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New Predator Project on the Horizon?

Over the weekend a new picture appeared on the Predator Facebook page, teasing something Predator related appearing at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con:

16072013_01 New Predator Project on the Horizon?

Online media outlets are currently predicting a new Predator movie. Other predictions included a new game. However, with the announcement of the “Predator 3D toy” that will be at SDCC, I believe this will be in relation the 3D Blu-ray version of Predator announced earlier this year.

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  1. worldpeace
    jessie venturas chest exploding in 3D.. mask taking off and roaring at arnold in 3D.. even the stick around blade in the guerrillas chest..  im wondering if the waterfall scene will be improved by 3D .   this feels like gears winding up for something bigger down the road to me.
  2. Nightmare Asylum
    Quote from: Cvalda on Jul 18, 2013, 03:10:37 AM

    QuoteTHE ULTIMATE HUNTING TROPHY – This limited-edition gift set includes an exclusive keepsake sculpture with removable mask to celebrate the arrival of Predator on Blu-ray 3D™ — plus the 2D Blu-ray™ and DVD versions of the movie, along with hours of out-of-this-world extras!

    Only $130!!!

    Just what I've been looking for: a way to waste $130!!!
  3. Cvalda

    QuoteTHE ULTIMATE HUNTING TROPHY – This limited-edition gift set includes an exclusive keepsake sculpture with removable mask to celebrate the arrival of Predator on Blu-ray 3D™ — plus the 2D Blu-ray™ and DVD versions of the movie, along with hours of out-of-this-world extras!

    Only $130!!!
  4. demonbane
    Quote from: underbound on Jul 17, 2013, 01:17:59 PM
    I was really hoping for a game because in reality theres only a hand full of predator only games that came out  while the Alien has had tons of stuff. Personally I think the predator franchise is being short handed while Alien is constantly thrown in everyones face with too much crap in it "cough"A:CM,prometheus,resurrection"cough" If it could possibly be a new movie I want it to expand on predators(but not IT the concept though) As I want to know,maybe the berserkers werent bad boods but a deep tribe feud where they shed blood that the others did to theres giving an explantion as why they hung the jungle hunter.
    If the movie would suck the only thing that keeps me watching is the design the pred has,like p2 it sucked but citys design was badass which kept me interested,predators was good to my personal taste and I thouht berserker's design was cool because the mask made him looked pissed at something and his face was scarier looking than any pred ive seen so far IMO. So theres my 2 cents on the subject.
    I hate to admit but Alien franchise dwarfs Predator franchise by a huge margin. Not only the first film set sci fi horror bar, the sequel set another bar which is something Predator 2 failed to do. Contrary to fans' opinion, Predator 2 did not do well financially and critically. That's why it took so much time to get another Predator movie let alone game after failure that was Concrete Jungle. Don't get me wrong. I like the game but it is not something to worship much. I mean even AVP franchise beat Predator. Just look at number of threads on each forum. Predator franchise is not that big to warrant financial success. That's why companies are hesitant on taking risk. I really wish someone with gut take Predator game seriously. We can only hope.
  5. predxeno
    I would get this if they added modern digital effects to spruce up the film; I never was a fan of the original Predator, one part was because of the outdated special effects and the other bigger part was that I never appreciated the Rambo mood of the film. :)  But, a remaster of the film will probably get me into seeing the film the way true fans of the movie do; I really appreciated the Jurassic Park 3D remaster and I didn't regret a second of it.
  6. Johnny Handsome
    QuoteIt was also announced that there will be a new remaster for the 3d version
    Not really, they just said "All-New 3D Transfer", which could really mean the old master converted to 3d, because thats what makes it "all-new", technically speaking.

    I dont have a problem with the Hunter Edition, i still think the movie looks really pleasing on that one, but i wouldnt mind seeing the movie redone in 4K with a little less noise reduction here and there.

