After over six years of waiting, Aliens Colonial Marines is finally released today in America, UK and Australia for PS3, X360 and PC formats. The game is available in a Regular Edition as well as a more expensive Collector’s Edition which includes a Power Loader figurine, a USCM Dossier and exclusive in-game content. The Wii U version will follow at some point in the near future.
So what did you think of the game? Loved it? Hated it? Tell us what you thought in the Fan Reviews topic and of course be sure to visit the Aliens Colonial Marines forum this week. We’ll be working on our review of the game as well as a few other articles and features.
...well all these reviews by now is pretty obvious what are all about but the 2nd part the guy tells intresting stories about earlier gbx events
I liked the motion tracker and the fact it showed collectables - it made sense to use it. I liked the story as much, as I like some of the better Aliens comic books - when compared to movies, they suck horribly, but they're enjoyable on their own. I was really into the atmosphere. And as for the graphics (X360 version) - yeah, blurry textures here and there, but I don't mind that, as a guy who thinks Quake 4 is one of the best games ever and plays it every month. At least A:CM was smooth (with noticeable screen tearing only during some of the cut-scenes). I liked the fact everything looked "real", like it was used by people, not like some random scenery. I absolutely loved the look of W-Y labs.
I haven't really experienced bugs and glitches (well, an Alien froze here or there, and O'Neal fell through the floor of an elevator once). Although the A.I. was as simple as it could be, I died pretty often and I think the game was pretty challenging, at least for a post-CoD:MW game.
I'd like to see more audio diaries, some written diaries, more levels with just exploring without fighting - because the atmosphere was really, well, if not creepy, then at least science-fictiony and engrossing.
Bottom line: the only thing I care for in video games is how much fun they give me. They may be bugged as hell, but if I enjoy playing, I don't mind it at all (I think Skyrim fans will understand it). I enjoyed A:CM immensely, and that's why, despite technical difficulties, I give it 9/10.
By the way:
it's near to impossible to find real in-game screenshots on the Internet. Could someone start a thread where PC-version owners would post their own, undoctored screenshots? It would give us a chance to compare "official" screenshots with what's really in the game.
I have mixed feelings about Hicks, on the downside I'm not convinced enough of his role in the game canon wise, mainly his 'story' and how he was in W-Y hands and not dead like depicted in Alien 3, it still doesn't make sense. But on the flipside of that, you know when you get a riddle thrown at you and your clueless as to what the answer is, then you get the answer and you're in awe (a good kind of awe)? I highly doubt the people behind this game actually have a good answer but I like to think there is somewhere in the universe, will I get it? Probably not. On the bright side I just enjoy seeing one of my favourite characters again, he even has the voice! Canon/story wise? Not exactly thrilled, but fan wise it's cool to just see and hear him again. Using 'his' shotgun would be cooler if it didn't have "No Fate" on it (this isn't Terminator) and if I didn't see what Hudson did with it inn the movie (I think his shotgun was damaged beyond repair by acid blood, though it's not seen it seems like an obvious given). I have similar feelings for Bishop but kinda less only because I feel I've already seen him before (AvP2010), though I like how his presence feels more 'Aliens' rather than 'AvP' (not that AvP is terrible, but this is an 'Aliens' game). It can make more sense than Hicks as to why he's in the game, he's an android off the production line, but still cool.
I think it may or may not have been from playing so much but last night I actually had a dream that I was in a store and I met Michael Biehn, Jenette Goldstein, Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen all at once, it was awesome. Would of been more awesome if Sigourney Weaver was in there too.
Anyway, Graphics are still poor in quite a few places but I don't typically buy a game for the graphics.
Overall as a general gamer it is poor but as a fan it is quite 'enjoyable', particularly in multiplayer and nostalgia. A lot of people just say it's garbage and leave it at that but I can see the bright side in it.
