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Alien Isolation Leading BAFTA Nominations

Anyone who has been following Alien Isolation’s Twitter or Facebook feeds will be aware of the multitude of awards that the game has been racking up over the last few months. However, a particularly prestigous award body, the BAFTA Game Awards, has just unveiled their nominations for 2015.

Clocking in with a total of 6 nominations, Alien Isolation has received more nominations than any other title.

Nominated categories include:

  • Audio Achievement
  • Best Game
  • Best British Game
  • Game Design
  • Game Innovation
  • Music

The nominations are all well deserved – as are all the other awards that Alien Isolation has been given – and the team at AvP Galaxy would like to congratulate everyone involved in making the game that blew us all away in October.

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Comments: 7
  1. JazzX
    Quote from: razeak on Feb 10, 2015, 11:13:13 PM
    I could hands down say yes to everything except Best Game. For me, it's a toss up between A:I and.........Mario Kart 8. Both games are awesome.

    Oh and Bayonetta 2 is neck and neck also.

    Banner Saga did really well in sound and music also.

    Hmmm - Mario Kart 8?
    I'm sure it's an extremely entertaining game - but it is the latest in an "Octology" (!) - lol

    There can't be much originality there. Unlike Alien, which dared to do something different and dared to shite all over people who play it badly and lose over and over again.

    It WAS the best game of 2014.
  2. razeak
    I could hands down say yes to everything except Best Game. For me, it's a toss up between A:I and.........Mario Kart 8. Both games are awesome.

    Oh and Bayonetta 2 is neck and neck also.

    Banner Saga did really well in sound and music also.
  3. Corporal Hicks
    It definitely deserves Audio Achievement. I am continually impressed by how effective the sound design is in that game.

    It's genuinely refreshing - as a fan - to have a game like this to be proud of. Especially after the recent years.
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