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Fred Dekker Talks The Predator: Characters, Keeping the Mystery of the Predator and Scope of the Film

Fred Dekker talks The Predator in a new podcast with The Movie Crypt. In the new interview, Fred Dekker briefly discusses his work on The Predator, talking about the characters, keeping the mystery of the Predator, Black and Dekker’s inspiration and the scope of the film.

While discussing the approach he takes to writing characters and how he identifies that unique voice for his characters, Fred Dekker discussed what we can expect from the characters in The Predator:

“I used to just want to come up with quips and just smart alecky lines and what not. Now I’ve begun to look at the characters as attitude, really. This is something we’re doing on The Predator now. I can’t talk a lot about it but I tell you about the process of writing it. One of the things is that every character has kind of an attitude. Who is this person? What do they want? Why are they doing what they’re doing? And just by having each of those characters have a different agenda and a different life experience they start sounding different and they can bounce off each other like ping-pong balls. It’s really exciting and it’s relatively new to me.”

Dekker re-iterates later on that from his perspective as the writer he wants to tell a story where you’re interested in the characters, even if the Predator doesn’t make an appearance.

Fred Dekker says he wants to tell a story where you're interested in the characters, even if the Predator doesn't make an appearance. Fred Dekker Talks The Predator: Characters, Keeping the Mystery of the Predator and Scope of the Film

Fred Dekker says he wants to tell a story where you’re interested in the characters, even if the Predator doesn’t make an appearance.

When asked about where in the production process The Predator is, Dekker confirms that the script is finalized and that the film is currently being budgeted, that casting has begun and that they’re still aiming for a late September shoot.

Talking about the writing mentality behind the latest instalment, Dekker says: “[talking about Predator] It’s relatively simple. Our idea was “we know that story already”. What’s behind the curtain? Why are they here? What are they doing? What’s the bigger picture of this? They’ve touched on it a little in the other films, in the AvPs and whatnot.”

Having been asked about demystifying the Predator, Dekker hints at an exploration of the Predators that doesn’t remove their metaphorical teeth and make them less scary but also hints that this time maybe more than just a simple hunt:

“There’s a world out there…we know the Predators come from somewhere…we know they do. How did they get here? Why are they here? Those are questions I think you can answer, or at least explore, without defeating that sense of scariness. Who knows if their agenda has changed?”

Fred Dekker Talks The Predator: "Who knows if their agenda has changed?" Artwork by icedestroyer. Fred Dekker Talks The Predator: Characters, Keeping the Mystery of the Predator and Scope of the Film

Fred Dekker Talks The Predator: “Who knows if their agenda has changed?” Artwork by icedestroyer.

Dekker also mentions his excitement at working on the film though he admits that whilst he enjoyed the first film, he wasn’t as big a fan of Predator as director and writing partner, Shane Black, was. He also goes on to say that Black and Dekker have been inspired by Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Howard Hawks, that they were aiming for that level of emotion and gravitas.

Discussing the scope of the film, Dekker later compares Predator and The Predator to Alien and Aliens, saying that The Predator is akin to Aliens where “it’s not Ten Little Indians. It’s not just let’s kill off all of our characters – we have a lot of characters from a lot of different worlds and ideologies. I don’t mean by that other planets. It’s a lot of people doing a lot of things in a lot of locations.”

Be sure to head on over to The Movie Crypt and check out the whole podcast! The Predator talks begins at around 1:22:00. Thanks to Johnny Handsome for the news.

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Comments: 46
  1. 426Buddy
    I think people are really making some big assumptions about the film, which is fine for discussion, but no one can or should be passing any judgments already.

    Once some story information or footage is shown then I think people can start developing an actual feeling on whether or not they like the direction the movie is going. Right now all we have are some generic and vague comments from Black, really nothing solid to go on, and nothing worth forming any negative opinions over.

  2. Johnny Handsome
    Again, it's not about fixing, it's about adding, it's about having the balls and try to break new ground, the best sequels are the ones that add to the mythology, otherwise you get a knock-off.

    Predators obviously have a society with the Elders and stuff, and i find that tremendously interesting, there is much potential there for cool stuff. All that great stuff we wouldn't know if Predator 2 didn't add certain elements it, just like with Aliens, the queen... sometimes you gotta have the balls to move forward and either it works or it doesn't.

    Shane Black is no Paul Anderson and he said multiple times he wants to make the Predator creepy and mysterious again, even if they show new stuff, i'm sure it will be in line with the character.

