Today Sega has published an extended version of the Aliens: Colonial Marines CGI Contact Trailer released early last year and created by Axis Animation. This version includes more xenomorph action, facehuggers and the Queen. Check it out below:
Additionally, a new promotional piece for the game advertising an upcoming DLC called “Bug Hunt” has been revealed by retailer WalMart. The blurb reads as follows: “Team up with your friends to take on waves of increasingly difficult enemies in an all new Mode. $14.99 value. Available March 19“.
UPDATE 08/02/13: Sega has now officially announced Aliens: Colonial Marines’ Season Pass. It will cost $29.99, or 2,400 Microsoft Points and the first download will be a gamemode called Bug Hunt which includes three new maps based on environments from the ALIENS film.
Bug Hunt is currently planned to arrive in March, with the remaining three add-ons scheduled to be available by the end of August 2013.
Lets all remember , whether it ends up being good, great, or's the only Aliens game your getting anytime soon. And if it does take off, the sequel should refine and improve any flaws brought out by two years of play. Who here isn't still playing the PC titles or even the less than stellar 2010 AvP ? It will be what it will be.
'Mass Effect 3'.
OMG, I completely forgot about that; players should be allowed to do that. Maybe Gearbox will fix this in a later patch or DLC add-on.
I'm not certain if you can use your pistol or not, I haven't seen anyone doing it. It's certain you can't do it with any of the other guns, though.
Well, aside from being able to shoot the pistol with the motion tracker out and everything looking like a work in progress, yeah.
BTW, do you remember this:
Oh man.. do you guys remember how excited and happy we were back then? After this trailer we were sure this game will kick ass take names all day every day. This short trailer have so much soul and atmosphere in it. Its better than every ACM trailer released so far. (or lets say its equally good as the Extended Cut trailer)
Anyone agrees?
Great job Axis!
Clint Mansell did the soundtrack for the Doom film and the original Doom game was originally an Aliens game so I guess it all makes sense.
I noticed that as well.
I don't think they were skull faces, but they did look white.
Did those aliens have white skull faces? Or am I being a goof?
*Dying Marine drops grenade*
Face hugging was sweet.
Flame thrower scene lighting all the aliens coming at them was sweet.
Queen killing the marine, and the marine dropping the grenade thus causing it to detonate was sweet - also very much an alien 3 moment
overall 8/10
It's simultaneously hilarious and sad when the warrior jumped on the marine at 1:06, and he's still standing. Very authentic. Way to go, GBX. You idiots.
So far, the cinematic trailers have really been the only thing that's shown the Alien's acid to be truly corrosive.
Btw did you notice the marine that gets ambushed from behind had the Monster Energy drink as his armor graffiti
Ah, stupid question. Sorry. I didn't see G8RSG1's remark on the matter.
I don't know how he managed to pull that off.
Oh, you noticed as well.
It's pretty good CGI, raises the old and often brought up idea of doing a CGI Aliens movie or series. I could see it working. This kind of stuff just proves, at the very least, you could do some really sweet action.
but... Better than these trailers? Don't know about that man. There's bit in it I really like, though.
Who's being negative? For frick sakes, everytime I read a post like this I scramble to see who these phantoms are... Every time all i find are people raising valid points.
Preload? As in STEAM preload?
Seriously though, yes, nice trailer. A lot better than the crap they've given us recently... Love the facehuggers... but the adults... didn't impress