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Animal Logic to Provide Effects Work For Alien: Covenant

Animal Logic to provide effects work for Alien: Covenant. As mentioned in this latest article from ABC, the Australian based effects house Animal Logic will be providing special effects for Alien: Covenant. Animal Logic has worked on many big films over the years including the Matrix films, Harry Potter, 300 and several Marvel films. The team also worked on Happy Feet and The Lego Movie, both of which netted them several awards including a BAFTA.

In 2012, Animal Logic purchased another Australian effects company called Fuel VFX. Fuel were responsible for providing visual effects for the preceding film, Prometheus. They created the “holotable” used on the Prometheus, the holographic recordings of the Engineers and most notably, the impressive Orrery scene.

Animal Logic to provide effects work For Alien: Covenant. In 2012 Animal Logic brought Fuel VFX who produced special effects for Prometheus including the Orrery scene.  Animal Logic to Provide Effects Work For Alien: Covenant

Animal Logic to provide effects work For Alien: Covenant. In 2012 Animal Logic brought Fuel VFX who produced special effects for Prometheus including the Orrery scene.

In this studio visit by ABC’s The Mix (around 04:40), Animal Logic’s work on Alien: Covenant is brought up. Jason Bath and Paul Butterworth briefly talk about working with Ridley Scott though nothing new is mentioned.

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Comments: 14
  1. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: XENOMORPHOSIS on Jun 15, 2016, 11:16:29 PM
    While it has an implication of being marooned on LV426 for a long time the thousands of years aspect has been retroactively been proven invalid since the Space Jockey is not a skeleton but a bio tech suit, its a phrase Dallas in Alien simply assumed "alien life form, its been dead long time, fossilized, looks like its grown out of the chair."

    It's not quite there yet. The feeling a lot of us are getting from what Scott has been saying is that there's a possibility that the Engineers aren't the Jockeys. We know they were meant to be but it sounds as if Scott maybe retconing the retcon. He keeps talking about who created the Engineers.
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 15, 2016, 09:24:42 AM
    Personally I hope none do. I want that thing to have been there thousands of years. It's one change I'm glad was made to Spaihts' script.

    Not necessarily involving a plot involving a human crew whose interaction effects the events leading to the derelict crashing on LV426.
    While it has an implication of being marooned on LV426 for a long time the thousands of years aspect has been retroactively been proven invalid since the Space Jockey is not a skeleton but a bio tech suit, its a phrase Dallas in Alien simply assumed "alien life form, its been dead long time, fossilized, looks like its grown out of the chair."

    True the setting of the circumstance is something to take into consideration, to evoke a long history. The point I was getting across is that the particular events where space jockey succumbs to a chest burster crashing his ship was the center piece on what we though we'd be getting with Prometheus, its what us fans were lead to believe we were being given, an alien prequel, that is until the vague word from those involved in its production suggested other wise and ultimately turned out to be. If Covenant doesn't fare so well Fox may decide to discarded the other sequels it would be all for nothing. We probably wont be getting the installment that portray the events of LV426 until 2024
  3. nonentity
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 15, 2016, 07:47:09 AM
    If there's one thing we can guarantee from Alien: Covenant, it's going to be that it's a damn good looking film with a lot of incredible concept art for after release too.

    so right on this...his visuals are always so beautiful.  i loved the effects they did for Prometheus including the degraded was different and not what i would expect.  i do not think they would have had an impact if they were too polished or extravagant.  The only real visual choice i did not like was the final deacon design.
  4. Mister Skeezler
    ^ Absolutely agree with you.

    The idea of the derelict being a remnant from another age adds so much to the mystery and awe of the scene in Alien, and to the Alien itself.

    If it was just some thing from 20 years ago, who gives a f**k?
    Only 14v months until we get this movie.I wondering which of the later sequel will explore the events where the space jockey crashes on LV426, that's the movie I'm waiting for,  knowing Scott how long will it be before we get the other sequels, for that matter how long is that going to hold off Neill Blomkamp's film?
  6. NickisSmart
    Quote from: Thomas H. on Jun 14, 2016, 07:40:10 PM
    Prometheus looked amazing, and some of the other movies in that resume are amazing. Some..... I'm not sure who did the Neo/Smith fightscene in the second Matrix, but that looked fake as f***. Some of the creatures in the Harry Potter series looked pretty aswell. So let's wait and see. I'm hopefull, but cautious.

    Generally-speaking Scott doesn't tolerate shitty effects in his films, if he can help it.
  7. Thomas H.
    Prometheus looked amazing, and some of the other movies in that resume are amazing. Some..... I'm not sure who did the Neo/Smith fightscene in the second Matrix, but that looked fake as f***. Some of the creatures in the Harry Potter series looked pretty aswell. So let's wait and see. I'm hopefull, but cautious.
  8. T Dog
    Quote from: CainsSon on Jun 14, 2016, 05:17:03 PM
    I have to give this one a thumbs down. While I think the Orrery scene looked great and I have a theory about some of the technical effect and aspects of Prometheus, that includes the holograms... Overall, this is the most OUT-OF-UNIVERSE aspect of PROMETHEUS for me. I just don't feel the holograms match or fit within that world and think they hurt the film. So if they're making more holograms - Thumbs down! No more holograms. No more 3rd person dream-sequences either.
    That dream sequence is the worst looking visuals I've ever seen in a Ridley Scott film or possibly any film! Look horrendously tacky!
    And yeah I'm in total agreement with the holograms etc. We are so far past the blue lazer look of Minority Report that somehow became the generic norm.
  9. CainsSon
    I have to give this one a thumbs down. While I think the Orrery scene looked great and I have a theory about some of the technical effect and aspects of Prometheus, that includes the holograms... Overall, this is the most OUT-OF-UNIVERSE aspect of PROMETHEUS for me. I just don't feel the holograms match or fit within that world and think they hurt the film. So if they're making more holograms - Thumbs down! No more holograms. No more 3rd person dream-sequences either.
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