The AFI Film Festival took place on Thursday the 12th of November. Following the event I noticed a couple of Tweets on Twitter stating that Sir Ridley Scott had referred to Alien: Paradise Lost as Alien: Covenant. Following that, Indie Wire, who were in attendance have posted a report about the potential new title:
““I was going to be doing what will be called ‘Alien: Covenant,’ which starts shooting next February, and we were struggling then with the screenplay there and then there was a phone call, somebody saying, ‘Listen, we’ve got this thing which is completely written called ‘Martian,’ and I said, ‘Huh.’ And I sped read it in an hour and by mid-afternoon, I talked to Fox and said, ‘I need to talk to ‘Drew [Goddard]…’”
There has been no official word regarding this. It may have simply been a slip-of-the-tongue or he may have accidently revealed the title for Neill Blomkamp’s “on hold” Alien sequel. This appears to be the first time he has referred to the Prometheus sequel as such.
The Indie Wire article also refers to the recently touted 30th May 2017 release date. Again, that is just coming from articles with no official word. Thanks to community member meshuggah for the Indie Wire link.
As promised. Front paging it now. Will probably generate a new thread.
My mistake. Just done a quick Google search and can't see anyone else reporting April for shooting. Last we heard it would be Feb. Shame they don't quote a source.
So I've been speaking to the author - he says he heard the April shooting from some crew. There's apparently going to be an announcement tomorrow.
Its Sydney Morning Herald. But I just searched their site for all Prometheus related articles and didn't see anything about "Hell on Earth". Tried Google as well.
They come with built-in PFM aiming!
PFM is "Pure f**king Magic". I'm actually quoting Syd Mead here. About a decade ago I was at a seminar of his in Detroit where he used that term over and over during his presentation.
Is that like Petyr Baelish's teleporter/rocket pack?
It's totally ok if you use PFM.
The only trouble is the timeline. There is 28 years between Prometheus and Alien. That isn't a lot of time for David and the Covenant ship to get to the planet "on the far side of the galaxy", have nasty stuff go down, and news/info get back to Weylans-Yutani so they put Ash on the Nostromo to obtain a specimen.
You just need to have his feet up on the Ark of the Covenant now lol
My drawing is now irrelevant, damnit !
Although I love the direction they're going on with, I'll have a hard time getting used to the new name.
It's not Halo, it's not Halo, it's not...... .
Still if anyone remembers the space map thing from the engineer pilot chamber...what was that called again? Orrey or something. All the systems seemed to be self contained. Perhaps leaving that zone was to protect us form the horrors of space.
Why bother when they can just make more of us?
Wouldn't that be, "Bound for a remote planet on the near side of the galaxy" ?
It just doesn't have that dramatic flavor
In all seriousness. A very cool destination for paradise would be Tau Sagittarii.
This was a nearest star to a signal that Seti picked up in 1977 known as the WOW! signal. I think it was even used in some half-arsed Weylund industries website pre-movie puzzle games.
Tau Sagittarii is 122 LY away, so about 4x further from earth than Zeta Reticuli.
A thought just occurred to me, what if "on the far side of the galaxy" they mean on our side? Seeing as Earth isn't exactly close to the centre of the Milky Way, they could be talking about the opposite end of the other side, on the far end of our end of the galaxy so to speak.
I'm hoping the goon who wrote the synopsis was going for dramatic effect, but IMO this is cringe worthy
"Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy"
The Milky Way is about 120,000 LY in diameter. The earth is about 75,000 LY from the far side of the galaxy.
To contrast : Zeta Reticuli is approximately 39 LY from earth, and it took The Prometheus 2 years to get there.
If you want to tell me that a Juggernaut can travel tens of thousands of light years in a short period of time, I will buy it. But.. it would take the Prometheus 5000 years to travel that far. I don't see a colony ship of the same era doing any better. Keep in mind that there are only 28 years between the destruction off the Prometheus and the events in ALIEN.
disclaimer : tongue in cheek
I don't expect that's the actual logo... they just wanted to give us something (along with the synopsis) to stop our belly-achin'.
Remember, cryo exists. If this does indeed take place years later, Shaw could be alive and well in one of the Engineer cryotubes for all we know. If she's not part of the movie, there could also be flashbacks or some type of prologue to explains things, or like someone said earlier, she could be saved as a protagonist for the third movie.
The fact that shes not mentioned at all in the official synopsis is just weird and worrying to me. She was the main character in Prometheus. If she is just a plot point in this, that would be incredibly dumb.
I'd guess a ship full of people going to colonise another world. The first wave as it were.
I honestly expect her fate to be a plot point for the film.
In most sci-fi it's a ship sent off into space to find a planet and build a life there with the contents of the ship, usually using the ship itself to construct the buildings and etc.
If Noomi Rapace is getting Alien 3'd, then f**k this movie.
I really don't want that to be the case.
My bet is that Rapace ends up being the dead engineer in the derelict. David convinces her to attach his head to his body, overpowers her, experiments on her once they get to the engineers home planet.
The possibilities are endless really...
I think so too. There will likely be some sort of reveal. It would be great if the movie opens with Rapace calling the human race to see this place or maybe David is experimenting on her and that will be the reveal. Or maybe he murders her,.. Lots of possibilities.
I suspect it's going to be a plot point.
Wait, so they're now dropping Rapace too?!