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Chances of Seeing Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 Are “Slim”

The chances of seeing Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 are “slim” according to the would-be director/writer. Back in October of 2015, Neill Blomkamp confirmed to the world via Twitter that his upcoming Aliens sequel was on-hold pending Prometheus 2 (Alien: Covenant).

Since then we’ve had the occasional comment from Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn and even James Cameron chipped in, describing Blomkamp’s script as “gangbusters,” but Blomkamp has generally remained silent on the matter. Until now.

Last week a fan took to Twitter to ask Neill Blomkamp himself about the chances of seeing his Alien 5 happen. Blomkamp responded with a succinct “slim“.

 Chances of Seeing Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 Are "Slim"

The chances of seeing Neill Blomkamp’s Alien 5 are “slim” according to the would-be director/writer.

When it was announced that Alien 5 (3.2) would be on-hold, Sigourney Weaver and Neill Blomkamp continued with their own projects. Weaver was set to appear in James Cameron’s Avatar sequels and Blomkamp moved onto developing a new film, The Gone World. After that it looked like it’d be a good few years before we finally see Alien 5. Now it sounds like we may not be seeing it at all.

Thanks to Nightmare Asylum for the news. Stick with Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest news and information on Alien 5! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien fans on our forums!

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  1. Scorpio
    My estimation, 20th Century Fox release about 2 Alien films per decade, so Alien 5 will come out late 2020s after Ridley's final prequel is made.  Unless Alien Covenant performs below expectations (it won't bomb)
  2. D. Compton Ambrose
    Quote from: Kurai on Jan 31, 2017, 01:20:44 PM
    Quote from: LCpl. D. Grant on Jan 31, 2017, 08:01:02 AM
    Quote from: Kurai on Jan 31, 2017, 12:15:09 AM

    What? That would be wholly unnecessary. Just bring back the slow, foreboding, ominous sense of dread from Alien. Suspense is key.

    I agree whole-heartedly, but history is cruel to sci-fi with wholly inhuman appearences. Look at the Stargate series after the first movie, look at Falling Skys... Heck, look at the Starship Troopers sequels. They'll find a way to replace the Aliens with actors and they'll feature a lot to get the money's worth out of the actors. It would take someone really dedicated to helm the project and chances are they'd be given the sack by executives for going against stupid decisions.  :'(

    Quote from: Russ on Jan 31, 2017, 09:40:37 AM
    I thought a Wey-Yu Files thing would work. Where two company agents start to uncover stuff and get more and more involved. You could have all sorts of fun with that, I reckon, and you could expand the universe beyond Xenos and Predators (so you could also have your cheaper body snatcher guys  as well)

    Bloody hell, why don't we combine these ideas and start a petition of our own? 8)
  3. Kurai
    Quote from: LCpl. D. Grant on Jan 31, 2017, 08:01:02 AM
    Quote from: Kurai on Jan 31, 2017, 12:15:09 AM

    What? That would be wholly unnecessary. Just bring back the slow, foreboding, ominous sense of dread from Alien. Suspense is key.

    I agree whole-heartedly, but history is cruel to sci-fi with wholly inhuman appearences. Look at the Stargate series after the first movie, look at Falling Skys... Heck, look at the Starship Troopers sequels. They'll find a way to replace the Aliens with actors and they'll feature a lot to get the money's worth out of the actors. It would take someone really dedicated to helm the project and chances are they'd be given the sack by executives for going against stupid decisions.  :'(

    Quote from: Russ on Jan 31, 2017, 09:40:37 AM
    I thought a Wey-Yu Files thing would work. Where two company agents start to uncover stuff and get more and more involved. You could have all sorts of fun with that, I reckon, and you could expand the universe beyond Xenos and Predators (so you could also have your cheaper body snatcher guys  as well)

