Creative Assembly have announced the first of five Survivor DLC additions, to be released on the 28th of October:
“In ‘Corporate Lockdown’, you step in to the shoes of Ransome, a Seegson Executive. On discovering that he’s been abandoned by his paymasters and aware that the Torrens is on the way, he decides to hitch a ride and escape, taking with him valuable decoded Nostromo data.
Before he does this, however, there are still a few loose ends he wants to tidy up…
Across three new challenging, tense and terrifying maps, ‘Severance’, ‘Scorched Earth’ and ‘Loose Ends’, you’ll be pitted against other players on our online leaderboards.
Will you escape the station in the fastest time possible? Or achieve the highest score with the side quests and hidden bonus objectives to claim the elevated top positions?
New to ‘Corporate Lockdown’ is also Gauntlet Mode. You’ll be challenged to top the Gantlet Mode leaderboards by completing all three challenge maps back to back – without dying. Will you succeed?”
It sounds as if Corporate Lockdown is composed of three actual maps and somehow features a narrative to go along with it. I’ll be very curious to see how this works out. For those interested in the Alien Isolation DLC, a season pass can also be purchased.
EDIT: I just completed the campaign on Hard and I can confirm that booting up any computer in the campaign does NOT attract the Alien to your location. It appears attracting the Alien through booting up the computer happens exclusively in Corporate Lockdown, so to re-emphasize my earlier statement; non-scripted Alien encounters, my ass.
The hacker.
Edit: Replayed it today and it was still the same for me with the exception of a new facehugger that appeared shortly after I picked the FT this time. Don't remember that happening before. The rest was the exact same :C.
I have definitely seen the facehuggers pop up in random places. A couple times, they spawned at my feet giving me no chance at all. Another time, one came out by the doors to go into that theater as I was heading to the generator handle button thing.
So what I did was to place a trap behind me, which chases the alien away.
Or you can hide and wait for it to lose interest.
I agree with the lack of checkpoints.
Btw, I figured out how to read it without getting killed, it seems the Alien is programmed to come into that room whenever you interact with that computer whether it's to hack it or read it so be sure to hide in the nearby cabinet when you're done using it; non-scripted Alien encounters, my ass.
They should have just done a decent story campaign set before the events of the Torrens arriving with a proper narrative.
Use the motion tracker whenever you suspect facehuggers are near; it's annoying but it's worth it.
I'm having a real hard time, haven't even beaten the first one yet. I was THIS close and the Alien popped down. It charged me after I flamed it a couple times, but it kept coming and killed me the farthest I got.
The f**king facehuggers in the theater are what are really throwing me for a loop though.
The actual maps yes but there are 3 maps included in the DLC versus the games one.
Yes !
Besides who cares about it being survivor cause i definitly am not aiming to be at the top leaderboard in a more SP oriented game. I rather want to enjoy the new environment, even though well knowing its not much to be there story- and narrative wise.
I think that somehow everyone of us dreamt about the dlc packs (especially the big upcoming ones in terms of hdd space
More storycontent is always nice, without any doubt but more storycontent also means more work and CA has delivered a nice story already even though we expect more of course
Besides guys who can tell us that the other upcoming dlc packs will not have certain terminals or storyline elements (that do not require a narrative audio track
We simply do not know the actual content from the other survivor maps so ... and even if its not in there i know what i will deal with and still get them cause i like to play the game for what i experienced it, a real Alien experience that i searched for for quite some time
However of course i agree that as i have now many times outlined that it would be better to have more storyline aspects built into the maps but yeah ... CA does not consider it the same with at least corporate lockdown.
The new playable character turned out to be a new pair of arms, it has no introduction or anything like the pre-order DLC does and the variety of enemy types is just the alien and androids. I definitely was expecting something else.
I think the trap CA may have fallen into there is a classic what is fun for the devs = what is fun for the customer. They may have been working on the game for years and trying to beat their AI as quickly as possible seems like the most fun thing to do now, while we as consumers are much more interested in exploring the narrative of the world they have created.
With a bit of luck they have an eye out for feedback and can react accordingly.
I was hoping that CA would make a meaningful effort to explore the backstory of Sevastopol's leading figures with cutscenes, character interactions, and dialogue.
Not into it at all.
Pure padding.
Add me to that list. I would be happy for some proper story campaign expansions detailing more of what else is happening at Sevastapol, using other characters and such. Survivor mode is just junk food on the side.
Yeah, I'm feeling the same way. I would have much preferred if the DLC had focused on more story based DLC in the vein of the main game.
The character Ransome is someone who's in the periphery during the story if you listen to various audio logs scattered around. He's a Seegson corporate goon, seems to be modeled closely after Burke without any of the false charm that Burke had. Basically, he's a huge douche.
Yes. There are limitless possibilities for new stories to be told aboard the Sevastopol.
The dlc for this should expand on the story not provide fan service so we get to explore another part of the franchise.