Earlier this week, the gallery for NECA Predator Series 16 was posted to their website. NECA’s 16th set of Predator figures is a complete throwback to the Kenner Predator’s of the early 90s, featuring re-interpretations of Spiked Tail, Stalker and Ghost!
“The 16th series of our longest running figure collection is an homage to the classic Kenner Expanded Universe Predators of the early 1990s!
Series 16 includes Spiked Tail, Stalker and Ghost. Taking inspiration from those designs, our team has applied modern sculpting, detail and articulation to upgrade these vintage Predators for the new millennium. Each Predator comes with character-specific accessories, removable masks, and Stalker glows in the dark just as the original figure did! These highly detailed figures stand approximately 8″ tall and feature nearly 30 points of articulation.
The special blister card packaging is an homage to the classic card art as well, featuring custom illustrations and a color palette that ties back to the toy shelves of the early ’90s.”

Spiked Tail



Stalker (Glow in the Dark)
NECA Predator Series 16 is due for later this month!
Just when I think about winding down my Predator collecting, along come those Broken Tusk pics...
Horn Head is one of the predators from Predator: Life and Death
Definitely going to try and get Broken Tusk, and Machiko too. Wonder if the masks are removable on those two, as it is on Horn Head? I guess we'll find out later today when the full details are posted.
EDIT: And Randy just said on Twitter that Machiko's helmet is removable. Cool.
Contact NECA Customer Service on Twitter. They'll send you a new arm. I bought one and the hinge was broken. They sent me a new arm.
Ah well. So close...
And I didn't even realise it until I saw a mention on Twitter that that's an Engineer's skull and spine, not a human's. Apparently it'll be sized accordingly.
Hope it's a package in the box format.
Maybe I´m wrong, but I recall Neca said they tried to get the likenesess from Wathers to make Dillon but it was useless and yes, the same happened with Apone of Aliens movie.
Either way, that was 2/3 years ago now, a lot can change deal wise in that much time.
Really? Could be, still if I remember well, Neca said they approached to Carl to get the likenesses for Dillon but nope, nothing.
If I remember correctly from posts on here when the original Dutch figures were announced there was someone who was tweeting Carl Weathers about it. I believe at the time he said he had not been approached by Neca
As Neca explained, notall the contracts or licenses work in the same way. In some cases, it´s just a matter to ask the company or studio, in others you have to talk or ask directly the actor or actress. In Rocky, Neca just asked the studio and they gave greenlight, but in Predator the actor-actress´s permission is required.
As far as I know, Carl Weathers, the guy who played Dillon, didn´t allow Neca to do a figure of his character of Rocky movies, so I guess he would do the same for Predator but you never know, the same happened with Sigourney Weaver but at the end Neca got her permission to use her likenesess.
Hell yeah! Time to add some reinforcments to Dutch!
Looks brilliant. The box is stunning as well. So pleased I got another chance to get the City and Jungle hunters. Just need to get Arnie now....
Dammit NECA stop, I only have so much money!
The MAX suit isn't to far off in height from the power loader if I remember correctly? I don't see why it wouldn't at least come up as an idea to do it if they do end up doing the Berserker marines.
Hell yeah! I knew someday Neca would make a Machiko figure!
I wonder if they'll do any of the characters from the Colonial Marines comic or (preferably) Berserker
My Ultimate Jungle Hunter should be arriving this week. It looks very good.