I recently posted this article stating that it looked like Dark Horse would be introducing Prometheus elements in the Aliens expanded universe. Well it looks like they’ll be doing an entirely new Prometheus series:
The above is a piece of sample artwork created by Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra (the team behind the series Colder). There are no details yet and it doesn’t sound like the story has been planned yet. Keep an eye out for more news!
I think they said that Dark Horse would be conferring with the people behind Prometheus regarding consistencies in that vid vikingspawn posted last page.
Yeah I know but would have thought that they may have thought ahead now but obviously not.
The first Aliens comics came out 2 years after the film.
Obviously they'd try to avoid this, but every other Aliens comic got contradicted by sequels, so who knows...
Any references we got to 'Aliens' were likely things put there by the writer and whatnot that slipped under his radar or otherwise didn't bother him, not conscious decisions on Scott's part.
However, there's no way Riddles will be beholden to a comic book if there's some inconsistency that pops up. He wasn't even beholden to the AvP films.
I will venture to say though that they will probably go more horror route with their runs than Scott since he seems to want to go all gods and engineers on us.
So tired of Buffy & BPRD rehashes...
To be fair again, though, none of the newer ones really had my interest.
Comics make me angry, because they're a cheap version of something that could be incredible and very effective for telling real stories. They're just laughed at, and have become almost a self-mockery as they continue to pander to those who quite appropriately laugh at their juvenile crap. The lost potential is absolutely mind-blowing.