Finally, my progress. I am finished two columns of challenges, in the third column I am on "Uncrushable" (kill 5 Crushers in multiplayer), the challenge I've waited so long for. In multiplayer I'm level 35ish as an Alien and I'm level 60 as a Marine (the max I believe). I'm still lovin' the pump-action shotgun.
I had a glimpse on the game demo clips out of curiosity. All the guys p*ssed of on the final version have right - the demo looks completely different, and a lot better.
Frankly, I don't know what's wrong with developers today. They know the final version's gonna be bad, still - they make nothing about it. Or worse - they outsource the production somewhere, were it is incredibly cheap, and they get equally cheap result.
I've played A:CM for 2,5 hours and, well, it's not that bad, really. I've patched the game so bugs aren't annoying (aside from the one that makes the sound louder or quieter at times), and the biggest flaw of the game is... the flashlight. Its beam is so large it basically brightens whole screen - there's no darkness at all. I miss the small flashlight from AVP2010, that made you feel the darkness.
Also, yes, the aliens are too small and too weak, but the bigger problem is their punches have no... punch to them. When an alien bit you in AVP2010, the screen was brutally shaken, and the sound fx were raw and loud. Here, everything is too calm. As for AI, aliens just charge at you - I don't mind that, especially since they sometimes try to regroup or hide. I liked the moment in Hadley's Hope when they started crawling under the floor. The problem is they're so weak that usually before they hide I'm able to kill them. They shouldn't be faster, but tougher, like AVP2010 aliens.
The story? Well, let's not pretend anything else than first three movies and the main AVP comic book isn't crap. I wasn't expecting much in terms of story - I just wanted to shoot aliens.
W-Y opponents? Quite fun to fight, but they appear too soon. Still, nothing really annoying. I wouldn't mind a Colonial Marines game - where you fight rogue colonists or something for the most part, and the last chapter of the story starts when you receive a distress call from Sulaco.
Multiplayer? I don't know, I don't like multiplayer and I don't play it.
So, all in all, it didn't really enchant me, but it didn't kill too many of my brain cells either. It's passable, and it has some strong moments.
For now - 6+/10
Most of the first few level were dull. Thing got interesting at the point when our party rushed to leave the Sulaco.
The music had to do a lot for the really good atmosphere, I recall the themes were put together mainly by the Alien 1& 2 OSTs, and each music theme appeared on a proper place.
The game I don't find that much different by any other alien shooter I played so far - or of any other FPS if we are talking about the fights with the PMCs. Most of the weapons are already familiar, the only one I found completely useless was the flamethrower.
I really was missing having the Smartgun along the whole time.
The game has its issues anyway. For start, the marine company with you isn't that effective (expected, the game shouldn't "play itself"), what is even stranger is that they are really immortal (I don't know if they can die in the campaign). At least they can be incapacitated for a while.
The scripting is just awful. I bust into a room, shoot two scientists, O'Neal rushes in seconds after that, yelling "He's heading for the alarm, shoot him!"... Also, there could be some real treat for the player in some situations (which I enjoyed as it is) -
The boss fights were rather lame. Never tried the multiplayer, so I'm completely unaware how are things there. Some people mention the graphics are poor - well, it might be so. But, since even the best visual will be considered obsolete in like 5 years, and we all keep playing AVP1&2 today, I don't think it's a major issue.
In general I liked ACM better than AVP3.