    That could actually work bloody well, they could even call it "the Company". XD

    I'm against the Aliens "2"/ Alien 3.2/ Alienkamp. Which is strange because I'd love to see it as well, I just hate the core idea of it. Blomkamp should definitely direct a future Alien film as well as oversee all the visual stuff but keep him away from the writing, please, that isn't his strong point.
  4. Russ
    I thought a Wey-Yu Files thing would work. Where two company agents start to uncover stuff and get more and more involved. You could have all sorts of fun with that, I reckon, and you could expand the universe beyond Xenos and Predators (so you could also have your cheaper body snatcher guys  as well)
  5. D. Compton Ambrose
    Quote from: Kurai on Jan 31, 2017, 12:15:09 AM
    A TV show based on Aliens would have to be high budget to work, even then it could still come off unintentionally cheesy. That... And we all know some studio exec will just go "Well... Having Aliens on screen costs a lot... How about we make them telepathically posess humans instead, or shapeshift into people and only revert back on season finales?" It always goes that way... :'(

    What? That would be wholly unnecessary. Just bring back the slow, foreboding, ominous sense of dread from Alien. Suspense is key.
  6. Kurai
    A TV show based on Aliens would have to be high budget to work, even then it could still come off unintentionally cheesy. That... And we all know some studio exec will just go "Well... Having Aliens on screen costs a lot... How about we make them telepathically posess humans instead, or shapeshift into people and only revert back on season finales?" It always goes that way... :'(
  7. Perfect-Organism
    Quote from: LCpl. D. Grant on Jan 30, 2017, 01:06:22 PM
    I think a TV Series based around Hicks and Newt and loosely around the Aliens novels by Steve and S.D. Perry would be ideal. I'm sure that, even if this project fell through, Biehn and Sigourney would be all about doing one in the future - of course, due to her age, Ripley would only play a cameo role in the series. But, a Series with Hicks and Newt as the male and female leads respectively with a dark/horror bent to it that preserved the mystery and Lovecraftian beastliness of the Alien would be most ideal.

    That would work.  A loose adaptation of the major themes in Verheiden's graphic novels would be ideal...
  8. D. Compton Ambrose
    I think a TV Series based around Hicks and Newt and loosely around the Aliens novels by Steve and S.D. Perry would be ideal. I'm sure that, even if this project fell through, Biehn and Sigourney would be all about doing one in the future - of course, due to her age, Ripley would only play a cameo role in the series. But, a Series with Hicks and Newt as the male and female leads respectively with a dark/horror bent to it that preserved the mystery and Lovecraftian beastliness of the Alien would be most ideal.
  9. Pvt. Himmel
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 30, 2017, 11:41:59 AM
    Originally he was going to do Covenant first and then they'd work on Alien 3.2. Ridley wanted to take a more hands-on role with executive producing roles on 3.2 and he couldn't do that while working on Covenant and Blade Runner at the same time. I still think there was also a concern about market saturation and seeing how well Covvie performed too.

    I think the delay has just meant that timing is now going to get in the way. Blomkamp obviously wasn't going to just sit around and wait and is now working on a new project and Weaver has her Avatar commitments.

    Yeah figured as much. It will take awhile before she's done with Avatar so if Covvie is a hit then let him finish up his story.
  10. Corporal Hicks
    Originally he was going to do Covenant first and then they'd work on Alien 3.2. Ridley wanted to take a more hands-on role with executive producing roles on 3.2 and he couldn't do that while working on Covenant and Blade Runner at the same time. I still think there was also a concern about market saturation and seeing how well Covvie performed too.

    I think the delay has just meant that timing is now going to get in the way. Blomkamp obviously wasn't going to just sit around and wait and is now working on a new project and Weaver has her Avatar commitments.
  11. Pvt. Himmel
    I thought when he made announcement that Fox seemed ok with it, and that they were going to wait till after Covvie comes out??

    Unless they liked what they seen with A:C that they've decided to stick with the rest of his trilogy??
  12. oberonqa
    Petitions can and do work.  I ran a petition called Save TSL Movement to reverse a C&D filed by Activision against a PC fan game based on King's Quest.  Everyone said it wouldn't work.... but it garnered over 10k signatures.  We also did a letter campaign where we would send letters to Activision and once a week, we printed out every petition signature and mailed it Certified/Return Receipt to Activision HQ as well as a Facebook group and a demographics survey. 

    After about two months and a LOT of PR from assorted websites, we managed to get Activision to sit down with the fan group and they were able to hammer out an agreement to finish The Silver Lining.

