Today is the officially the day that Alien Isolation is released worldwide! Reviews have been almost overwhelmingly positive, praising the scary atmosphere, level of fan service and the sound design. Let us know if you’ve picked up yet and be sure to post your reviews in the Fan Reviews thread.
Our official AvPGalaxy review of the PC version will be coming out next week though in the mean time, you can read my positive review of the PS3 version here. Indeed, it takes a lot to scare me but this game succeeded in that department. I do highly recommend any Alien fan pick this up.
Oh, and another time I got stuck behind a door that paused for an eternity before it opened, and then just as it did - skewered from behind.
The DLC missions are both great fun and extremely challenging. As is Survivor mode. Again, this game has plenty of nuggets I never expected, but in a good way, not a "oh man I can't believe the did THAT" way. Cheers to CA for putting out a great game.
With that said, I wish I had a better system than PS3. Some glitchiness and framerate issues there.
Forgot to mention, by far my least favorite aspect of the game is the android combat, mainly because they're so damn DIFFICULT to kill, and also because I feel they are overused in the latter half of the game. Good thing you can adjust difficulty settings on the fly
I haven't tried the dlc missions yet, because I too wanted to experience the main campaign first... To learn the controls better if nothing else...
Just got through San Christobal medical center and my nerves are really thin right now. I have no idea how many times I have died in there, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The best moment by far was hiding in an airvent and didn't dare to move. The alien knew I was somewhere and walked around my location and the airvents around me opened and closed all the time. Just sat there for five minutes in pitch black darkness and not turning on the light because I was afraid it would get me. Finally it vent away and I made my move for the doctors keycard.
Never been so scared of a game in a long long time, which is good :-)
Because I'm just much more interested in the campaign.
Plus I'd rather experience the introduction to the Alien that you'll get in singleplayer, rather than presumably being thrown straight in with it in the bonus levels.
Why? They both take place before the main game anyway.
If my game ever comes in the mail my plan is to play those first.
I have both the bonus levels, but I'm steering clear of them until I've finished the main campaign.
Also forgot to mention that I found a recording last night made by Dallas before the Nostromo left Thedus, discussing the replacement of his usual Science Officer with Ash, and how he wasn't happy about it. That was a nice touch.
I laughed my ass off at that, I think there is an audio recording or email a bit later from that guy...
I just have done the same thing
I've just got to the medical centre, got an inner jaw punched into my face, decided that was all my nerves could take this evening, switched off
Additionally I like the fact the AI is unpredictable, it makes dying less frustration and you next run through will be different. The circular design of the levels allows you to try all sorts of differnt options.
I have a few gripes, though:
1) Firstly, Amanda and the rest of the playable characters don't cast any shadows. Which is a major no-no for this type of game.
2) There should be animations where your character visibly reaches and picks up items and opens cases.
3) The bright orange highlights that indicate an object can be interacted with are overkill and breaks the immersion. Something more subtle would be appreciated.
Other than these, my mind is blown.
I tried all manner of stealthy options, there are just too many people patrolling. Even if some of them get distracted, there's always someone hanging around to spot me.
Like I said, I'll try loading an earlier save and just hope for the best.
Playing PC version. Didn't have any problems there. Alarm went off. Xeno cąme out of the vent. Went away. After a minute of sweating I went after it/him/her, heard the gunshots and by reaching balcony i saw it/him/her killing last of humans. Then wnet into the vent above the doors.
And for the record: The game is best thing I've played since Skyrim and definetly best Alien game. It is even better than I thought it would be and even better than some of the movies (Resurrection I'm looking at you). Sorry about spoiling but I don't how to make a "spoiler" clicking thingy.
I think you should try stealth again though... distractions should buy you about 15 secs... fighting generally = instant death in this game. Good luck!
Otherwise I may have to start over
That's the part.
Ohhh yes I know the bit you are talking about:
Just had another idea, there are some rewire panels, you could try triggering an alarm with one of them and the humans should go over and investigate, might buy you enough time to do the hack, there is one on the right hand side of the balcony near the stairs.... good luck!
Hick's man I'm so glad I can finally talk about this...
However, something then happened that spoiled it a bit, and to me it seems like a pretty major glitch. It occurred on the third mission, after you use the Sevastopol's transit system for the first time:
I haven't been this scared since I was 6 years old.
It hasn't bothered me, you may be able to turn it off in the options, haven't checked.
Can't Wait, that last trailer made me even more excited.