Honestly I had no real intrest in this game's campaign even before I pre-ordered it. Shooting a bunch of Aliens is not something new and even paticularly enjoyable in most Alien games because of the poor Alien AI and powerfull weaponry. I was holding onto the slight hope that the Aliens would get your heart pumping in the campaign but that quickly faded. Its like hunting birds with a shotgun, and the the other Marines in the campaign don't help things. I might be a little harsh on the campaign considering I have not even bothered to try and finish it after I started having some awkward shootouts with the corporate Marines but the reviews I have read don't make me feel like I am missing much. That leaves the multiplayer which for me is hit and miss. I will jump at the chance to play as an Alien at almost every opportunity and this was no different. However I quickly learned that starting even as early week after the game came out was a mistake. The Marines shot me to pieces repeatedly as I struggled to adapt to the controls and enviorments, usually together. I walked over mines, into rocket fire, and snipers at a rate that was admitidly disheartning. Then I started to understand. Since then I have started to enjoy playing as the Xeno's but some flaws became apparent. Wall climbing is clunky which has led to some bugs, lag is an ever present issue, and Ripley's flamethrower can be a serious pain in the a** sometimes. I know that it kinda sounds like I hate this game but I still have had some good times with it. I might have rated the game lower if I wasn't a fanboy but giving an Aliens title a rating lower than 6/10 felt just plain wrong.....
This pretty much sum's it up.
f**k, this game is so f**king shit.
There they are!!
*fires into the wall* *continues firing into the wall!!!*
Where are they!?
Right there.
Oh right, cool.
From the front...
And here they come, from the front...
Watch out, they're in front of us.
Cheers Mihai.
With that said, I am still enjoying this Aliens game. It is a blast to play with a friend.
I would give it a healthy 5.9/10 -- but I am a fan, so I am biased.
Their point is that you're not rating the modifications up. You're rating up the basic product, which has nothing to do with them.
oh gbx has nothing to do with the rating. thanks to having a awesome community with people like ikarop to help improve the game brings the rating up for my overall enjoyment!
No, it shows poor execution. I'm sure the grunt level workers, the equivalent of me and you, worked their nuts off on this game. But then, grunt level workers don't make the design decisions or the financial/project management decisions. Managers do. The same stupid managers who in the real world decide to have 5 carpenters in 5 1st fixes putting them all out of work in a week, instead of letting one guy have a run of work for 5 weeks. This game reeks of bad management leading to poor execution and a wonky product.
Right on, Vaz.
GBX can maybe up the feeling of this game with patches and DLC. Will they do it right is the question.
I disagree. The amount of work put into ACM clearly shows poor effort. Just my opinion.
Thee biggest disappointment, I recognized the garage from the demo so I went straight for the sentry gun and placed it in the tunnel. In the demo all hell broke loose in a beautiful way, in this final product... "Ah, now eventually you do plan to have xenomorphs in this, in this underground tunnel, right? Hello?
Hello? Yes?"
Yes, from the same guy who always tells the truth! Also, I was focusing more on the first Borderlands... Sega contract in 2006, Borderlands is out in 2009... The question remains how much money did 2K Games give Gearbox to make both games! But the 2.000 dollar question is WHERE DID SEGA'S MONEY GO TO, because it certainly isn't in ACM! So either they put it in their bank accounts or invested it.... The fact remains that there is no way this piece of gaming crap cost 20, 30, 40 mil!
Regarding the person who stated this, he was proven to have been an employee... a tester... Of course, we will only get confirmation of this if SEGA sues Gearbox and these facts are brought up in Court... but it all makes sense... I am not saying they wanted it to be bad, but they outsourced it to a cheap company with no experience whatsoever for what, for it to be top of the line, an AAA title?! Come on...!
Truth and facts are that we might never know the truth... Not that it matters, actually... Gearbox track record is full of crap, Randy's not going to be credible anymore, and this debacle surely will put publishers wondering if hiring them and paying them before the product is shown, is a good idea! THQ died because, in part, because they demanded results with a killer schedule and the quality of their games repeatedly took a beating because of it! Fortunately, SEGA is not THQ, nor is Activision or EA, but THQ's demise is a reminder that unless publishers demand their software houses or the software houses they hire, that they respect their contract and also are smart enough not to set a date out in public too early... Then, this might be the demise of not just publishers like THQ, but also software houses/devs like Gearbox...
