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Prometheus Comic Announced

I recently posted this article stating that it looked like Dark Horse would be introducing Prometheus elements in the Aliens expanded universe. Well it looks like they’ll be doing an entirely new Prometheus series:

25072013_02 Prometheus Comic Announced

The above is a piece of sample artwork created by Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra (the team behind the series Colder). There are no details yet and it doesn’t sound like the story has been planned yet. Keep an eye out for more news!

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Comments: 24
  1. Xenomrph
    To be fair that was at a time where "expanded universe" stuff wasn't exactly taken seriously by license-holders. Even 'Star Wars' EU stuff didn't really ramp up into the sorta-mainstream until Timothy Zahn's trilogy in 1991, despite West End Games doing sourcebooks and shit for years prior.
  2. SM
    No different to them liasing with Fox on the Aliens comics I'd imagine.  Fox let them do comics featuring Hicks, Newt and Ripley, when they were developing scripts that paid no attention to the comic storylines.
  3. SM
    Probably lots of things to take into consideration - like if they even wanted the license to do comics, depending on the reaction to the film.  And if they had a story they thought they could tell based on the film.  Film's only been out for about a year.
  4. SM
    QuoteThe fact its taken this long to even get into the pre-production stage of a Prometheus comic is worrying. Surely this should have begun during the production of the film.

    The first Aliens comics came out 2 years after the film.

    QuoteAlso it could be contradicted with future film sequel releases.

    Obviously they'd try to avoid this, but every other Aliens comic got contradicted by sequels, so who knows...
    The fact its taken this long to even get into the pre-production stage of a Prometheus comic is worrying. Surely this should have begun during the production of the film. Also it could be contradicted with future film sequel releases.
  6. Kronnang_Dunn
    While I loved Prometheus and love the art pieces shown... I don't think a comic about Prometheus would be a good idea. A comic adaptation of the film would be good, because it would be a comic retelling of stuff already created.... but expanded universe comics are risky.... they could cheapen and make mundane things that were profound and gave a great aura of mystery to the original film.
  7. Xenomrph
    Shit, I'd go so far as to say that he personally didn't care about anything outside of 'Alien' (and perhaps not even that, given how Prometheus retcons it - and Ridley Scott would be the first to admit that, too).
    Any references we got to 'Aliens' were likely things put there by the writer and whatnot that slipped under his radar or otherwise didn't bother him, not conscious decisions on Scott's part.
  8. SM
    They've always preferred consistency.  Particularly the comic publisher, because it legitimises their product.

    However, there's no way Riddles will be beholden to a comic book if there's some inconsistency that pops up. He wasn't even beholden to the AvP films.
  9. Kimarhi
    I just don't have the same vibe from Prometheus as I do the original Alien movies.

    I will venture to say though that they will probably go more horror route with their runs than Scott since he seems to want to go all gods and engineers on us.
  10. Origin
    I hope this means we'll see all-new running Aliens/Predator/Prometheus books coming from Dark Horse. The 4-6 issue single-series runs they did a few years ago back were mostly great (Prey to the Heavens was the weakest IMHO), but amounted to basically table scraps trying to feed my immense hunger for more books after YEARS of waiting. Would love to see them go back to the 90's heydays with new issues out every month.

    So tired of Buffy & BPRD rehashes...
  11. Cvalda
    Quote from: RagingDragon on Jul 25, 2013, 04:30:28 PM
    Sigh. Comics continue to embarrass themselves by going out of their way to remain "comic books." This one will suck hard just like all the rest, until we get some creators who actually have an idea of how to tell a story, or 'artists' that pour their souls into a visual production instead of simply penciling another boring, predictable comic book full of conventions and cliches because they've become 'industry standards' in an industry that's been on life support for over a decade and now exists to simply crank out the next book as fast as possible for as cheap as possible. Yeah, lots of passion there.

    Comics make me angry, because they're a cheap version of something that could be incredible and very effective for telling real stories. They're just laughed at, and have become almost a self-mockery as they continue to pander to those who quite appropriately laugh at their juvenile crap. The lost potential is absolutely mind-blowing.

    Look on the bright side: shitty Prometheus comics are better than more shitty Prometheus sequels ;D
  12. Xenomrph
    Quote from: RagingDragon on Jul 25, 2013, 04:30:28 PM
    Sigh. Comics continue to embarrass themselves by going out of their way to remain "comic books." This one will suck hard just like all the rest, until we get some creators who actually have an idea of how to tell a story, or 'artists' that pour their souls into a visual production instead of simply penciling another boring, predictable comic book full of conventions and cliches because they've become 'industry standards' in an industry that's been on life support for over a decade and now exists to simply crank out the next book as fast as possible for as cheap as possible. Yeah, lots of passion there.

    Comics make me angry, because they're a cheap version of something that could be incredible and very effective for telling real stories. They're just laughed at, and have become almost a self-mockery as they continue to pander to those who quite appropriately laugh at their juvenile crap. The lost potential is absolutely mind-blowing.

    I can't tell if you're specifically talking about Aliens comics (in which case you're pretty wrong about them being universally terrible or something) or comic books in general (in which case you're REALLY wrong).
  13. Hudson
    To be fair, there are a lot of bad Alien/Predator comics, but there are a lot of really freaking good ones also through the 90s. I guess I'm just calling the glass half full.

    To be fair again, though, none of the newer ones really had my interest.
  14. RagingDragon
    Sigh. Comics continue to embarrass themselves by going out of their way to remain "comic books." This one will suck hard just like all the rest, until we get some creators who actually have an idea of how to tell a story, or 'artists' that pour their souls into a visual production instead of simply penciling another boring, predictable comic book full of conventions and cliches because they've become 'industry standards' in an industry that's been on life support for over a decade and now exists to simply crank out the next book as fast as possible for as cheap as possible. Yeah, lots of passion there.

    Comics make me angry, because they're a cheap version of something that could be incredible and very effective for telling real stories. They're just laughed at, and have become almost a self-mockery as they continue to pander to those who quite appropriately laugh at their juvenile crap. The lost potential is absolutely mind-blowing.

  15. Hudson
    The picture of what I'm guessing is an Engineer city is really really predictable looking. The thing about the original ship is that it's so strange and almost disturbing. Could've been a little creative with these spires or whatever's going on.
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