Today is officially Alien Day! April 26th – a throwback to the planet LV-426 where the characters discover the crashed Derelict Spacecraft in Alien and Aliens. Throughout the day, those lucky people in the US can take part in a 24-hour Twitter event where fans can test their Alien knowledge and win some awesome prizes. Heaps of companies will be offering lots of Alien merchandise today including the Reebok Alien Stompers which won’t take very long to sell out as well as the Alien Out of the Shadows audio drama which I’m personally looking forward to.
Later in the evening, cinema chains across the US and UK will be playing both Alien and Aliens as a double bill. We’ll be sure to keep this post updated throughout the day for any new things that pop up.
- US: The @AlienAnthology twitter is giving away amazing prizes throughout the day.
- US/Canada: Don’t Forget a Towel is giving away some Titan figures.
- US: Follow boxlunchgifts on instagram, and repost & tag this image to win some mini Alien figures.
- UK: Forbidden Planet is giving away some Titan books and merchandise.
- UK: AvPGalaxy is also running a NECA Aliens figures competition.
- ToyChestNews are offering an Alien Egg Bank to a newsletter subscriber.
- ArtAsylum are offering a variety of DiamondSelect Alien merchandise.
- SF Signal are giving away 5 copies of the latest novel in The Rage Wars, Alien: Invasion.
- UK/US: Titan Books are giving away several books and vinyl figures via Twitter.
- The Reebok Alien Stompers have been sold out everywhere. You can find them on ebay for pretty high prices though.
- The Aliens vs. Pinball pack for Zen Pinball is available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PSN, Steam, Windows 10, Mac, iOS, Android.
- Tim Lebbon’s Alien Invasion: The Rage War 2 is available to buy on
- Dark Horse is releasing an oversized hardcover edition of the original Aliens series. Aliens 30th Anniversary: The Original Comics Series is now available on and
- Alien: Out of the Shadows Audio Drama is available to buy on and We have an interview with Dirk Maggs, producer of the audio drama. Audible have also released a short teaser video to promote the drama. Den of Geek have published an interview with Rutger Hauer about his work on the project.
- An Alien Derelict Spaceship Statue is available to pre-order on Hollywood Collectibles for $500.
- The Aliens 30th Anniversary Loot Crate is now accepting orders.
- The standard edition of Alien: The Weyland-Yutani Report is finally available to purchase on
- Fright Rags will have an exclusive Aliens T-Shirt limited to 426 items.
- Super 7 will have a Nostromo 3-pack featuring Kane, Lambert and Dallas figures, an Alien vinyl carry case with an Alien figure and lastly, an Alien Queen Molten Silver Gray vinyl figure. They’ll be available in Super 7 stores across the US and later in the evening online.
- Mondo have heaps of Alien exclusive merchandise including T-Shirts and art prints. Most interestingly, they’re offering liquid-filled LPs of the original Aliens soundtrack.
- Dark Bunny Tees are offering Aliens-themed T-Shirts and a Bag.
- As previously announced, NECA’s Ripley Kenner Tribute figure is available at Toys ‘r Us stores.
- The Diamond Select Toys Aliens Deluxe Minimates pack is now available. An awesome promotional animation for the pack by Alex Kropinak has also been released!
- Sideshow Collectibles have released a new video showing their upcoming Alien King statue.
- HiyaToys will be releasing Corporal Hicks and Power-Loader figures.
- Kotobukiya have revealed their Alien 3 Dog Alien Statue.
- The Toy Sapiens store in Tokyo, Japan have lots of Alien displays to celebrate Alien Day.
- NECA and Carrie Henn revealed the upcoming SDCC-exclusive Newt figure. NECA also teased their Vasquez figure.
- Dave Dorman and Udon announced the release of Alien Visions, a hardback art book.
See Alien & Aliens at the Cinema
- US: Ridley Scott’s Alien and James Cameron’s Aliens will available to watch as a double bill at various cinema locations across the US via Alamo Drafthouse. You’ll also find lots of exclusive Aliens merchandise there.
- UK: In the UK, Cineworld and Vue theatres across the country begin showing them at 7PM UK Time.
- Australia: For those of you near Melbourne, the Astor theatre will be showing Alien/Aliens tonight.

Happy Alien Day!
