Upper Deck are due to release the Alien Anthology trading card set at the end of March 2016. Upper Deck is probably known to Alien and Predator collectors as the company responsible for the fantastic Legendary Encounter games (both Alien and Predator). It has been revealed that the company will also be producing a trading card set celebrating the Alien films:
“Chronicling each of the four movies in cardboard form, 2016 Upper Deck Alien Anthology looks back at the storied franchise with a comprehensive release. Top options include sketch cards and actor autographs.
Focusing on artwork instead of movie images, classic scenes are depicted with a variety of original art across a 100-card base set. Foil base parallels combine with standard insert to average one per pack.
A list of signers is not yet available but a key component of the release will be Autographs for top names in the overall film series and some will be short-printed. Another premium option, one-of-one Sketch cards offer original interpretations for notable characters and moments in Alien history.
Adding a non-traditional wrinkle to the mix, replica Marine Dog Tags (1:20 packs) can also be found as well as a limited Dog Tag Autograph (1:4 cases – #/5) parallel that is signed by select actors.
More traditional inserts each fall at 1:7.5 packs and include Character Bios, Weyland Yutani Propaganda Posters and artwork from the Legendary Encounters deck-building game.”

The Alien Anthology trading card set will contain artwork based on the films rather than screen captures.

In addition to the normal Dog Tag cards, the Alien Anthology trading card set will also feature autographed variants of the Dog Tag cards. The above signature is a placeholder of Ken Griffey Jr’s signature.
The full details of whose signatures will be included in the set are not available yet. The Alien Anthology trading card set will only be covering the Alien films – no Prometheus or Alien vs. Predator – and marks the first time since the Alien vs. Predator: Requiem set by Inkworks that Alien has returned to trading card form.
Thanks to Machiko Naguchi for the news.
I just bought the base set from ebay.
The prices are all over the place on the dog tags and autograph cards. I'm not an experienced card buyer. Do prices go up or down as time goes on? By time I mean 6 months?
Remember: The quicker the boxes get broken open, the higher the price will be to get one (or two, or three, or four
Just checking out some of the eBay auctions. Holy Jesus Christ, how much are people daring to charge for shipping?! £30+ for a single card! Some people are just out to take the piss. Get real.
The actual card prices seem quite reasonable to me. £10-20 is what I'd expect.
Edit: never mind, I've got to the silly hundreds for some autographs. Le sigh.
My local also reckons it's not looking good for receiving them over here. What the f**k are Upper Deck playing at with this?
Oh and I also just realized there is a silver foil parallel for the entire base set as well.
That made me "giggle"...
Of course everything else will be too
Considering that's mostly what we'll be pulling out of the packs.
I assume they are all sub sets?
The sheer amount of unique sketch cards make this seem a little daft. Do they usually have that many?
Just messaged my local again to ask. Gotta wait until Monday to find out from UK suppliers.
Checklist -
100 cards.
Silver Foil
16 cards.
SA-BP Bill Paxton
SA-CD Charles S. Dutton
SA-CH Carrie Henn
SA-CS Cynthia Scott
SA-DK Daniel Kash
SA-DP Dominique Pinon
SA-GD Gary Dourdan
SA-HS Harry Dean Stanton
SA-LH Lance Henriksen
SA-MR Mark Rolston
SA-PR Paul Reiser
SA-RP Ron Perlman
SA-RR Ricco Ross
SA-SW Sigourney Weaver
SA-TS Tom Skerritt
SA-VC Veronica Cartwright
15 cards.
DA-CH Lance Henriksen , Carrie Henn
DA-CS Harry Dean Stanton, Veronica Cartwright
DA-DD Charles Dance, Charles S. Dutton
DA-DR Daniel Kash, Ricco Ross
DA-HR Mark Rolston, Lance Henriksen
DA-PD Dominique Pinon, Gary Dourdan
DA-PH Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen
DA-PR Mark Rolston, Bill Paxton
DA-PW Bill Paxton, Sigourney Weaver
DA-RH Carrie Henn, Paul Reiser
DA-SC Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright
DA-SR Ricco Ross, Cynthia Scott
DA-SS Harry Dean Stanton, Tom Skerritt
DA-WH Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn
DA-WS Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt
10 cards.
LA-1 Kevin Enhart
LA-2 Kevin Enhart
LA-3 Adam Brown
LA-4 Adam Brown
LA-5 Kevin Enhart
LA-6 Vinz Tabanaz
LA-7 Vinz Tabanaz
LA-8 Kevin Enhart
LA-9 Adam Brown
LA-10 Vincenzo Cucca
15 cards.
DTA-BS Lance Henriksen /5
DTA-BU Paul Reiser /5
DTA-CR Gary Dourdan /5
DTA-DA Tom Skerritt /5
DTA-DI Cynthia Scott /5
DTA-DR Mark Rolston /5
DTA-ER Sigourney Weaver /5
DTA-JL Veronica Cartwright /5
DTA-JO Ron Perlman /5
DTA-LD Charles S. Dutton /5
DTA-RJ Carrie Henn /5
DTA-RR Ricco Ross /5
DTA-SB Harry Dean Stanton /5
DTA-VR Dominique Pinon /5
DTA-WH Bill Paxton /5
10 cards.