    Looks like we just disagree on this though, we want different movies and that's ok. For me, everything looks very promising so far.
  3. Keith
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 03, 2016, 08:36:30 AM
    Which is something people complained about. But the point was, he wasn't there to hunt and aside from the random skinning, people didn't complain about his change in agenda for being there.

    Wolf hunted Aliens (and killed a few humans on the side). It was a different twist on the "hunting" angle.

    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 03, 2016, 09:05:20 AM
    The "what's the bigger picture of this" comment could also mean that they connect the events of the first movie with some other incidents around the world at the same time.

    One i could imagine is that the first Predator was on earth with a group of hunters, some others were in the citys and different jungles and we find out, that there is a competition going on between the Predators, who's coming home with the best trophy, who killed the biggest warrior? That would explain why the Predator was after Dutch and show us the "bigger picture" of the movie and that there is maybe more going on than "one Predator has some fun in the jungle", also why Predators may have some interest in Dutch, who's the guy that killed on of our most respected warriors?

    No harm done to the original, just expanding the mythology.
    There are many good ways to do this.

    I see what you're saying, but once you start deviating from the original concept (that the Predator is an intergalactic big-game hunter), you start running into problems.
  4. Johnny Handsome
    The "what's the bigger picture of this" comment could also mean that they connect the events of the first movie with some other incidents around the world at the same time.

    One i could imagine is that the first Predator was on earth with a group of hunters, some others were in the citys and different jungles and we find out, that there is a competition going on between the Predators, who's coming home with the best trophy, who killed the biggest warrior? That would explain why the Predator was after Dutch and show us the "bigger picture" of the movie and that there is maybe more going on than "one Predator has some fun in the jungle", also why Predators may have some interest in Dutch, who's the guy that killed on of our most respected warriors?

    No harm done to the original, just expanding the mythology.
    There are many good ways to do this.
  5. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Keith on Jun 03, 2016, 01:53:11 AM
    Whenever you make a Predator film, and don't have the Predator doing Predator things (like hunting, skinning, decapitating, etc.), you're going to piss off a lot of patrons. It's that simple.

    Wolf wasn't there to hunt in AvPR and he is one of the few things that is universally liked in that film.

    Quote from: RakaiThwei on Jun 03, 2016, 02:38:39 AM
    Is anyone else getting the feeling that they're going to be changing the aspect of the hunt? Like it's not about finding a challenging hunt, having it be sporting and participating in it for the thrill while taking trophies anymore? I don't know why but... Fred's words seemed to invoke that feeling from me.

    Hope I am wrong though.  :-\

    Why? I don't get that feeling at all.
  6. RakaiThwei
    Is anyone else getting the feeling that they're going to be changing the aspect of the hunt? Like it's not about finding a challenging hunt, having it be sporting and participating in it for the thrill while taking trophies anymore? I don't know why but... Fred's words seemed to invoke that feeling from me.

    Hope I am wrong though.  :-\
  7. Keith
    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 02, 2016, 01:07:07 PM
    A movie with a Predator doesn't really need to be all about the hunt, i would love a Predator come to earth to get back a piece of stolen Predator technology for example. What if they did found some leftovers from the very first Predator? What if they found his spaceship or something? Would Predators not do anything about it? That would be a case of a "changed Agenda" for example, yet would still be very exciting. The "whats behind the curtain" comment could very well be, that they find out that there is actually a global hunt going on, 10 Predators at the same time hunting and killing people all over the world, that would actually allow for different locations and many characters and have Predator still do their thing.

    You want a movie that is exclusively about the hunt, Predator killing people, people find out they are being hunted and kill the Predator... yawn, good for you. I want something a little more this time, involve the government and the military.

    I love the first two movies, everybody knows that, but having seen them 500 times i just want something fresh this time, i want to be surprised and having that "holy shit" moment again.

    Whenever you make a Predator film, and don't have the Predator doing Predator things (like hunting, skinning, decapitating, etc.), you're going to piss off a lot of patrons. It's that simple.
  8. Predator_Spirit
    Quote from: HuDaFuK on Jun 02, 2016, 12:26:38 PM
    Quote from: Predator_Spirit on Jun 02, 2016, 12:18:15 PMNow that the movie will involve much people around the world and show them to you, is the contrary.

    But that's all just assumptions. Just because the film will travel to various locations around the globe, it doesn't mean there'll suddenly be some vast Predator army out in the open assaulting Earth in front of everybody.