Long story short, Gearbox's rep took a nose dive and unless 2K Games maintains trust in them, I don't see what publisher will give these incompetent, lazy, greedy douches any games for them to do! I sure wouldn't! Many better companies out there! Even for this ACM, before all this, I wouldn't give it to Gearbox, given her track record... Their stories have never been compelling ones, their games have gameplay issues all the time... I remember how troubling the gameplay was in BiA...
So, theres that... Sorry about the rant, I am really troubled by the way things were handled by everyone in the creative process... This is amateur hour, something I would expect CITY Software to do... Having said that, I am awaiting Ghost Warrior 2 to see how it goes...
Pitchford has argued that the take from B1 actually put money into A:CM. It's all just shit-flinging at the moment and way too early to be shouting 'crime!' (though I agree that the false advertising is running a bit close to the edge).
Unless YutaniDitch has some detailed inside info...
I don't think anyone set out to make a shit game, just like no one sets out to make a shit movie.
Doesn't stop them from happening though. Frequently.
Nothing is "clear" at all, all we have is rumour and speculation.
Yeah, I just thought it was a bit of fun. I guess the fact I'm not an avid gamer or the fact I didn't pay any attention to the game's build up helped my lack of disappointment. A:CM is like a theme park ride, if you get my meaning.
If your're on PS3, add me: Castle81
This was no incompetence, SM! Call it 'derelict of duty', if you want, but this was clearly intentional mismanagement of the resources given to them by SEGA!!!! This was a redirection of funds to subsidise their own games, not the game they were contracted for!
That money, if the numbers are correct, was also aiming at hiring consultants, etc, which clearly they never did...! With the amount of money involved, they could have gotten even David S.Goyer to write the damn thing! Hell, even the youngest of Alien fans out there would write a better game than this! The dialogues were appaling!
So, to call it 'incompetence' is too mild a word for what they did! It was far from incompetence, they were QUITE COMPETENT at using it for their own games, and for stealing from SEGA, and clearly they have to answer for the obvious boatload of money that is missing from the game!
I don't think even 1 million would have given us a BETA-version like this one! Because make no mistake, given al the bugs, glitches and scripting errors, this game is far from being completed! If SEGA sits this one out, Gearbox will do this to another company, I am sure! They are just in it for the money! ACM was clearly dumped over Borderlands 2 and even Borderlands 1...
If SEGA and Gearbox signed the contract in 2006 and the first Borderlands got out in 2009, you have 3 years for Borderlands, plus 2 years or 3 for Borderlands 2, and probably one year for TimeGate to fall on their own sword!
Gearbox is guilty on all charges: 1) conspiracy to defraud SEGA; 2) misappropriation of funds to finance their own games... I mean, where did B1 capital come from? What was the last success from Gearbox to have gained them the investment capital they needed to finance B1? And did B1's gains be enough to make B2? I doubt it very much... SO, logic says that clearly, given the deplorable sate we got ACM and the state B2 came out, that clearly there is a very serious charge to be stuck on Gearbox... SEGA would wash some of the guilt by suiing, and with very good reasons, Gearbox for the crystal clear breaches of contract and certainly they ought to demosntrate to SEGA where all that investment money went! I am positively sure they can't! I will write SEGA and demand that they get their money back! I would ask for mine, but they are in better position than I am to demand, at least, that heads roll, especially that sanctamonious Randy Pitchford's head!
It's like a comic. Not a great comic. Specifically Earth War.
Also a huge fail is the fact you can't even speak to the people online you are playing with on xbox unless you invite every douche bag 1 by 1 into a party. You are supposed to stay and cooarlate with your team to survive but you cant because your trying to figure out who to invite while your getting your neck eaten by a choppy penis headed zombie.
No leaderboards, at all.
No kill death ratio.
No reason to give a flying #$%^!
I don't have a game library. Don't have Steam.
You poor, poor man! You're games library must be atrocious. Steam, we need a does of high quality shooter, STAT!