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Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 Predators Script – AvPGalaxy Podcast #36

We have just uploaded the latest episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy podcast which focuses on Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 Predators Script. Our 36th episode sees regular hosts RidgeTop, Xenomorphine and myself joined by community guest HuDaFuk as we talk about Robert Rodriguez’s original Predators script from 1996.

Robert Rodriguez's 1996 Predators script contains only a few elements that would be carried across into the final film, one such element being the crucified Predator.  Robert Rodriguez's 1996 Predators Script - AvPGalaxy Podcast #36

Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 Predators script contains only a few elements that would be carried across into the final film, one such element being the crucified Predator.

For a long time the original Predators script was one we had only a few tantalizing details of -the main one being that the script was set aboard an old Spanish Galleon. When the script finally found its way into the hands of the fans we learnt there was much more to this insane script than an opening scene set on a Spanish Galleon.

It would have seen the return of Dutch, it was set in the undetermined future and contained some very basic concepts that would eventually make their way into the Predators as directed by Nimrod Antal.

If you have any response to anything we discussed in this episode please let us know down below. Have you read the script? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the infamous script!

The music at the end of the episode is Kaosware’s take on the Predator theme. You can check out his awesome video of the track being performed on a cloaked guitar in our forums! If you’re interested in reading the script yourself you can find it in our downloads section (along with many other drafts of the various other Alien/vs/Predator films).

You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. We hope you enjoy!

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Comments: 26
  1. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: HuDaFuK on Jun 03, 2016, 08:47:36 AM
    And Eric Red's "masterpiece" :laugh:

    I shudder to think about that one too.  :laugh:

    Quote from: Murfy426 on Jun 04, 2016, 07:23:38 PM
    Well that script was..... interesting to say the least well done guys for not breaking down in tears of laughter while reading through it.

    We were close at the end!  :P

    Quote from: KiramidHead on Jun 04, 2016, 07:27:06 PM
    I think if my podcast ever gets any hate comments, I'll quote this script: "If you don't quit bitchin', I'll give ya the dick!"

    It's just such a goldmine! They should use this as an example at film schools.

    Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jun 05, 2016, 03:34:24 AM
    Do let us know which one you will be going over (or which ones) so I can read them in preparation! Thanks!

    I'll try and make sure I mention it before we do!  :)
  2. PRJ_since1990
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 03, 2016, 07:34:13 AM
    Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jun 02, 2016, 10:50:24 PM
    I do hope you'll continue to make pods about the various available scripts from the various movies! I think this is the first one where I am generally happier with the finished film than the initial script. I would much prefer the script versions of Alien Engineers and AVP The Hunt Begins.

    I definitely intend to. There's quite a lot of gold to be had in Alien 3 and that is one where you'll be prefer the finished film. I had a completely new appreciation for Alien 3 after I read those early scripts for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Gibson's second draft (not the first) and Twohy's but otherwise...I shudder at the thought of Ward's.
    Yes I do seem to remember something to that extent being said before, probably by you no less.

    Do let us know which one you will be going over (or which ones) so I can read them in preparation! Thanks!
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: PRJ_since1990 on Jun 02, 2016, 10:50:24 PM
    I do hope you'll continue to make pods about the various available scripts from the various movies! I think this is the first one where I am generally happier with the finished film than the initial script. I would much prefer the script versions of Alien Engineers and AVP The Hunt Begins.

    I definitely intend to. There's quite a lot of gold to be had in Alien 3. I had a completely new appreciation for Alien 3 after I read those early scripts for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Gibson's second draft (not the first) and Twohy's but otherwise...I shudder at the thought of Ward's.
  4. PRJ_since1990
    Another great episode. I recently read the script myself earlier this year and what a mess it is. I do hope you'll continue to make pods about the various available scripts from the various movies! I think this is the first one where I am generally happier with the finished film than the initial script. I would much prefer the script versions of Alien Engineers and AVP The Hunt Begins.
  5. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 01, 2016, 02:20:59 PM
    I continue to love and enjoy the Predators we got and I think the elements Antal and Litvak and Finch chose to use were the more interesting from RRs and good calls. I do think they could have done more with them - like the whole XT angle, the preserve and etc. I would give so much to actually see the Predator hunt or fight with some sort of none capital A alien.

    My disliking of the PREDATORS film aside... I kind of have to agree with you there, although my feelings towards the movie do remain but in this case... I'm willing to cast them aside. It could've been worse. I mean... the whole gladiator idea, the whole Predator King idea was just dumb, everything about the script was dumb. A lot of people might not think I give PREDATORS much credit, and they'd be right.. but in this instance... thankfully the movie was not enough to push me away from the franchise entirely. Had Rodriguez got his way... Oh, it would've made me madder.
  6. KiramidHead
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 01, 2016, 08:39:07 PM

    Quote from: KiramidHead on Jun 01, 2016, 04:46:03 PM
    Yeah, it's stupid, but sadly not the worst script I've read. I do pity the unsuspecting soul I sic that script on though. :laugh: Do you guys have anymore script based episodes coming up? Chances are I already have them in the to read pile.

    Nah, don't pity them! It's a fun read.  ;D I plan on doing any of the scripts that are sufficiently different enough. They're not scheduled in but I want to do a Gibson episode and a Ward episode at some point too.