Are any of you guys out there buying anything Alien related or going to the cinema later?
My loot crate's on it's way!
Btw, my alien day festivities included a chance to play "aliens: Armageddon" for the first time. It was alright... It was pretty out there, and they took a LOT of liberties with the aliens, but it was still fun for what it was...
I first checked it out on Xbox one, by looking up some info on it. I was pretty stoked to get some new alien themed achievements, and I wanted to set one as the background on my console. I was kinda surprised to see there were only 3 achievements on Xbox one! But that's cool; achievements aren't a deal breaker to me... BUT, when I picked it up on iOS, and looked at the achievements it has 12 TOTAL!!! Why the difference?!?
Understandable you won't pick an absolute favorite between the two! But I'm excited to hear it's that good!
That's good to know about audible too. But I kinda think the iOS version might be a better choice for me. I'd have it all the time on multiple devices! :-) betcha they do this whole trilogy eventually... At least!
Did you (or anyone) check out the pinball game? I actually really like it! And I'm not a fan of pinball games, especially digital pinball. I nabbed the pinball game for free on iOS, but in the free version you only get access to 1 table at a time and they rotate to the next table every 5 days or so. I've only tried out the aliens table so far. I was planning to wait for the next table to rotate around (avp) to see if I like it enough to buy the bundle (unlimited access to all 3 tables, ad free) or just the individual tables I like best. I may also grab it for Xbox one; still deciding on that...
Ha ha! Just as I posted the above, I thought of Alien: Isolation and I started weighing out my opinion. The two are very different. They are both high up there, and as I stated, it is one of the top experiences. So I will say, that it ranks up there, and I elect not to pick a favorite at this time.
BTW, you can get Audible for free right now on a 30 day trial, and you get a free audio book. Duh! I picked Alien out of the shadows of course. After the 30 days, you start to pay. Totally worth it, and I hope they do many more like this. It elevates audio books to a whole new level.
Thanks for the input!
PS. Do you rank this as a better alien experience than alien: isolation?
Now looking forward to 4/26, 2017. Coz you know... YOU KNOW it's gonna be absolutely loaded with 'ALIEN: Covenant' content. That's a certainty. Of course we'll be seeing stuff well before then but the movie will be released just 4 months later. You can bet Fox will already have that day pegged for big announcements in terms of tie in merch for the movie. It's poised at the perfect point for such announcements.
I don't care what the naysayers claim. Corporate opportunism or not, I say, Bring It! I can't wait for 4/26/17.
Just that he started the idea last year. He wanted a mention on the Wiki, actually, so I mostly just asked for some proof he wasn't just bullshitting, which he kindly provided.
He did mention that he had some photos of the 2015 event but I never got around to seeing them! Might hit him up and ask him if I can have a butchers.
Yeah, that one pissed me off.
Yeah? Anything fun?
Yeah I actually heard from him recently.
From what I've been able to find out, it was May 25, or exactly 30 years to the day since Alien first hit theatres.
Any idea what day that was?
Well technically Dark Horse arranged an Aliens Day back in 2009, so it's not the first.
Not the greatest debut Alien Day but was still alright.
Might stick Aliens on tonight, it's been a while.
All in all a pretty good day, haha.
Notably, the replica figure is not amongst the items included in the sale. Get yours now while they're only US$299.40! CHEAP!!!
It amazes me how often this technology fails like that. I mean its all fairly recent equipment with a reasonable new authentic disc. Urr! And they wonder why people just want to download..
Watching that made me really miss playing the Jurassic Park pinball at a video rental store near my house (back in the day).
Nevermind, I found it!
So, the first Alien day has now come to an end. And what a ride it hasn't been!
I watched Prometheus last night, and I plan on watching Alien tonight, with the following films each night this week. It's a little Alien week for me.
Sucks that the movies aren't playing near me, or anywhere in PA for that matter. Oh well.
Nothing in my area is happening. As far as I know, I'm the only person celebrating Alien day in my neck of the woods haha so it's just going to be some Alien vs Pinball & movie watching later. Maybe play a round of 2 of the Legendary Encounters game. I WISH they were playing the movies in the theater in my area but nope.
I know Alien is playing tonight in Toronto at 7pm at Cineplex Cinemas Yonge-Dundas. Anything else?