    Black's specifically said the film won't be that.

    I've never said there would be 50 preds on bikes.But the planet will be at stake one way or another.

    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 02, 2016, 01:07:07 PM
    Quote from: Predator_Spirit on Jun 02, 2016, 12:18:15 PM
    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 02, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
    I thought the last news were decent, exactly what i wanted.

    If i want to watch Predator 1 + 2 i'll go do that, i don't want the same movie over and over again. Everybody is screaming when the word "Remake" drops, yet, i have a feeling that a couple of people actually want exactly that.

    I for one want to move forward with the franchise, worked really well with Predator 2, you saw spaceships, new weapons, a different Predator and a different setting, there is more great stuff for us to discover without making it a documentary. The new stuff in Predator 2 for example didn't harm the Predator or it's scariness at all, it only made it a more three-dimensional and interesting character.

    We've seen a Predator a thousand times now and the things they do, what's the point of making another movie? Might as well introduce some new cool stuff.

    Predators, for me, was partly so damn boring because they continued the formula of the other two movies and actually added nothing really interesting to the Predators themselves.

    I don't want to know every little detail about them either, but after 26 years, the "pan could use some fresh oil".

    P1 and P2 can't be topped on their own turf, for the simple reason that they totally belong to their era, the best.
    What they did at the end of Predator 2 was perfect, they let you guess.
    The Predator will show you what's behind the curtain, but there wasn't any curtain in the first place because
    it wasn't the point of the movies.They made two stories with a few deaths, confined in the jungle and LA, epic.
    Now that the movie will involve much people around the world and show them to you, is the contrary.
    I can already smell the "planet Earth is at stake here" bs.
    Nowadays people need this , if not ,it's not epic.
    It's not about topping the first two movies, but making another awesome movie, but different so.

    A movie with a Predator doesn't really need to be all about the hunt, i would love a Predator come to earth to get back a piece of stolen Predator technology for example. What if they did found some leftovers from the very first Predator? What if they found his spaceship or something? Would Predators not do anything about it? That would be a case of a "changed Agenda" for example, yet would still be very exciting. The "whats behind the curtain" comment could very well be, that they find out that there is actually a global hunt going on, 10 Predators at the same time hunting and killing people all over the world, that would actually allow for different locations and many characters and have Predator still do their thing.

    You want a movie that is exclusively about the hunt, Predator killing people, people find out they are being hunted and kill the Predator... yawn, good for you. I want something a little more this time, involve the government and the military.

    I love the first two movies, everybody knows that, but having seen them 500 times i just want something fresh this time, i want to be surprised and having that "holy shit" moment again.

    I'm not against the governments and OWLF trying to kill or capture a  predator, that's what I would've done, and it's easy to
    get back Dutch and give him  the role he was supposed to play in P2 before the rewrites.
    As long as the predator remains mysterious, and the planet as a whole is not at stake.

  9. Johnny Handsome
    Quote from: Predator_Spirit on Jun 02, 2016, 12:18:15 PM
    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 02, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
    I thought the last news were decent, exactly what i wanted.

    If i want to watch Predator 1 + 2 i'll go do that, i don't want the same movie over and over again. Everybody is screaming when the word "Remake" drops, yet, i have a feeling that a couple of people actually want exactly that.

    I for one want to move forward with the franchise, worked really well with Predator 2, you saw spaceships, new weapons, a different Predator and a different setting, there is more great stuff for us to discover without making it a documentary. The new stuff in Predator 2 for example didn't harm the Predator or it's scariness at all, it only made it a more three-dimensional and interesting character.

    We've seen a Predator a thousand times now and the things they do, what's the point of making another movie? Might as well introduce some new cool stuff.

    Predators, for me, was partly so damn boring because they continued the formula of the other two movies and actually added nothing really interesting to the Predators themselves.

    I don't want to know every little detail about them either, but after 26 years, the "pan could use some fresh oil".

    P1 and P2 can't be topped on their own turf, for the simple reason that they totally belong to their era, the best.
    What they did at the end of Predator 2 was perfect, they let you guess.
    The Predator will show you what's behind the curtain, but there wasn't any curtain in the first place because
    it wasn't the point of the movies.They made two stories with a few deaths, confined in the jungle and LA, epic.
    Now that the movie will involve much people around the world and show them to you, is the contrary.
    I can already smell the "planet Earth is at stake here" bs.
    Nowadays people need this , if not ,it's not epic.
    It's not about topping the first two movies, but making another awesome movie, but different so.

