Jurgen Post, president of Sega of Europe, has now commented on Aliens: Colonial Marines and the upcoming Alien title by Creative Assembly in a recent interview with MCV UK. You can read the full interview at the source or read the portion where the Alien IP is mentioned below:
Thanks to JustaGrunt for the news.
I want a cattle prod and a detection unit! GO!
Take the subtitle out and it looks like she's going NOM NOM NOM NOM.
Well, yeah, if you're sane. What if you just want to watch the world burn?
Hold on there...
True, A:CM was very disappointing (putting it lightly). But I think Sega/CA should worry more about putting their best efforts towards a good Alien game rather than trying to spite someone else and potentially screwing themselves over in the process, suffering from putting out a game of lesser quality over it. Putting out a good quality game that many will enjoy and love is spite enough (if you really want spite that is).
Anyway, I'm hoping this upcoming game will really go the more "Alien" route as opposed to the "Aliens" route, I think the world could use a little more "Alien" as it's probably had enough of "Aliens" (AvP2010 which was okay, A:CM which was very disappointing) for now. Time for something different I think. I like the sound of "dark and slow paced" from the game's mentioning in February. I was actually very recently talking about this upcoming game a bit with others in another thread relating to playthroughs of "Amnesia: The Dark Decent" and "SCP Containment Breach".
In response to the interview part that says "Colonial Marines, although it didn't review well, did sell well to start.", well, that's because things like "ALIENS" and "FPS VIDEO GAME" and "MOVIE AUTHENTICITY" were slapped on a lunchbox and it started selling. Even I was raving that it was going to be my game of the year before it was released... I was so wrong.
Anyway, bring on this kind of stuff...
I bought Alien resurrection Postcard collection book
So I'll be drawn into buying any new game at some point but not at launch.
None of these horrible games, movies or comic books have more than the most superficial and distorted relationship to Alien.
AlienS fans.
An alienS/franchise fan might also like Alien,
but I dont feel that an Alien fan is required to also accept knockoff crap.
I'd sign a petition to sue Gearbox for spending A:CM funds on Borderlands 2. However, if Gearbox did in fact , then it's outright theft and Gearbox REALLY DID shit all over the Aliens franchise. Personally, I've never been upset with the enhanced graphics in the demo not being present in the game; I am always very skeptical regarding effects in a demo as opposed to the game.
Fox is the one and only problem we actually have since the days of A:R. What you are talking about is just the 486357623th example of that, and now with Prometheus we can be sure retardation at Fox will never end, just like the alien casualization for the kiddy audience.
Did you know they call these new generation tiny roflmao "aliens" that should bring about the laughs of every single aliens fan "Evolution of the IP"?, this is what the brains of the Foxtards in charge of the alien franchise think on the matter, nothing more. Prometheus was just the icing on the cake, just like the avp movies, clearly designed for the kids and popcorn as well.
Before anyone haggels me, im guilty as well, but i think its because so many was expection something really amazing and ended up with a crappy game that never should have been released, or a game that should have been given to someone who gets it.......
P.S. i find it funny that everyone envolved in A:CM are bussy pointing fingers at everyone else but themselves.......
And while we're at it, some unused sections of the Derelict: http://jeremybrown.squarespace.com/
Thanks for the feedback, ikarop, and for helping out with this thread. As you mentioned, I have found these forums to be a lot more forthcoming with information about A:CM and certainly appreciate all the news updates because it has allowed the community to have a better understanding of the game's development. Just to be clear, I wasn't referring to AVPGalaxy when I wrote about people being misguided on who to either praise or blame for the DLC content. For example, from what I've seen around the net, a lot of people have no clue that "Stasis Interrupted" was outsourced and associate the entire production to Gearbox. The same seems to have occurred with Demiurge and Nerve too, unfortunately, who, in my opinion, did excellent work and did not receive their due credit from the community at large.
By combing through the resumes from various employees at these different studios, I, along with many others, have been able to track the contributions from these studios (Demiurge, Nerve, TimeGate, and Dark Side) and can attest that their efforts have been very sizable indeed. These contributions consist of entire levels or gameplay segments that can be found across single player, multiplayer, and DLC content. From what I understand, Gearbox has mostly been involved with DLC oversight and, in some cases, with planning certain easter eggs. As far as the size of the team goes, I wish I had an exact number, but from what I have been told, I believe it can be best described as a small skeleton crew, as GBX is said to be busy preparing content for Homeworld, Borderlands 2 DLC, and Borderlands 3.
Trust me you are not the only one who want a REALLY good Aliens game to do away with all that´s happend.......
Gearbox should have the b***s to admit they have no buisness doing big IP like Aliens which they obviously only wanted for the PR/Press it brought....(before the game was released obviously).......
The only once i feel bad for is Timegate Studios who became the fall-guys/gals in all this. They made my two favorit addon packs that i still play to this day........
Shame on you SEGA........
Shame on you GEARBOX.......
I any of them had any guts they would admit they blew it big time with this sad game that could have been such an amazing game if the right people who actually gets it got to do an Aliens game.......
I've tracked a lot of the development history for A:CM and can vouch that all the DLC was outsourced, just like the main game, as well as multiplayer, was. Even though different development studios, such as Nerve, Demiurge, and Dark Side, were responsible for putting the DLC together, for what it's worth, these companies were still remotely supervised by a Gearbox employee or two, who most likely had a relatively small hand in development. But, for all intents and purposes, it was these other studios who put in the real work and were responsible for producing all the dlc.
So going back to your question, yes, many people have been misguided on who is to blame or praise for the DLC, largely because Gearbox has failed to acknowledge the level of outsourcing in the DLCs. So, for example, the people who praise Gearbox for the last DLC, Stasis Interrupted, should actually be giving credit to Dark Side Studios. Or, for those who were happy with Bug Hunt, the credit should really have been going to Demiurge. Given this, it has always bugged me how the DLC is advertised as being from Gearbox when in reality, just like the main game, the majority of it, if not all of it, is being made by others.
I'm very interested now to see how CA's Alien game will turn out.
The multiplayer. As buggy as it is, it has potential. And it's fun when it's working right.
Not keen on a human perspective game, though, personally. Not unless there's something totally out of left field to distinguish it from every other shooter/RPG/whatever-it'll-be in existence.
I hope they have learnt their lesson. If this next Alien game falls through as well, I will lose all my hope for SEGA and their use of the ALIEN / ALIENS license. So far, with ACM, they've raped the name and milked it for its marquee value alone. I seriously hope Creative Assembly has something good in the works, something us Alien fans will be proud to play. I haven't touched my copy of ACM since February. Didn't even play it past the 1 month mark. Haven't bothered with the DLCs either.
I hope this new Alien IP title has seriously scary and intelligent AI. That's all you really need for a GOOD Alien game. Dark, scary environments, realistic AI and limited weaponry at your disposal. I'm tired of playing as a Marine every time. Make it suspenseful, put me in a ship like the Nostromo and have me chase down a friggen cat with an Alien on the loose. Seriously, there'd be more terror and excitement in that, than running in with a motion tracker blaring and a smart gun at the ready.
By in-house he means that Sega is developing the game themselves, CA is owned by them. There isn't a third party involved this time (like Gearbox or Rebellion). So he isn't acknowledging the infamous outsourcing matter specifically unfortunately.
True...but it's the money that's talking here, not the quality of the game itself. A:CM, in this sense, can be positively regarded for it's initial sales. I don't think Post is saying anything that is disingenuous or out-of-line, he's just taking a particular perspective. He is definitely right to point our that there is an appetite for video games based on the Alien franchise.