See Alien: Covenant’s Engineer architecture in new production still. The countdown to the teaser trailer continues with yet another production still and numerical hint via the Alien Anthology social media accounts!
We’re likely seeing inside an Engineer Juggernaut or more likely inside the Citadel that has been seen in previous leaked set pictures.
We mentioned previously that a current popular theory for the numerical clues was that it was a countdown in microseconds to the trailer’s release. If we follow that pattern, the numbers in today’s production still would equate to 2 days, an increase from the clue accompanying yesterday’s picture so it’s unlikely this is the case.
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Well Prometheus skipped the fan candy and avoided showing what we are used too and it still lacked a coherent script and sense of universe.
At least this time, worst case, we'll get some fan candy.
Well, after all everybody remembers it like that from the movie. Just hope they don´t play that save card, to show us what we are used too and make it fan candy on the cost of a coherent script and sense in universe.
Good ones.
It always catches back, no matter how much you try to resist... It's the polygon call !
Don't resist. Do it.
Maybe, "Enter"? Or, "Beware"? "Darkness lies within Paradise"?
I agree. While the official poster is nice, this would have been better.
lol Not so much according to recent leaks. But I still have faith that the movie will give us some answers
how do we differ the 1st from the 2nd?
Or is it a third?
No, but I saw those pictures before and didn't know they were from the movie. I think you can find them by doing a Google search.
Variety is the spice of life.
I hope to see new and interesting things and more Engineer stuff with Aliens thrown in as icing on the delicious Giger-esque cake.
Sorry if this has been suggested, didn't read the comments.
I hope it's about the Engineers and a mix of Alien and Aliens.
Yes that's now set in stone. I wonder how much this movie will reveal about the engineer civilization.
The same feeling i did have in Prometheus. I do remember the frontwindow in Prometheus spaceship which was dusty around its corner, but that was all.
I do really miss the used, dirty look of Alien, where the props seems so plausible because of that used, unclean look.
I'm sure they'll get made somehow. Ridley might step down to a producer's position and let someone else direct if he felt he couldn't do it.
ive been a bit concerned about this as well... Ridley Scott isnt exactly a spring chicken anymore
Yeah, this is the best picture of the lot so far! Could do with some glistening, slime-like effect on the walls like in Alien. But perhaps we'll see that effect in the film itself.
This gives me some hope that Scott paid attention to at least the criticism of his chucking out the 'bio' part of the biomechanical aesthetics.
There seems to be a space for a branching secondary tunnel or chamber, over to the right.
and a bunch of logos and lines...
True, true. I'd noticed that yesterday when me and RidgeTop were talking about it and have completely forgot about it. We could reconcile that by saying it's actually at the end of the film but I'd expect everything to look a bit worse for wear by that point.