    A movie with a Predator doesn't really need to be all about the hunt, i would love a Predator come to earth to get back a piece of stolen Predator technology for example. What if they did found some leftovers from the very first Predator? What if they found his spaceship or something? Would Predators not do anything about it? That would be a case of a "changed Agenda" for example, yet would still be very exciting. The "whats behind the curtain" comment could very well be, that they find out that there is actually a global hunt going on, 10 Predators at the same time hunting and killing people all over the world, that would actually allow for different locations and many characters and have Predator still do their thing.

    You want a movie that is exclusively about the hunt, Predator killing people, people find out they are being hunted and kill the Predator... yawn, good for you. I want something a little more this time, involve the government and the military.

    I love the first two movies, everybody knows that, but having seen them 500 times i just want something fresh this time, i want to be surprised and having that "holy shit" moment again.
  10. Predator_Spirit
    Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Jun 02, 2016, 09:56:28 AM
    I thought the last news were decent, exactly what i wanted.

    If i want to watch Predator 1 + 2 i'll go do that, i don't want the same movie over and over again. Everybody is screaming when the word "Remake" drops, yet, i have a feeling that a couple of people actually want exactly that.

    I for one want to move forward with the franchise, worked really well with Predator 2, you saw spaceships, new weapons, a different Predator and a different setting, there is more great stuff for us to discover without making it a documentary. The new stuff in Predator 2 for example didn't harm the Predator or it's scariness at all, it only made it a more three-dimensional and interesting character.

    We've seen a Predator a thousand times now and the things they do, what's the point of making another movie? Might as well introduce some new cool stuff.

    Predators, for me, was partly so damn boring because they continued the formula of the other two movies and actually added nothing really interesting to the Predators themselves.

    I don't want to know every little detail about them either, but after 26 years, the "pan could use some fresh oil".

    P1 and P2 can't be topped on their own turf, for the simple reason that they totally belong to their era, the best.
    What they did at the end of Predator 2 was perfect, they let you guess.
    The Predator will show you what's behind the curtain, but there wasn't any curtain in the first place because
    it wasn't the point of the movies.They made two stories with a few deaths, confined in the jungle and LA, epic.
    Now that the movie will involve much people around the world and show them to you, is the contrary.
    I can already smell the "planet Earth is at stake here" bs.
    Nowadays people need this , if not ,it's not epic.

  11. Corporal Hicks
    Aside from the Predators comment, I'm in agreement with Johnny here. The last news was great news. The fact that they're actually putting effort into the characters is news to my eyes. Just because he says they want characters who would interest us enough to a watch a film with them and no Predator in doesn't equate to there being hardly any Predator, it equates to their desire to make the characters genuinely interesting to be with.

    I've yet to hear any news regarding this that has taken me back. Like HuDa, I'm probably more excited for The Predator than I am Covenant.
  12. Johnny Handsome
    I thought the last news were decent, exactly what i wanted.

    If i want to watch Predator 1 + 2 i'll go do that, i don't want the same movie over and over again. Everybody is screaming when the word "Remake" drops, yet, i have a feeling that a couple of people actually want exactly that.

    I for one want to move forward with the franchise, worked really well with Predator 2, you saw spaceships, new weapons, a different Predator and a different setting, there is more great stuff for us to discover without making it a documentary. The new stuff in Predator 2 for example didn't harm the Predator or it's scariness at all, it only made it a more three-dimensional and interesting character.

    We've seen a Predator a thousand times now and the things they do, what's the point of making another movie? Might as well introduce some new cool stuff.

    Predators, for me, was partly so damn boring because they continued the formula of the other two movies and actually added nothing really interesting to the Predators themselves.

    I don't want to know every little detail about them either, but after 26 years, the "pan could use some fresh oil".
  13. Johnny Handsome
    Like with any property, there are people who are excited and others that aren't.

    I'm excited, why? Because there is nothing, absolutely nothing that suggests that this isn't going to be great, we have a passionate, kick-ass writer/director behind it that even starred in the original movie and a studio that is putting effort and money behind this and really hiring talent. What else should one ask for?

    This is a great start for any movie and people should f**king be excited, considering where we were 10 years ago with the franchise, i'm damn grateful for this.

