As Ridley Scott and his fellow filmmakers continue making the press rounds for his upcoming science-fiction, The Martian, based off the fantastic Andy Weir novel, Ridley Scott is starting to talk more about Prometheus 2. In an interview with Collider, Scott talked about the questions Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw and Michael Fassbender’s David 8 will have when they reach their destination in Prometheus 2:
“It starts off with a very grand idea—or a grand question, really. Who are they and why did they create such evil biology and bacteriology? And [in creating], to protect themselves from what? So the questions are answered there, or rather, beginning to be answered in Prometheus 2.”

Ridley Scott and Noomi Rapace on the set of Prometheus.
Much of the story for Prometheus 2 is unknown. The last we heard of the screen writing was that Michael Green had written a script by Jack Paglen. Scott recently told interviewers that Prometheus 2 would start production in February 2016 and that he had been scouting for locations in Australia.
Not what I was saying at all.
I was implying that the deacon is an accident as a result of the black goo coming into contact with a human. I was questioning what the black goo would do if it came in contact with an alien.
In no way was I saying the deacon was a weapon to fight the aliens.
Although I do acknowledge that is another theory.
This is a very interesting concept. And its kind of right in front of us to see. People have been asking how the black goo ties into the derelict and the eggs and you're saying that the Deacon that we see, is actually an attempt made by the engineers to destroy the Xenomorphs. Meaning the black goo doesn't make Xenomorphs, it makes a creature they were designing to fight the xenomorphs.
Kinda interesting, but also sort of lame in the end, there are just two kinds of Xenos, that battle each other.
I much prefer the Paradise Lost angle. Which - as far as explaining the events in Promtheus - implies that there are instead to kinds of Engineers. Fallen Angels and Beloved Angels. And then there is their Creator who has also created man. The fallen Angels, would be the ones we met on LV223 and as per Paradise Lost, they are creating a POISON, meant to POISON the human race because their creator loves us more than they.
This poison is fed to Adam and Eve in the Garden Of Eden.
So then we would have Shaw and David in Paradise (the garden of eden) where the Devil - the leader of the Fallen Engineers, will disguise himself and trick David and Shaw into drinking the Poison. The Black Goo?
And that maybe creates the Alien somehow? By way of David being an android?
I dunno.
In any case, that would make the Goo poisoning the human race to create the Xeno's to destroy their creator.
More importantly why wait 35000 years ?? Perhaps initially they were making something else ??
So a distress/warning signal?
Where have we all seen one of those before?
While I hear what you're saying, the idea of making a film that's simply a prologue to a proposed sequel really pisses me off.
A film should stand on it's own as a self-contained piece of entertainment, end of. If I have to start watching sequels just to enjoy the first, they've failed. I don't need to watch Aliens to enjoy or understand Alien. The same should be true of Prometheus, regardless of how good or bad the sequel is.
"You said go there!"
"We said DON'T go there!"
"Paradise Lost" implies there could've been a civil war if it's based on the actual poem which explores a civil war in the heavens.
What if that Engineer pointing at the stars was saying "if you go out there, don't go near these stars."
However, if that facility is truly 2,000 years old, then I don't see how Xenomorphines' suggestion is a stretch as 2 millennia is a lot of time for things to change.
On the other hand, that could have belonged to our creators, and then taken by force from this other faction, or it was found abandoned and then occupied by this faction.
Hopefully the sequels begin answering questions as I'd like to find out as well some of these questions.
For somewhere which was speculated as being where they made the stuff, it seemed to lack anything even approaching what could be recognised as a series of laboratories, much less production assembly.
come to think of it, that might be why they were meant to be painted as pointing to that constellation: It was originally some sort of centre for cultural understanding/teaching, which their cultural 'missionaries' assembled at to leave in their spaceships for various different worlds. Then it later got turned into somewhere for keeping the black ooze (or was taken over by a different faction). That big giant head might have just been somewhere they later decided to store some of the urns, rather than having any symbolic relation to them.
Seems like a stretch. It was just another issue with the narrative.
But if the facility is making/housing biological weapons that are earmarked for our destruction, why would the Engineers leave us any clue as to where it is? That would be like Assad emailing the Syrian rebels with the locations of his chemical weapons stockpiles.
I agree with the sentiment but when they make a big deal of a movie asking and answering questions I'd expect them to actually answer them.
But I completely agree with the other points too.
I don't know if it was so much that nothing was explained - there's nothing wrong with leaving questions unanswered, look at Alien - but I had issue with the fact the questions Prometheus posed made no damn sense.
Why would the Engineers make us just to decide to kill us all at a later date?
Why would they leave us directions to a biological weapons depot if they simply plan to return with said weapons and wipe us out?
Why would David decide to infect Holloway when it could, in all likelihood, endanger Weyland, whose survival is the entire point of the mission?