    So long story short... petitions do have the ability to work, if they are taken seriously and enough publicity is generated to keep the petition in the eyes of the public for as long as possible.  This petition has already generated just under 1000 signatures in a few hours.  If the petition writer can keep the pressure on, it has the potential to make some waves.
  13. PRJ_since1990
    Petitions have seen success in the past and currently as well. has sent me many email updates on petitions that were successful in completing their missions. Granted, that is more on the social justice side of things (where voices really make a difference) but there's no reason if this gets 50,000 signiatures that FOX won't consider it a popular idea. Look at the hype that happened when Blomkamp released his concept art. It faded after news of Covenant-related stuff because that was actually being made, and all focus is on that project (love or hate it). 
  14. The Alien Predator
    I remember people starting a petition for a Dredd sequel due to how good the first film was, but that film didn't make enough profit for the studio to warrant a sequel.

    I wonder how the petition went, I haven't heard any news of a Dredd sequel. I'd love to see one though.
  15. echobbase79
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 29, 2017, 06:24:15 PM
    As I haven't gotten around to responding on people's comments towards your attitude in the James Cameron topic, allow me to one last time warn you again about coming around with that horrendous attitude of yours. Absolutely bored of seeing you throw up a "lol. What a bunch of dumb twat" type comments. Please enjoy a brief break in being able to post and insult others. When/if you come back, I expect to see a change in your holier than thou attitude.

    Speaking without the assumption that I'm better than anyone here, a petition is a long shot and I do agree it would take far more than a 1000 votes to go anyway. I do honestly think that the response online went a long way towards getting Fox to take Blomkamp's pitch seriously so if something like this is able to pick up traction, I wouldn't be surprised if it does help.

    While most online petitions don't get a studio's attention that's not always the case. There was a fan movement for the release of the director's cut of Clive Barker's Nightbreed which the studio eventually did put out because of the high demand.

    If the fans can build up momentum for this project and keep busting Fox's balls it can happen. First I'd start a page on Facebook. Write letters to people in charge at Fox. The fans are the only hope sometimes for making things happen.
  16. Corporal Hicks
    As I haven't gotten around to responding on people's comments towards your attitude in the James Cameron topic, allow me to one last time warn you again about coming around with that horrendous attitude of yours. Absolutely bored of seeing you throw up a "lol. What a bunch of dumb twat" type comments. Please enjoy a brief break in being able to post and insult others. When/if you come back, I expect to see a change in your holier than thou attitude.

    Speaking without the assumption that I'm better than anyone here, a petition is a long shot and I do agree it would take far more than a 1000 votes to go anyway. I do honestly think that the response online went a long way towards getting Fox to take Blomkamp's pitch seriously so if something like this is able to pick up traction, I wouldn't be surprised if it does help.
  17. szkoki
    there is this petition. well i wont vote. its just would be...weird. the death of Hicks and Newt serwed a very big purpose in the story and i dont want to piss on it cause i like those characters.

    plus i cant believe it wont be weird and cheesy with 100% protected characters trough out the whole movie
  18. oberonqa
    Wouldn't need to CGI Ripley in if her story was given a satisfying ending.  Alien 3 gave her an ending that basically said that if you encounter the Alien, your life is over... figuratively as well as literally.  And while that ending may be satisfying for a lot of people, there's likely a lot of people who felt that Ripley sacrificed enough by drifting in space for 57 years and loosing her daughter. 

    Those same people likely feel that Aliens opened a door for Ripley (along with Hicks and Newt, both fellow Survivors) to have something of a life after their run-ins with the Alien and that something of a life would involve closure on the Alien as well as Weyland-Yutani.  And to those people, Alien 5 might be viewed as closure.  And if closure was a good enough reason for Amanda in Alien: Isolation, it's a good enough reason for the Survivors in Alien 5.

    I want Alien 5... so feel free to lump me in with the 1000 or so people that Gilly mentioned who would be happy with it.  At least if Alien 5 gets made, we won't have to worry about a CGI Ripley... because Alien 5 is supposed to give Ripley the closure that Alien 3 failed to deliver for those people like me who want Alien 5.
  19. Local Trouble
    Quote from: gilly69 on Jan 27, 2017, 02:44:26 PM

    Its like some people are just fans of Ripley rather than Alien.

