Alien vs. Predator: Evolution by Angry Mob Games and Fox Digital Entertainment is now available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play for £2.99 / $4.99. With playable campaigns for both the Alien and Predator, the app offers a brand new story and battles within the Alien vs. Predator universe, along with character progression, upgradeable weapons, armor and abilities.
What did you think of the game? Do you have any suggestions for Angry Mob Games? Tell us what you thought of the game on the forums and make sure to visit the Alien vs. Predator: Evolution board for more, including extra gameplay footage.
(The room with the 4 pillars)
So am I supposed to kill all the Aliens and Mr. Black?
Stalkers is a SUPER-hard level, I'd highly recommend going back and playing Alien Side Mission 1 (Maternal Instinct) over and over to level up your Alien. Beating that level will generally net you 30,000+ XP per play through, and that's just points from killing enemies. You can't actually "fail" it unless you die, you just get bonus points for each egg saved. It's by far the most profitable side mission in terms of XP, and it takes like 5 minutes to play.
A few other helpful tips for that level:
- learn to love the Acid Pool ability - it makes Shield Synthetics drop their shields instantly, and if you can get a flamethrower Marine to walk over it you'll weaken him considerably
- Dash Through is also really handy, as you'll deal damage against enemies without getting stopped by them - if nothing else you can cheese your way through fights by just dashing through enemies over and over until they die or you can execute them
- when you get to the sentry gun up on the cliff that fires on enemy Aliens, try to time your passing in front of the sentry gun for when it's mowed down most of the enemy Aliens. The Aliens respawn infinitely, so if you wait too long you'll get mobbed by a fresh set of 4 when you cross in front of the gun. If you time it right, you can end up only having to fight 1 or 2 surviving Aliens.
- when fighting Aliens, take it slow, abuse Dash Through, and let your health recharge - other than the sentry gun bit, there's limited numbers of them. When you see one spawn, back off a bit and let it and its friends come to you, deal with them, and then move forward. Probably the hardest "fight" is when two Warriors attack you simultaneously while you're in range of the Predator's shoulder cannon, but the Predator is on a rock ledge you can partially hide underneath to avoid his gun. Keep moving with Dash Through and stay under the ledge as much as possible, and it's not too hard to take down the two Warriors.
Not yet.
When you switch to thermal vision and the screen just freezes.
Well that is good to hear. I appreciate a company that shares the game making process with it's fans.
Is there a rough list of devices that we know of that are having issues with running the game?
I agree. The game seems like a really fun little beat'm up. Compared to say... AVP:R on the PSP.
The game was in beta for a while, I was one of the beta testers. The company was very responsive to issues the beta testers had and did daily updates. It's a shame to hear there are so many problems.
From what you said here and a few other people I've heard from. I wonder if there was any real testing of the game before release? I mean it doesn't look or sound like A:CM by any means. I'm just curious as to why there are so many issues with glitches?
Also has anyone else been able to get Gamecenter to work on the iOS version? I wish I could check out my achievements and stuff in-game, but it isn't logging into Gamecenter at all for some reason.
I would have enjoyed it much more if it had nothing to do with those movies, and was based on the Dark Horse comic universe. I liked Aliens vs Predator before Anderson's film came along.
I hope he answers your questions on there, I saw it and you saved me from having to ask him about PSN.
Well, I asked him directly about it coming to the Vita, and this was what he said:
"I know, it would be perfect for the PS Vita. The game is powered by the Unity engine, and the PS Vita is one of the very few devices it doesn't support. Once it does, we'll definitely look into it."
You can ask them there. They will be answering questions about the game at 12:00 PST (in about 15 min).
Very enjoyable game. Worth the 5 Dollars.
Indeed. Please let us know if Angry Mobs has any plans of porting it or what not. As. like you said, I prefer thumb sticks with these types of games.
Keep us updated man!
I sure hope so. I don't enjoy these types of games on my iPhone. It's no fault of the phone itself, as it wasn't really designed for this, but some great games have come out with the controls on the screen and I can never see what the heck I'm doing as my thumbs are always in the way. It's not so terrible on the iPad, but I prefer thumb sticks. For me, touch screen phones are perfect for all those other type of games, like PvZ or Angry Birds etc.
I emailed them to see if they have any plans for a Vita version, we'll see what the response is.
That whould be sweet!!!
I think It may happen. if the game sells well enough.
Its a wonderful little action game with a surprisingly good story (for AVP and video game standards)
Lots of to unlock, gratifying gameplay & varying locations & cool boss battles!
DO BUY. if you have the necessary device for it.
Sometimes when there is a lot of enemies on screen, the frame rate can drop a little, otherwise it runs pretty smooth!
Now downloading it! :-)
no kidding, that was exactly my thought when I watched the latest trailer