20th Century Fox has scheduled The Predator release date at last! According to BoxOffice.com, Shane Black’s The Predator will hit theatres on March 2, 2018! As previously announced, the movie has been written by Shane Black and Fred Dekker while Black will be directing the Predator sequel.

The Predator release date is March 02, 2018
Details of The Predator are very sparse at the minute, with the name only just being recently announced! It was initially announced as a reboot of the original Predator, it was soon to be revealed as what Shane Black referred to as an “inventive sequel.” It was later revealed by Fred Dekker via Facebook that the script for The Predator had been completed in November last year.
Stay tuned on AvPGalaxy for all the latest news regarding Shane Black’s The Predator.
Predator: moves from March 2, 2018 to February 9, 2018.
Not as far as I can see. It's probably just one of the ads. If you're concerned send a screenshot over.
Also, did someone hack the site and place an ad for lego avengers in the news section? Whats up with that?
Noland " You see They learn... They adapt... You want to survive you dig in deep and stay hid."
I can't say I ever took that away from the scene. An interesting thought though!
Meh, I liked it. He made me chuckle a couple of times too, and I know other people thought he was good so it's not just me.
Easily the worst part of the movie, his portrayal of a crazy person was both cringe worthy and laughable. On top of that like everyone has said, he didn't look at all like someone who had been stranded there for 10 seasons.
Really? I loved that they put Morpheus uh I mean Fishburne as that part. One of the highlights of the movie imo.
I was trying to find where was the Burger King in the jungle.
Lame lame movie....
Fishburne's part was a long, long way from good storytelling. It was the most botched aspect of the entire movie.
I agree. Though I did enjoy the little references to his being in Apocalypse Now. The Tiger Stripe BDU pants, calling Stans 'Agent Orange' and the humming of Ride of the Valkyries.
Fishburne's normally great, but he kinda sucked in Predators.
His only purpose was to tell us the difference between the two Predators, slowing down the pace of the movie while he's at it.
Then they blast his ass off in a ridiculous CGI Explosion minutes later, again, they could have done so much better/more with the character, Fishburne is great, but greatly underused here.
Whilst I generally agree with you, Mike, I disagree here. Nolan was one of the disappointments of Predators to me. He came across far too comical in his portrayal and was barely in it.
But it didn't. It's also not need. We know how he survived.
Why do they think this is a good date to relase The Predator? We have to wait 2 year from now for a movie wich has a final script since last November and drafting started around summer 2014...they bring Covenant to August so they cant play Predator in July?
Withoute the 2017 relase Fox miss the 30th anniversary to celebrate the original and even the summer seson which could make more money for the film.
2017 is also an important date for the series because of 1987 1997..2017 could be the present day set of the story as the Predators visiting Eart in every ten years.2007 should be for Predators.
Predators story could work almost the same if it takes place in South America on Earth.The film sets in an earth like jungle as Master said .
With little differences like Noland could land with the others and part of the most of the movie and getting crazy just like he did.Royce with the group cant get out of the area until they cant kill the Predators no matter they on Eart or not just like in the original.
The movie could work with only one yautja as well and in the end Royce and Isabell could walk away from the scene just like they did(they thought what?They've seen new group arriving for new hunt and they smoothly walking away..what??:-)) because they on Earh in South America. Now..lets find a way home
Very well put. Seriously insted of giving us more of strange alien game preserve world, we have earth like jungle with nearly nothing new or interesting. Noland was a waste. Predator mythos could have been so enriched that way.
They were about as subtle as a Predator walking up and sitting on your face.
No, Predator 2 had easter eggs/homages to the first movie, Predators on the other hand ripped off whole scenarios from the first movie.
Royce setting up traps covered in mud yelling "kill me, I'm here"
Lawrence fishburne wispering "over here" followed by Royce saying "what the f**k are you", both from the first movie
Nikolai carrying a minigun and generally looking like a Blaine rip-off
the whole goupe firing all at the same time into the jungle (the shot is even framed the same way)
a character (mombasa) that can sense the Predator in the trees followed by "what is it?"
a character left behind to fight the Predator with a sword (even same score for the scene)
the characters hiding in the jungle hearing something (again using the same score, making the scene that could actually be suspenseful feel like a cheap knock-off)
waterfall scene
royce skewering a cockroach and looking at it (instead of a scorpion)
There is even more, and some of the things i like (like the eye-flash from the Predator) but in the movie it feels just like this stuff is way too overused, yes, the movie gave us a couple of new things, like the dogs, which i like, but they are in it for five minutes, we only ever get a glimpse of the falcon and that's basically it. New clan of better Predators? Bigger and more evil? Well, 3 of them couldn't take out a bunch of criminals where in the first movie one "normal" one took out a whole team of experienced soldiers... ohh the logic...
To each his own, but for me, this is by far the weakest of the 3 movies.
It really is and i really hope they do something different with it this time around, i really loved what Black did with the Mandarin in Iron Man 3, not saying i want this for The Predator obviously, but i liked the twist, you didn't see this coming and i would just love to be surprised again, that's what was missing from the last one, i just don't want "more of the same" this time around.
And leave the nostalgia out, we get it, the first one is great, don't remind us, go on and do it yourself. If i see another beanpole covered in mud yelling "Kill me, I'm here!" i'm gonna hang myself.
It really doesn't have to be. The Predator concept is just so flexible! They need to take a risk and do something different with it.
I thought Dekker was doing the script? Black only did the concept or initial treatment or whatever.
After Predators i said the series is done, there doesn't have to be another movie, because it just felt repetitive after the last one, but with Black they really got the right guy for this.
So yes, the people saying "don't get your hopes up" are kind of understandable, but if we can't be excited about a guy who wrote stuff like Lethal Weapon writing and directing a Predator movie then what's left? This time, we have all the right reasons to look forward to a new movie.
God. Talking about bad ideas...