WY-1 Patty Earp /70
WY-2 Patty Earp /70
WY-3 Patty Earp /70
WY-4 Patty Earp /70
WY-5 Patty Earp /70
WY-6 Patty Earp /70
WY-7 Patty Earp /70
WY-8 Patty Earp /70
WY-9 Patty Earp /70
WY-10 Patty Earp /70
12 cards.
CB-AC Annalee Call
CB-DA Dallas Arthur
CB-DP Dennis Parker
CB-ER Ellen Ripley
CB-FE Frank Elgyn
CB-JG Jonathan Gediman
CB-JL Joan Lambert
CB-JO Johner
CB-JV John Vriess
CB-LB Lance Bishop
CB-MP Martin Perez
CB-WH William Hudson
10 cards.
15 cards.
DT-BS Bishop
DT-BU Burke
DT-CR Christie
DT-DA Dallas Arthur
DT-DH Dwayne Hicks
DT-DI Cpl. Dietrich
DT-DR Drake
DT-GE Gediman
DT-JL Joan Lambert
DT-JO Johner
DT-LD Leonard Dillon
DT-PA Parker
DT-RJ Rebecca "Newt" Jorden
DT-SB Samuel Brett
DT-VR Vriess
10 cards.
Sketch Cards
38 artists.
Melike Acar
Jason Adams
Mitch Ballard
Federico Blee
Benjo Camay
Neil Camera
Luiz Campelo
Patricio Carrasco
Marco Carrillo
Justin Castaneda
Jason Crosby
JJ Dzialowski
Harold Edge
Mauro Fodra
Allen Geneta
Abdul Ghofur
Mick and Matt Glebe
Daniel Gorman
Charles Hall
John Haun
Elvin Hernandez
David Hindelang
Jade Isaig
Rustico Limosinero
Julian Lytle
Adriana Melo
Barush Merling
Rich Molinelli
Nathan Ohlendorf
Fabian Quintero
Ken Racho
Jezreel Rojales
Tim Shay
Bryan "SilverBaX" Sheppard
Anthony Tan
Ron Tan
Lydi Li Tubillara
George Vega
Lots of info coming out here.
People are starting to crack boxs.
Can't find anything on eBay though.
No way to collect the whole set though.
Didn't the blurb mention it would be artists as well as actors?
Another one.
Some other artists are posting theirs up too -
Also saw this: https://www.instagram.com/p/BAvEyZ5LnfC/
Not sure why she's signing though. Are they doing artist signed cards?
So it looks like they take a few artists and give them a a handful of blank cards, and they draw up the same drawing a bunch of times and number them.
So for example those 3 above there may be 10-20 of each of them?
That's how it seemed to work when I looked into the firefly ones. Unless these are 1:1. But that seems unlikely.
So Winde is a man who likes to get stuff done!
My audio was crap so I wasent able to hear. But with your Palisades how are the collector numbers? Low? I always wondered how important that was to collectors.
Now I think I do want to get a box at least...
This thread alone should sell a few boxs so that's good.
If anyone ends up getting one before I do, would you mind uploading some pics? Or even do an unboxing?
Hopefully I'll have a box mid April.
I plan on getting at least 1 box. But the lack of advertising baffles me. I bet 95% of the people that WOULD be interested in this dont know it exists. Which kinda sucks.
Really does. Perhaps they'll do just that if this sells well. So everybody in this thread needs to buy some! Lol
I honestly don't recall seeing those. I swear I missed so much in that game because I was just too terrified to do any sightseeing
As a product designer, I can tell you that design can be cyclical. Old ideas often resurface in the strangest of ways, and with new twists. Most likely the designers of the posters are just referencing the classic posters of that era as a terrific propaganda tool. They could also be doing that "in-universe", whereby the style of the 1930's could resurface in the 2100's (or whatever the era happens to be). There really is no rhyme or reason for it. Sometimes, individual designers or architects will come up with something clever, and the rest of the design community will follow along like sheep. Take the ipod for example. How many products have we seen which follow its overall contours since it came out? Lots. In the future, there may be this vibe of trying to convince people to do something heroic and monumental and move out to the stars. What better way to convince people to do that then by referencing some of the most potent propaganda posters in history?
By the same token, the old-school look of the Nostromo gear could be intended to act as an "instrument of comfort" for space travellers. The designers of the future may be living in a zeitgeist which harkens back to a by-gone era, and designing their products accordingly. All products tend to be a reflection of their times, or an intentional counter-point of their times. Consider the Mini brand of automobiles. They deliver a styling which was at its zenith in the 1950's. And yet, it is perfectly on point today, precisely because it counter-points what is happening in design.
I've come across the Upper Deck presentation on the set though.
End of the month, I believe.
There's no arguments, then. Especially if you make it clear to her that she's just as entitled as you are to spending the excess funds on whatever you like. We work hard to keep our house afloat, it's only fair we get rewarded for our efforts.
And as long as you don't spend every dime on the crap. That's grounds for waking up finding all of your stuff in the trash.