    Blomkamp has done NOTHING to say he would produce anything other than a pile of turgid fan fiction, which would appeal to a few thousand people, making 0 cash & thus leaving Alien on the pile of FORMERLY great franchise that is now ruined thanks to this Ripley obsession.

    What about when, the worst happens & Ms Weaver finally succumbs to old age? I know lets put her in CGI!!

    Get real people

    Fantastic first post!!!  :laugh:
  20. gilly69

    Its like some people are just fans of Ripley rather than Alien.

    Blomkamp has done NOTHING to say he would produce anything other than a pile of turgid fan fiction, which would appeal to a few thousand people, making 0 cash & thus leaving Alien on the pile of FORMERLY great franchise that is now ruined thanks to this Ripley obsession.

    What about when, the worst happens & Ms Weaver finally succumbs to old age? I know lets put her in CGI!!

    Get real people
  21. name
    yeah well fox and ridley can stick alien covenant were the sun don't shine, they used bullshit in the lead up to Prometheus that'll be a prequel, was far off, they new people wouldn't support a sequel so fox changed course, and then tried to renew interest again, well fark use, I isn't watching in theatres and I ain't buying the film.
  22. Russ
    Quote from: Shamo on Jan 26, 2017, 11:30:24 PM
    I am sad of course, if Alien 5 does not happen. I want more Alien on the Big Screen! Way more.

    Sorry I trailed of a little bit. But it felt good :)

    I don't agree with everything you say here, Shamo, but I'm fully with your enthusiasm. So much "fandom" is utterly negative - we're living in era that, when I was young, is an age undreamed of. Superhero movies coming out of arses, video game franchises on the big screen, attempts to reinvigorate (for better or worse) this beloved franchise... yet so much of what I read just wants to piss on everything.

    It's really great to read something that isn't negative and fully behind "more great stuff please."

    Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jan 27, 2017, 12:26:46 AM
    I firmly believe we can have an Alien film without the need for Ripley.

    I do too - they've done it with AvP(s) and now Prometheus and Covenant. The thing is... if Covenant fails, will they fall back to Rippers and Hicks or just ditch it. Many people want to see the "real" Alien3 that Blomkamp pitched (honestly, we're living in a fan bubble here - the care factor outside fandom regarding the merits of the theatrical vs assembly cut of cubed, eggmorphing, how the facehugger got on the Sulaco etc is probably zero)... so it'll be interesting to see what happens!
  23. PRJ_since1990
    Quote from: Russ on Jan 25, 2017, 09:49:19 AM
    Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jan 25, 2017, 02:18:43 AM
    Created a video about this. Take a watch, let me know what your thoughts are!

    Great work - I really enjoyed it. I wonder about Covenant bombing hard playing to AlienKaamps hands... its a tough call because if it does fail, would there be the appetite for spin-off/retcon? On the one hand - "we didn't have Ripley - that is why we fail"... on the other "this franchise is weak..."

    I just don't know, but thanks so much for putting the video up, great stuff.
    Thank you very much! I encourage people to watch my video to hear my thoughts.

    To elaborate on a point you made, Ripley (the character, her thematic trends) made the Alien movies what they are. Sure you had a horrific space wasp species, claustrophobic and terror-inducing settings, appropriate music, etc, but Ripley was and certainly is central to the films. Without her, an Alien film would feel lacking, but that doesn't mean it would fail guaranteed.

    Most of the comic stories succeed without shoe-horning Ripley into them (they tell a complete story, not necessarily a good one mind you). The AvP PC games do not include her. I firmly believe we can have an Alien film without the need for Ripley.
  24. Shamo
    Anything is still possible. Its Hollywood. The decision goes from one movie to the next. If Alien Covenant rocks- and makes money- they will reinvest in ideas.

    I am sad of course, if Alien 5 does not happen. I want more Alien on the Big Screen! Way more.

    The Question is- must it really be Ripley? I am still torn as much as I love her and Hicks.

