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Predator: Dark Ages Fanfilm

If you’re a fan of our Facebook page (and if not, why?! Get clicking that Like button) you will have seen me sharing several posts in regards to this upcoming fan project, Predator: Dark Ages:

“Predator: Dark Ages is a short fan film that follows a group of Templar Knights that are charged with hunting down a “Demon” that plagues the countryside. Their battle with the Predator is the thing Myths and Legends are born from.”

predator_darkage_01 Predator: Dark Ages Fanfilm

predator_darkage_02 Predator: Dark Ages Fanfilm

predator_darkage03 Predator: Dark Ages Fanfilm

The Predator: Dark Ages fanfilm will be launching a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the project soon. Head on over to their Facebook page and check out some of the fantastic stuff they’ve got going on!

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Comments: 16
  1. rexemmen
    Very Very cool dude... All hopes for you and the project. Cool that you are looking for the Braveheart look. Might I add perhaps Excalibur & In The Name Of The Rose. Love the ambiance in that movie! nice and gritty!! ;D  ;D

    Perhaps a redundant question, but did you post on the hunters lair?
  2. Tallynator
    Haha yes the armour and costume was just temporary for the teaser. Dirty and weathered all the way in the actual short. And yes def more smoke. I'm aiming to try mimic the look of the first predator film instead of the more recent,  cleaner films in the franchise. Which can also make the predator look a little like a man in a rubber costume lol. Ironclad and braveheart also good ref for our look
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Darkness on Jun 12, 2014, 04:47:44 PM
    Oh, not concerned about that. Just that the guy has already gone to so much trouble getting things ready and if it doesn't get the funding, it may be abandoned altogether. Then all the promotion so far will have been for nothing. I don't like uncertainty, I guess.

    That's the point isn't it? Getting it out there and getting the funding. If the project looks good enough and can get enough people interested and funding, then jobs a fish. There's quite a lot of Trek films that get funded this way and it works really well for them.

    I don't think I've seen a Predator fanfilm look as amazing as this has the potential too. And it's not just army guys and a Predator. I'm hopeful this project will get what it needs.  :) And I'm pretty sure it will do fine.
  4. rexemmen
    The theme is sooooo great. And I hope you do get the funding to make it. And the trailer looks great!
    The only things if any, is that most low budget/fan film the costumes are in my opinion too clean and too new. What I mean by that is, The helmet is too shiny, the leather gloves are crispy brand new. There is no weathering going on. And a tip... use lot's and lot's of smoke!! Good luck!
  5. Tallynator
    Hey guys, the director here. Yes agree it will be a shame if we don't make the target and can't make our short. But without doing a kickstarter campaign we would def not eben get a chance to try and make it. Not to the high standard we're aiming for. So its worth the time and effort our end as its still good fun creating all these predator stuff cause im a big fan lol. Also if we can get to shoot the full short film we will fall back on a extended trailer so people will get some medieval predator action one way or another

    If we can't get to shoot the full short I mean
  6. Darkness
    Oh, not concerned about that. Just that the guy has already gone to so much trouble getting things ready and if it doesn't get the funding, it may be abandoned altogether. Then all the promotion so far will have been for nothing. I don't like uncertainty, I guess.
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