    I never had a problem with the grain, thats what movies from the 80s look like, but the print was always in really bad shape (dropouts and print damages were heavy on the DVD and 2008 blu-ray), the UHE doesnt have that, they restored a lot of that frame by frame and the effort shows.
  7. Pvt. Himmel
    It was also announced that there will be a new remaster for the 3d version...So hopefully there might also be one for the 2d version seeing as how there is a 2d version included with the 3d one???
  8. predxeno
    Quote from: DerelictShip on Jul 17, 2013, 02:32:06 AM
    I might feel betrayed, I might cry, and I might kick f**king holes in my wall. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU LEAD PEOPLE ON TO SOMETHING THAT WE WANTED, THEN TELL US IT WAS FOR A f**kING 3D RELEASE. I don't have 3D, hell 1 out of 5.9999999 Billion people on the planet don't have a 3D television. Why make that kind of announcement on something everybody would be looking at waiting to hear news for a new film, next time tell us ahead of time it was your shitty advertisement for a 3D release. FOX IS FULL OF ASSHOLES.

    That felt goooooooooood, blowing steam......blowing.....steam.

    When you come to think of it, a 3D Predator Blu-Ray was probably the most likely of all the new suggestions; thoughts of a movie, video game, or even comic seem to good to be true at this point. :(  I just lament that this will probably not be released in theatres which is too bad cause I don't have a 3D TV.
  9. underbound
    I was really hoping for a game because in reality theres only a hand full of predator only games that came out  while the Alien has had tons of stuff. Personally I think the predator franchise is being short handed while Alien is constantly thrown in everyones face with too much crap in it "cough"A:CM,prometheus,resurrection"cough" If it could possibly be a new movie I want it to expand on predators(but not IT the concept though) As I want to know,maybe the berserkers werent bad boods but a deep tribe feud where they shed blood that the others did to theres giving an explantion as why they hung the jungle hunter.
    If the movie would suck the only thing that keeps me watching is the design the pred has,like p2 it sucked but citys design was badass which kept me interested,predators was good to my personal taste and I thouht berserker's design was cool because the mask made him looked pissed at something and his face was scarier looking than any pred ive seen so far IMO. So theres my 2 cents on the subject.
  10. happypred
    Quote from: Bender1988 on Jul 15, 2013, 08:36:54 AM
    New movie would be cool...if directed by someone who doesnt think he can make something that will top the original. Rodriguez Super predator idea- I cant desribe how i hate him for such retard idea-they were bad bloods nothing more-but thanx to him many, among Younger fans consider them to exist-it bugs me because he wanted to show that he can create something more badass than original- he failed in that quest but younger fans still think this retard idea/new species of predator exists.

    It was a bad idea with even worse execution. Bad bloods/renegades would've been fine. "Black super predators" who don't even feel predator-ish are really lame
  11. Roargathor
    I have to agree with what others have said.  If it was a movie, we'd have heard more about it by now.  Nothing stays so tightly under wraps in this industry anymore.  Bummer though, I was kinda hoping for a new film. 
  12. DerelictShip
    I might feel betrayed, I might cry, and I might kick f**king holes in my wall. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU LEAD PEOPLE ON TO SOMETHING THAT WE WANTED, THEN TELL US IT WAS FOR A f**kING 3D RELEASE. I don't have 3D, hell 1 out of 5.9999999 Billion people on the planet don't have a 3D television. Why make that kind of announcement on something everybody would be looking at waiting to hear news for a new film, next time tell us ahead of time it was your shitty advertisement for a 3D release. FOX IS FULL OF ASSHOLES.

    That felt goooooooooood, blowing steam......blowing.....steam.
  13. RakaiThwei
    Quote from: ace3g on Jul 17, 2013, 01:24:08 AM
    new message:

    We may not know what the f*** we're dealing with, but we know Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer killed one of these creatures, and he has left behind clues to help us beat these bastards. Stay tuned for further intel. ‪#‎HUNTthePREDATOR‬

    Good lord, Fox is really pimping out for this 3D Blu-ray, huh?

  14. AliceApocalypse
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jul 17, 2013, 01:07:54 AM
    Quote from: echobbase79 on Jul 16, 2013, 10:49:47 PM
    Well luckily, most of that movie deals with the creature. I'd say 80-85% P2 was nothing but City Hunter wreaking havoc.