Why is Shaw heading to the Engineer home world alone in search of "answers" when they apparently want to batter her to death with their bare hands on sight?
The high never arrived for me. Neither did it for the entire audience... I think one or two people started to clap but then that silent awkwardness crept in. You know it doesn't happen to me often; but I was at a total loss for words for quite some time.
When I discovered this after seeing Prometheus, going home and jumping online the high I was on from seeing the film immediately evaporated.
Zing! But yeah.
Because it was gonna make Fifield a sexy Alien but then they changed it into something else that makes significantly less sense. Basically like the entire movie.
The whole concept of this puts me off. If the original idea to make a straight Alien prequel was so deliberately (and messily) discarded for Prometheus, why are they now going back to it for a sequel? It's probably just going to make things even more clumsy.
I actually expected this back in my analysis of one of the trailers in 2012 - though I thought the tendrils would be more prevalent than they turned out to be.
I still maintain that the Engineers are emulating some other creature with the image of the suits they wear.
With Prometheus 2 slated for a release in 2017 do you reckon Neill Blomkamp's movie will go into Production around the same time fora release of 2018? And for that matter isn't Ridley Scott meant to be making a total of 3 Prometheus related movies, the1st one which came out in 2012, the 2nd which he'll be working on now, and finally a 3rd which will fill the gap to the events of the original Alien? Wonder if Scott will be have to force his other two Prometheus film into a singular sequel in order to make room for Neill's movie.
The chicken came first.
But the biggest unanswered question is how did Tom Ed Lawrence do that trick with the match? Because it damn well hurts when I try it at home.
No, but he came up with all the original, unanswered questions in the original that they now have to try and solve in a meaningful way. That's typical Lindelof. Come up with great ideas, then totally fail to resolve them.
Good thing then that Lindelof isn't involved with the sequel.
Saying Prometheus 2 will "begin" answering questions just makes me feel like they don't really have a clue where they're going to go with it. Which just smacks of typical Lindelof.
There's a few ideas that come to mind. One must be mankind. Prometheus was the first privately funded deep-space exploration mission, if we are going off pure Prometheus lore, so the Engineers must foresee mankind developing the capability and capacity to explore and colonize new worlds in mass scale. Perhaps that is a threat over their dominion?
Another idea is another species, represented by the different style of ship shown at the beginning of the film and used in an Easter Egg space battle in Aliens: Colonial Marines (like it or not, FOX says it's canon so clearly they mean to depict two different races). Possible civil war or perhaps the original Space Jockey is NOT an Engineer but something else completely?
Finally, my personal hope, is that the greater threat is THE PREDATOR RACE, BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT?!
Obviously there are reasons not to go this route, but I don't see it as an impossibility. FOX knows there is this unavoidable parallel between their two fictitious species, thanks to the comics, video games and movies. Now, knowing Ridley, he won't do this unless forced to and at that point you're probably looking at a different director if FOX won't budge.
Ultimately, I would like that route because I really like the Fire and Stone series and would love to see it made into a 2-part film series or short TV program (like hour long episodes), despite the flaws and speculative nature (but it would be able to be flushed out since the BIG QUESTIONS will have been answered at the Prometheus film series conclusion).
One final thought... what if this was a weird Aliens: Nightmare Asylum [Book 2] variant using Prometheus? Corporal Hicks knows where I'm going with this... perhaps the Xenomorphs that were "engineered" were created to fight an indigenous version of the very same creature??? Aliens Genocide with Engineers trying to control their creations?
Well if Mr. Scott does not follow my vision for his upcoming movie then he leaves me no other choice than to criticize his film at every opportunity I get!
Architects are usually associated as deities, as aforementioned could denote a possible idea.
As an Alien fan it feels very disappointing to see him do this.
The eggs are on a mural being clutched by an Alien's hands with all four petals open.
Also, there would be no reason for a Queen to naturally lay ampules.
And the laser keeping the eggs in sleep means the eggs where there from take off.
Thats the most logical.
As i see it, the black goo turned every living thing into a hostile entity.
But except the engineer, he turned into nothing when he fel into the water disolving into nothing, or the dna of life on Earth.
So could be the blood of the engineer coming in contact with the black goo makes both go kaput, and every inferior life beings will be dominated to its aggression.
Basically the black goo is an ultimate weapon that allows the engineers to create life as they see fit and that means to create life to exterminate other types of life in a purely systematic way.
And even if they mix with an engineer you get mutated xeno like the one from Prometheus in the end,
when he opens his mouth only a meat thing comes out and not the attacking.....jaw thing.
So they made the eggs, to impregnate us humans and therefor creating xenomorphs for an attack force,
to attack....predators??
Seemed like they were referencing the alien directly in these examples.
You're right. The first thing I heard Scott say about Prometheus, just days after it was announced, was "the thing in the chair - it's a suit."