The fifth, and I believe final, piece of Alien Isolation DLC has been put onto Steam for pre-order:
“Welcome to The Trigger, the fifth add-on content pack for Alien: Isolation.
Can you make Sevastopol safe? You’ve been given a box of explosives and the locations to set them. All you need to do now is pull the trigger… and stay alive.
– Features three all-new Survivor Mode maps. Can you survive and get the highest score?
– Play as Ricardo and learn the truth behind the explosives on board Sevastopol.
– Avoid security alarms, take on Working Joes and above all, survive the Alien.”
The Trigger is due for release tomorrow, on the 3rd of March. I expect more details and a video tomorrow upon the release of the Alien Isolation DLC. Thanks to Quarax and vikingr for the news.
Update – Creative Assembly have now posted their official Let’s Play of The Trigger:
I prefer the campaign experience, but for pure gameplay, the maps aren't anything to scoff at. It's just a different cup of tea. The scoreboard increased the tension for me because I was more prone to rushing.
(Mass Effect 3 isn't, the DLC's saved that game.)
Personally A:I is near perfect, and with a sequel there's so much they could add and improve upon like from Halo:CE to Halo 2, I can't wait.
Here's Creative Assembly's video.
I get what you mean, the imagination is a powerful tool and I wouldn't ask for total reveal of what happened, but I would love to have seen Sevastopol before the events of Isolation, see it in all its about-to-be-decommissioned glory
I just like a story, even if it doesn't reveal much, survivor mode may be good but if I am paying for content, I would like to be able to re-immerse myself in the world and not simply go for the high score
Some nice logs to find, a few cutscenes and it would be awesome. Maybe about 1h gameplay for 10 bucks per DLC and you're good to go.
They just seem to lack any point, which takes away from the urgency. And the time limit things are all a bit... Mario Kart, maybe? I don't want to be on a scoreboard somewhere, I just want more of those glacial scares. Alien all over the show all the time diminishes the creature, somehow.
Ah well, still a wonderful campaign, so I'm not going to cry about it too much!
Indeed. I love the game and I like the intention of the DLC - to be short experiences of the whole but I barely played any of the DLC myself.
I would have preferred something story driven.