    The Gibson one sounds like it should end up being pretty interesting.
  7. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: XenoZipper on Jun 01, 2016, 04:20:20 PM
    That was a good listen! What a batshit crazy movie that would have been haha Certainly some neat ideas conceptually just wasn't in good hands with Rodriguez's writing haha but given to the right person, some of those concepts could be cool.

    Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed. I think the real problem was just how RR didn't seem to take the project seriously. At all.

    QuoteThanks for the link on the end song too!! I was going to ask about that as I had never heard a metal remix of the Pred theme before but loved it (I'm a metaller myself haha).

    No problem! I believe in crediting the source! I thought it was kickass when I heard it.

    Quote from: KiramidHead on Jun 01, 2016, 04:46:03 PM
    Yeah, it's stupid, but sadly not the worst script I've read. I do pity the unsuspecting soul I sic that script on though. :laugh: Do you guys have anymore script based episodes coming up? Chances are I already have them in the to read pile.

    Nah, don't pity them! It's a fun read.  ;D I plan on doing any of the scripts that are sufficiently different enough. They're not scheduled in but I want to do a Gibson episode and a Ward episode at some point too.
  8. KiramidHead
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 01, 2016, 02:20:59 PM
    Quote from: KiramidHead on May 31, 2016, 11:59:51 PM
    This should be great. That script was awful. Dreading the day I have to do an episode of my own on it and the whole is just me going "the f**k was that?" :laugh:

    You'll love it! Reading it when you're not expecting the writer behind it to be doing the next entry in your series, it's less panic inducing and just all around entertaining.

    Yeah, it's stupid, but sadly not the worst script I've read. I do pity the unsuspecting soul I sic that script on though. :laugh: Do you guys have anymore script based episodes coming up? Chances are I already have them in the to read pile.
  9. XenoZipper
    That was a good listen! What a batshit crazy movie that would have been haha Certainly some neat ideas conceptually just wasn't in good hands with Rodriguez's writing haha but given to the right person, some of those concepts could be cool. Thanks for the link on the end song too!! I was going to ask about that as I had never heard a metal remix of the Pred theme before but loved it (I'm a metaller myself haha).
  10. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: FenGiddel1214 on Jun 01, 2016, 01:50:40 PM
    Darrell Curtis Love it! And being a "good ol' boy" from the US Deep South, I appreciated the distinction drawn between us and Texas. East Texas is considered part of the Deep South, but Texas (on the main) consider themselves a nation unto themselves! LOL! Good stuff, guys!. Your friend from the land of alligators, Tabasco sauce, and boiled crawfish...

    I do apologise about that. Real ignorance on my part.  :-[

    Quote from: KiramidHead on May 31, 2016, 11:59:51 PM
    This should be great. That script was awful. Dreading the day I have to do an episode of my own on it and the whole is just me going "the f**k was that?" :laugh:

    You'll love it! Reading it when you're not expecting the writer behind it to be doing the next entry in your series, it's less panic inducing and just all around entertaining.

    Quote from: RakaiThwei on May 31, 2016, 08:22:20 PM
    Good God, this is terrible and this is more or less.. why I disliked it when Rodriguez got his hands on the franchise. But as much as I completely dump on PREDATORS, I will agree-- this would've been A LOT worse than what we got. As much as I hate PREDATORS, the final product is a f**king god send compared to what Rodriguez wrote up from what I must've assumed must've been a night from eating bad puerco pebil.

    Some of the ideas were just... WHAT?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    I continue to love and enjoy the Predators we got and I think the elements Antal and Litvak and Finch chose to use were the more interesting from RRs and good calls. I do think they could have done more with them - like the whole XT angle, the preserve and etc. I would give so much to actually see the Predator hunt or fight with some sort of none capital A alien.
  11. FenGiddel
    Darrell Curtis Love it! And being a "good ol' boy" from the US Deep South, I appreciated the distinction drawn between us and Texas. East Texas is considered part of the Deep South, but Texas (on the main) consider themselves a nation unto themselves! LOL! Good stuff, guys!. Your friend from the land of alligators, Tabasco sauce, and boiled crawfish...
  12. 426Buddy
    Great podcast again fellas, what a terrible script!

    I'm so glad that Antal ended up directing predators, much better than what it could have been.

    Rodriguez just isn't a good choice for this material.
  13. KiramidHead
    I gave this a listen while I was scanning some stuff in. Excellent work overall, you really summed up just how damn weird the script is. I think you forgot about the weird tree man that tries to hug one of the soldiers to death at one point.
  14. RakaiThwei
    Good God, this is terrible and this is more or less.. why I disliked it when Rodriguez got his hands on the franchise. But as much as I completely dump on PREDATORS, I will agree-- this would've been A LOT worse than what we got. As much as I hate PREDATORS, the final product is a f**king god send compared to what Rodriguez wrote up from what I must've assumed must've been a night from eating bad puerco pebil.

    I am actually quite thankful that Shane Black was given the task of doing a mid-quel, in a sense-- because the frightening fact was that Robert wanted to use more ideas from the original script which he wrote up. Good God, I am so thankful he doesn't have the franchise in his hands anymore.

    Some of the ideas were just... WHAT?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
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