea?  If it's the former... not much can be done to change his mind there.  If it's the latter, then I wonder if he might not be able to be convinced into doing it by showing him the AvP comics.  He may not even be aware of the comics if it's a matter of disliking the idea due to the execution of the movies....
  11. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: windebieste on Feb 14, 2017, 10:25:05 PM
    I think a lot of it comes down to money.  For Fox to budget and green light $150m on 2 movies might be expecting a bit much. 

    This way, if 'ALIEN: Covenant' bombs - or breaks even - they're not risking a further $150m on another movie that not only MUST be successful but make up the differences, shortfalls and losses of the first one.  It's just too much to ask.  If 'A:C' is successful, we'll see a sequel to 'Covenant' - not Blomkamp's Quarter of a Century old overdue sequel.   

    I think this is the primary reason for it. Prometheus did well but it wasn't an Alien branded film. We don't know how well Covenant is going to do and it feels like they would have tested the water with Covenant being an Alien film with Scott's name attached to it. But they also waited to long and everyone has moved on.

    Quote from: PsyKore on Feb 15, 2017, 12:10:18 AM
    But don't Fox and most studios usually have multiple projects going at once? Disney seem to be releasing Star Wars movies very close to one another nowadays, so I don't see why Fox couldn't do the same. I suppose Star Wars is a more guarenteed bankable franchise, but from what I understand the Alien franchise still does well enough.

    It's like you said, Aliens isn't Star Wars. Aliens may do well enough but it doesn't do guaranteed Star Wars levels of return.

    Quote from: Russ on Feb 21, 2017, 08:52:37 AM
    I really enjoyed the cast - great work all

    Thanks. And to everyone who commented on the podcast. Any issues, please do let us know. We want to keep improving.
  12. windebieste
    I feel there's a big difference between being a fan and living in the past; yet it's separated by a very fine line for some people.

    Fox are going to be interested in targeting today's audience more than yesterday's. 'PROMETHEUS' was proof of that.  'ALIEN: Covenant' will bring the rest of the series (and its fans) kicking and screaming into the 21st Century whether they like it or not.

    Personally, I am looking forward to seeing how this new generation of 'ALIEN' movies unfolds.  There's a lot of potential and promise here.  It doesn't have to lean heavily on retconning anything.  It doesn't need aged characters returning.  You can still have running gun battles with Aliens and I'm sure we will see that happen.

    Does it need Ripley, Newt and/or Hicks?  Nope.  We're better off without them at this late stage.  This is one of those cases where History should stay where it belongs - in the past.

  13. Anonymous
    What does Predator have to do with the Alien films anyway?

    Don't Predators, Terminators, Robocop and Batman all exist in the same world too? I wan't to see THAT shyte on the big screen.
  14. Spit
    Scott had dibs since he announced his intentions to make a series taking place before Alien and tying into it before Prometheus was even released. End of story.

    Perhaps Blomkamp could make a film called Aliens #2: The Twitter Interloper.

    Releasing his fan art online as if it was "Oh, What Could Have Been, Hicks and Newt Fans Wink Wink" was such a poor show on his behalf. He only has himself to blame. 
  15. PsyKore
    But don't Fox and most studios usually have multiple projects going at once? Disney seem to be releasing Star Wars movies very close to one another nowadays, so I don't see why Fox couldn't do the same. I suppose Star Wars is a more guarenteed bankable franchise, but from what I understand the Alien franchise still does well enough.

    But I don't know. I just want more movies. ;D
  16. windebieste
    I think a lot of it comes down to money.  For Fox to budget and green light $150m on 2 movies might be expecting a bit much. 

    This way, if 'ALIEN: Covenant' bombs - or breaks even - they're not risking a further $150m on another movie that not only MUST be successful but make up the differences, shortfalls and losses of the first one.  It's just too much to ask.  If 'A:C' is successful, we'll see a sequel to 'Covenant' - not Blomkamp's Quarter of a Century old overdue sequel.   

    People are divided over Blomkamp's proposal as it is.  Some want it.  Some don't.  That's no guarantee for success.   

    Would've been Great... 1988.

  17. PsyKore
    I'm not keen on what they propose with Alien 5, but why not make it side-by-side with Ridley's films. They could just release it intermittently with his films. Or would that confuse the casual movie-goer?
  18. windebieste
    Quote from: a bit twitchy on Feb 13, 2017, 05:44:04 PM
    Okay, even if they don't do it, which looks likely, it would be jolly nice of 20CF to release the final reiteration of the script before it got shelved. I think a lot of us would be happy with that as I guess it would have been considered cannon if it had got made and would make an interesting read.

    It's likely Fox liked the script.  Good things were said about it by everyone who may have been involved.  A script that good doesn't just get handed out as consolation.  It ends up being integrated into a new work.  If the main thrust of the plot can be reworked to accommodate alternate characters, then this may yet happen.  Blomkamp's 'ALIEN' movie may yet still be made.  It just may not feature the Ripley, Hicks and Newt trio.

    I'm still thinking Blomkamp is a good choice for a director and absolutely nothing is known about the followup to 'ALIEN: Covenant'.  It wouldn't surprise me if Scott hands over the reigns to direct the next movie to Blomkamp and we see significant content from his current script find its way into the next movie. 

    If Blomkamp's script is as 'gangbusters' as people claim it to be, then I believe that's a reasonable outcome. 

  19. whiterabbit
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Feb 13, 2017, 03:12:08 PM
    Quote from: newagescamartist on Feb 13, 2017, 03:07:14 PM
    If they continue after A:R, Weaver can still star. If they go ahead with A5, I don't care what they do so long as it's good.

    The problem is, Weaver is on record stating she doesn't want to play the clone in a future film. It's the original Ripley or nothing for her.

    That's why a direct 'Resurrection' sequel with Ripley is not possible.
    Well if that's the way she feels. Alien 5 is dead.

    I honestly don't give a shit. I'm a fan and just want well made movies about the alien and it's universe. Why? Because it's interesting. However Alien: Covenant is essentially alien 5 and from the sounds of it, whether it succeeds or not is up to whether people want to see the Alien in all it's glory of not. Cause that's what this movie sounds like, an Alien film.
  20. N-Shifter
    Okay I'll just go ahead and straight up say I'm disappointed, I WANT his Alien 3.2 movie and I hope it still happens before Sigourney and Michael are in old folks homes, they aren't getting any younger.
  21. SciFiWasabi
    Great podcast.  My main issues are Blomkamp's really repetitive writing and that even with this divergent timeline deal why is the story taking place when they are so old?  It seems like if this was a viable option, the story to be told wouldn't take place so long after Aliens.  I would totally dig a book based on the non made film.  Sort of like the doc. they did for J.'s Dune.
  22. a bit twitchy
    Okay, even if they don't do it, which looks likely, it would be jolly nice of 20CF to release the final reiteration of the script before it got shelved. I think a lot of us would be happy with that as I guess it would have been considered cannon if it had got made and would make an interesting read.
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