    Same with Alien.
  14. HuDaFuK
    I've been saying for a while that The Predator is the one of the three proposed films I'm most excited for (despite being a bigger Alien fan if I'm honest), and the more I hear from the guys behind it the truer that becomes.
  15. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 01, 2016, 07:18:03 AM
    That's the ultimate truth. While we maybe fans, we're all also individuals with many different backgrounds and it's impossible to to do any one thing that will please every single person who considers themselves a fan.

    No arguments there whatsoever and while I do consider myself a fan.... I've been feeling my love for the franchises dwindling. Like the other day, I was watching all of the films (barring PREDATORS and Prometheus) and the excitement just... wasn't there anymore. I mostly played them for my Mom since she's a fan too but me? I just... wasn't really paying attention.

    And I really don't feel much towards news regarding the movie, nothing negative but nothing optimistic either. I guess I'm wanting to get more concrete things. Nothing wrong with that, right? Don't get me wrong, there are some... concerns. I mean.. this new movie could make or break the franchise for me.
  16. Mister Skeezler
    I'd really like to see some examples of the Predator as a highly advanced life form, as clearly they have interstellar travel and sophisticated weaponry (with a primal twist).

    Predators certainly had its faults, but I do like that the preds used since fresh, new tactics (robotic falcon, alien "hounds," placing a serial killer in with the prey) and I hope we get to see that highly intelligent/sadistic side of the Predator continued even further.
  17. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: overthere on May 31, 2016, 06:29:26 PM
    There's just no pleasing us.

    That's the ultimate truth. While we maybe fans, we're all also individuals with many different backgrounds and it's impossible to to do any one thing that will please every single person who considers themselves a fan.

    Quote from: Master on May 31, 2016, 08:47:31 PM
    I was always saying I want something fresh. Definitely not complaining,  just don't place it in jungle please.

    Whilst I love Predators, I do agree with this. From the sounds of it, we'll be all over the place though so who knows what we'll be seeing.

    Quote from: Darkness on May 31, 2016, 06:23:40 PM
    Sounds like we'll get something similar to AvP Requiem where we'll get a scene on the Predator planet showing what they're doing. I can see fans having the same arguments just before Predator 2 came out but expanding the mythology was done really well there.

    I'd be really interested in seeing some sort of artificial space habitat, like a spacestation or something. Change things up a little. I always liked the notion that the Predators are nomadic and I think a spacestation could both expand on mythology and also be mysterious.

    QuoteOh, and I love the fanart. It'd be great to see them hunting some big creature.

    I would love to see the Predators hunting some other XT. I really would. I thought it was a major missed opportunity in Predators. I think there's some real opportunities for interesting sequences involving the Predators on an alien world, hunting down some exotically designed creature.
  18. overthere
    The fans are idiots. There's just no pleasing us.

    Every time I read a piece of news (that I've already found here) online, I see negative comments about "they're ruining the franchise" and stuff like that, when we know just about next to nothing about the movie. It's like they already know what the movie's like and hate it.

    It could be horrible, it could be amazing, we can't tell yet. But I, for one, can't wait for the next news.
  19. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: Darkness on May 31, 2016, 06:23:40 PM
    Sounds like we'll get something similar to AvP Requiem where we'll get a scene on the Predator planet showing what they're doing. I can see fans having the same arguments just before Predator 2 came out but expanding the mythology was done really well there.

    I'm not sure if Shane and Fred looked at AVP-R, but if we do see the Predator homeworld (admittedly, I don't want to.. once was enough), I wouldn't mind it being the same planet, but perhaps a different biome. I don't want to see a different planet and it being marketed out there as being the definitive homeworld, as I felt like the one we saw in AVP-R was definitely in line with what's Predator.
  20. Darkness
    Sounds like we'll get something similar to AvP Requiem where we'll get a scene on the Predator planet showing what they're doing. I can see fans having the same arguments just before Predator 2 came out but expanding the mythology was done really well there.

    Oh, and I love the fanart. It'd be great to see them hunting some big creature.
  21. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: overthere on May 31, 2016, 05:18:14 PM
    "Black and Dekker" ?

    Black and Decker is the name of a power tools company. The term Black and Dekker is a pun on the name.

    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on May 31, 2016, 04:45:12 PM
    I think people are just jumping the gun here with the Chicken Little reaction, expecting the worse.

    Hey, I'm on the fence about this. I haven't said anything bad about it, aside from expressing a few concerns but I'm all wait and see about this. I'd like to know more before I voice an opinion out.
  22. overthere
    Predator can't continue being a movie about the Predator hunting humans and then getting killed. Something needs to evolve.

