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The Alien Diaries of Bob Penn Announced!

The Alien Diaries of Bob Penn has been announced by Charles Lippincott via Facebook! The publicist who worked on Alien, Charles Lippincott, revealed earlier today that Titan would be publishing a book containing the contact sheets of Bob Penn’s on-set photography from Alien.

Bob Penn was the still photographer for Alien, Aliens and Alien 3. He unfortunately passed away in 2002

“It’s official, Alien fans. We will be doing a book of the Alien contacts sheets with Titan Books. It will be called THE ALIEN DIARIES OF BOB PENN. It will be an oversize coffee table book which will retail for $75.”

Alien publicist Charles Lippincott announced the The Alien Diaries of Bob Penn via Facebook. The Alien Diaries of Bob Penn Announced!

Alien publicist Charles Lippincott announced the The Alien Diaries of Bob Penn via Facebook.

No further details are currently available.

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Comments: 4
  1. PRJ_since1990
    As big of an Alien fan as I am, I find these kind of books to not be of interest. For instance, I picked up several of the art books such as Prometheus, Alien Isolation, Alien The Vault & the Alien The Archive and I have only ever thumbed through a dozen pages or so. For those who enjoy these things, I hope they blow you away with excitement!
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