    But The Predator could also rock! And with the Alien and the Predator presences reinvigorated-

    Rage Wars! They have to it! Including Videogames!

    Bloncamp could be part of that. Or do something after it, because we will need a new story as well! Post rage wars! Mechs and Biomechs and new Aliens and shit. I think Blonkamp should completely go off the rails instead of making an Aliens Fan Fiction. Gimme that  Alien King! Make the whole movie a VR Experience!

    Push everything to the Limit! I dont want Alien to be some fan niche! These movies changed cinema and pop culture forever! Lets get on with that!

    If I look at District 9- I think Blonkamp could really explore the relations between Humans and Predators post Rage Wars. Even put Engineers and Synthetics in the mix. Or just expand rage wars. Explore the Rage more psychologically. I think that two different senses of reality, different kind of consciousness clashing- is a theme lingering in all of Blonkamps movies. And I think Blonkamp is quiet talented in hinting at these in a subtle but effective and emotionally capturing way. I could connect with the aliens from district 9 and chappy- but I never felt they were too human. Perfect for the more expanded Alien universe.

    Anything is possible. This universe is brewing man. So much potential! We all must keep up the hype here!

    For now I am just happy I will see Alien Covenant, have some hi-quality Comics, and get an Alien Covenant VR Experience. I bought Playstation VR after it was announced here!

    Especially I want to see new Alien Variations- or a more layered exploration of the Aliens nature in future movies.

    This is why Covenant, with the Neomorphs and what not and the whole Origin mythology has still the greatest pull on me.

    To be honest- the Aliens are getting kind of dulled lately. Especially in the books and Comics, and the AVP movies. The original Quadrilogy was interesting, because you had a feeling that each installment was exploring the Alien Nature a bit further. The first Alien was like a lone warrior whose molecular texture blended in with the ship environment! This is a keypoint thats missing in the lore lately. It wasn't chance that the Alien looked like a pipe in the last scene. I am not saying its shape shifting but- it is because the Alien is born on a ship, it looks the way it does. And in Aliens the texture was different because they were from the planet.

    Each installment added new things. Genetic Mutations depending on the host, hive mind, hybrid Aliens who connected with Ripley- I loved that man. For me the scene were Ripley is carried by an hybrid alien- Ripley being a hybrid herself is Iconic to me. The lines begins to blur.  And the Aliens in Resurrection felt like they had emotions!

    When Cristie blew the facehuggers- the hybrid in the water looked pissed and went to get him! And got him later!

    The Newborn and the Queen- the Queen had affection. The Newborn Alien Girl was completely psycho. Something that should not exist. And Ripley who can feel all of the Aliens minds- I think it was a really interesting route. When she kills the Newborn- it feels like this is her daughter who has become the nightmare- dying painfully sucked into outta space while screaming something resembling Mama, Ripley chosing humans over Xenomorphs whose sheer wild will of existence she can feel now, because of an android- Resurrection really had crazy ideas. Your not gonna retcon that.

    Resurrection to me is a surreal amplification of the Alien Universe and should remain untouched.

    Sorry I trailed of a little bit. But it felt good :)
  25. BishopShouldGo
    Quote from: Necronomicon II on Jan 26, 2017, 05:56:44 AM
    Indeed, also, The Wrap reported back in March 2014 that what was then just known as Prometheus 2 was going to be more "Alien-y" and feature multiple Fassbenders. Blomkamp's fan art surfaced in January 2015. Thus, FOX had already capitalized on the idea of returning to the franchise's roots long before Blomkamp's ideas, and that is precisely due to the divisive reaction of Prometheus. Claims that Scott suddenly shifted course are baseless.

    This man's got a memory and a fine brain.
  26. Necronomicon II
    Indeed, also, The Wrap reported back in March 2014 that what was then just known as Prometheus 2 was going to be more "Alien-y" and feature multiple Fassbenders. Blomkamp's fan art surfaced in January 2015. Thus, FOX had already capitalized on the idea of returning to the franchise's roots long before Blomkamp's ideas, and that is precisely due to the divisive reaction of Prometheus. Claims that Scott suddenly shifted course are baseless.
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