    I like the new agenda thing, like maybe at first they came just for sport, but now they're interested and want to study us more, give us another chance, maybe rule us out of the hunting pool cause we're showing progress. There's a lot of possibilities, and the whole hunting thing does require a bit more explanation.

    Quote from: RakaiThwei on May 31, 2016, 03:55:52 PM

    Some of the things still has me on the fence. Like with Dekker willing to answer questions like where they came from, why are they here, etc... I don't know, we know where they come from and we know they're here to hunt us.

    Where do they come from? A planet in space is not a real answer. Why do they hunt? Just for fun, or the trophies carry some value back home mean a lot more than something you stick on a wall?

    And can someone please explain to me what's so tongue-in-cheek about "Black and Dekker" ?

  23. Corporal Hicks
    Exactly, Johnny. I'm not blind to Predator 2 having flaws but its expansion on and not imitating Predator were some real strengths to the film, I though. I think people are just jumping the gun here with the Chicken Little reaction, expecting the worse.
  24. Johnny Handsome
    I love that they want to go with a different approach this time, i don't want to see the same movie with the same formula over and over again. I want to be surprised and i want to find out something we really havent seen yet. That's what was great about Predator 2.
  25. Predator_Spirit
    Quote from: RakaiThwei on May 31, 2016, 03:55:52 PM

    Some of the things still has me on the fence. Like with Dekker willing to answer questions like where they came from, why are they here, etc... I don't know, we know where they come from and we know they're here to hunt us. But the idea of it being more than a simple hunt... well, why exactly else would they want to be here? I mean if we are focusing on just.. one Predator.. what else could there be for it being here? Coupled with the idea that we maybe seeing Predator scientist and engineers... I can't imagine what's going on now.

    The agenda of the hunt has changed? Mmmmm.... Well, I'mma wait and see to hear more. I just... I dunno.

    Once i've heard "Spielberg" I was disappointed.I'll wait and see but I've lost my former enthusiasm.
    I guess the good old hunt party with a good old predator stopped when Predator 2 ended, a very long time ago. :-\
  26. RakaiThwei

    Some of the things still has me on the fence. Like with Dekker willing to answer questions like where they came from, why are they here, etc... I don't know, we know where they come from and we know they're here to hunt us. But the idea of it being more than a simple hunt... well, why exactly else would they want to be here? I mean if we are focusing on just.. one Predator.. what else could there be for it being here? Coupled with the idea that we maybe seeing Predator scientist and engineers... I can't imagine what's going on now.

    The agenda of the hunt has changed? Mmmmm.... Well, I'mma wait and see to hear more. I just... I dunno.
     Dekker later compares Predator and The Predator to Alien and Aliens, saying that The Predator is akin to Aliens. Sounds an awful like what they were saying that Predators would be to Predator what Aliens was to Alien.


    Much as I hope this film is well received and favoured by the fans its inevitably going be be have fans who like it and those who don't, the original is so highly regarded its a tough act to live up to.
  28. overthere
    You might be right, a bit of a different approach than "I'm a massive fan of the original let's recreate it" could be good.
    I'm extremely excited about the movie, and more and more with every new information we get.
  29. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: overthere on May 31, 2016, 01:08:08 PM
    I don't like to see that he wasn't "as big of a fan" of Predator as Shane.

    You know what, I actually like this. We always here people drone on about how they're massive fans of the property - Anderson, Strause, Rodriquez. A slightly more outside perspective is a massively good thing. He didn't say he wasn't a fan, just not as big as Black and working together might mean we get a film that isn't pandering to the fans.

    Quote from: overthere on May 31, 2016, 01:08:08 PM
    From the rest of it, it sounds like the actual Predator won't be the center of the movie. I'm a bit worried it'll be like Godzilla, where the movie technically is about Godzilla, but the actual creature is on screen for 10 minutes.

    Then again, Predator wasn't on screen much longer in the original, but there was tension of his presence throughout.

    That's not quite what he's saying. I think he's saying he wants the characters to be that interesting that they'd hold the film without the Predator. 
  30. overthere
    I don't like to see that he wasn't "as big of a fan" of Predator as Shane.

    From the rest of it, it sounds like the actual Predator won't be the center of the movie. I'm a bit worried it'll be like Godzilla, where the movie technically is about Godzilla, but the actual creature is on screen for 10 minutes.

    Then again, Predator wasn't on screen much longer in the original, but there was tension of his presence throughout.
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