    I doubt it featured that heavily. :)

    Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Jul 16, 2013, 11:26:00 PM
    P2 had the mix of suspense, actors, story line, it was the perfect sequel to the original.  Honestly I am on the fence over which one I like better, the original or sequel but I will say that both films are highly regarded as excellent work.

    The acting is bad (the guy still 'choking', even though Harrigan's got his hand about five inches away from his throat, never fails to make me laugh) and there's largely no suspense in the story, due to the audience already knowing fully well what's doing the killing (the script's biggest flaw, since it partly attempts to be a detective mystery). The attempts at forced comedy, in particular, just don't work.

    The action sequences are generally very good, though, yes. Aside from the weirdness of Bill Paxton seemingly throwing a golf ball for no apparent reason... :) Stuff like King Willy's death, the slaughterhouse scene and things like that, however - entertaining stuff. Although, even there, the capture team behave just... Really inept. You don't get the impression that they're professionals (compare them to how Dutch's people were established and there's no contest).

    Just my opinion, though. Your mileage may vary.

    You have good points, P2 is not without its faults.

      I felt the suspense of " whoa a Predator in the city" and thought Glover was the right contrast to Dutch's team eliminating the rerun effect.  Also the 80's was big guns, big muscles then we switch to the 90's with a street smart cop.  I liked the little bits of comedy, but thats just personal taste.  You have to admit the subway scene was awesome  :)
  15. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: echobbase79 on Jul 16, 2013, 10:49:47 PM
    Well luckily, most of that movie deals with the creature. I'd say 80-85% P2 was nothing but City Hunter wreaking havoc.

    I doubt it featured that heavily. :)

    Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Jul 16, 2013, 11:26:00 PM
    P2 had the mix of suspense, actors, story line, it was the perfect sequel to the original.  Honestly I am on the fence over which one I like better, the original or sequel but I will say that both films are highly regarded as excellent work.

    The acting is bad (the guy still 'choking', even though Harrigan's got his hand about five inches away from his throat, never fails to make me laugh) and there's largely no suspense in the story, due to the audience already knowing fully well what's doing the killing (the script's biggest flaw, since it partly attempts to be a detective mystery). The attempts at forced comedy, in particular, just don't work.

    The action sequences are generally very good, though, yes. Aside from the weirdness of Bill Paxton seemingly throwing a golf ball for no apparent reason... :) Stuff like King Willy's death, the slaughterhouse scene and things like that, however - entertaining stuff. Although, even there, the capture team behave just... Really inept. You don't get the impression that they're professionals (compare them to how Dutch's people were established and there's no contest).

    Just my opinion, though. Your mileage may vary.
  16. AliceApocalypse
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jul 16, 2013, 10:19:52 PM
    I'm still wondering if this is what the news was truly about. 'Hunt the Predator' doesn't sound like it's got much in common with an announcement about a 3D Blu-Ray release.

    Not that it matters for those of us who don't have 3D televisions, but still.

    Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Jul 16, 2013, 12:46:33 AM
    :o The only thing that sucked about Predator 2 is the credits.

    Eh... Everything the creature was a part of, was generally very good. Everything it didn't feature in, was a bit terrible. Like how the bugs were visually impressive in 'Starship Troopers', but virtually everything else was painfully superficial. Wasn't a patch on the much superior first film.

    P2 had the mix of suspense, actors, story line, it was the perfect sequel to the original.  Honestly I am on the fence over which one I like better, the original or sequel but I will say that both films are highly regarded as excellent work.
  17. echobbase79
    Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jul 16, 2013, 10:19:52 PM
    I'm still wondering if this is what the news was truly about. 'Hunt the Predator' doesn't sound like it's got much in common with an announcement about a 3D Blu-Ray release.

    Not that it matters for those of us who don't have 3D televisions, but still.

    Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Jul 16, 2013, 12:46:33 AM
    :o The only thing that sucked about Predator 2 is the credits.

    Eh... Everything the creature was a part of, was generally very good. Everything it didn't feature in, was a bit terrible. Like how the bugs were visually impressive in 'Starship Troopers', but virtually everything else was painfully superficial. Wasn't a patch on the much superior first film.

    Quote from: Jango1201 on Jul 16, 2013, 02:55:58 AM
    Predator is getting absolutely 0 love in the media outlet lately. Might as well just be ALIENS Galaxy now... :'(

    When there's news, it'll be something for the media to talk about. Until then, you might as well bemoan the lack of 'The Thing' or 'Gremlins' appreciation. :)

    Well luckily, most of that movie deals with the creature. I'd say 80-85% P2 was nothing but City Hunter wreaking havoc.
  18. Xenomorphine
    I'm still wondering if this is what the news was truly about. 'Hunt the Predator' doesn't sound like it's got much in common with an announcement about a 3D Blu-Ray release.

    Not that it matters for those of us who don't have 3D televisions, but still.

    Quote from: AliceApocalypse on Jul 16, 2013, 12:46:33 AM
    :o The only thing that sucked about Predator 2 is the credits.

    Eh... Everything the creature was a part of, was generally very good. Everything it didn't feature in, was a bit terrible. Like how the bugs were visually impressive in 'Starship Troopers', but virtually everything else was painfully superficial. Wasn't a patch on the much superior first film.

    Quote from: Jango1201 on Jul 16, 2013, 02:55:58 AM
    Predator is getting absolutely 0 love in the media outlet lately. Might as well just be ALIENS Galaxy now... :'(

    When there's news, it'll be something for the media to talk about. Until then, you might as well bemoan the lack of 'The Thing' or 'Gremlins' appreciation. :)
  19. Jango1201
    I really would have liked to see a new Predator game. Something like what A:CM was going to be but the player assumes the role of different special forces members and having to creat tactics to outsmart a predator stalking your team.
  20. Johnny Handsome
    I predicted they would showcase the Predator 3d blu-ray Head edition or even some 3d footage, like they did with I, Robot last year. I just didnt think they would make such a big deal before  :( Well, if Predator 3D will sell well (and it will, just like I, Robot) maybe they will greenlight a new movie.
  21. demonbane
    Quote from: Bender1988 on Jul 15, 2013, 08:36:59 PM
    I will quote myself because I didn't change my mind about the theme of this topic
    New movie would be cool...if directed by someone who doesnt think he can make something that will top the original. Rodriguez Super predator idea- I cant desribe how i hate him for such retard idea-they were bad bloods nothing more-but thanx to him many, among Younger fans consider them to exist-it bugs me because he wanted to show that he can create something more badass than original- he failed in that quest but younger fans still think this retard idea/new species of predator exists. It bugs me more because sometimes I do free requests and am uttery pissed when some child says "draw me a super predator doing this or that/ draw my oc SUPER PREDATOR killing  this and that"...Hate it! The super pred idea*
    Ok thats enought.
    I would love new movie but directed by someone who can create a true sequel..rather third movie,because I still believe in Predator 2 existence (unlike rodrigues).
    Ehhh those times where there is such thing as one direction,biber,montana,efron,twilight,and all this crap they serving to audiences across the world I just cant think of a new movie with our beloved Predator(or alien) to be good.

    Let it be some stupid game for those smartphones or whatyoucall it devices that soo many pople are using those days, let it be some collectible stickers, even doog food in shape of a predator head, because I dunno if fans can digest another "predators" movie.

    Sorry,thinking about "Predators" activates my "this movie pissed me soo much" mode

    that said-please it be another game-please not another predatorS garbage for retards/children/younglings/who will buy any crap hoollywood gives them. please no more rodrigues and his super predators bullshi# for amazingly retarted.... I just cant acknowledge hollywood making another garbage like predatorS, why it is soo hard to make a good sequel------why in the name of flying spaghetti monsster rodrigez didnt make any refference to predator 2(which was way better than his predators bullshi#)-am pissed even more now..god ran it. just do the third part,no new bullshit theories like super preds, make it simple,pred/preds-soldiers-combat-the end...if there will be new movie i just hope they will not do "rodrigues"on us fans and make a propper third one. od darn it even I/most of the predator fans, can come up with better predator movie character than some stupid super pred theory...plese no more rodriguez...
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