Gearbox Software has just officially announced that their upcoming videogame Aliens: Colonial Marines is now finished. You can read the full press release below:
“When we first announced the release date for Aliens: Colonial Marines back in May 2012, Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford noted that the development had progressed to the point where we could see the end and be very confident in both our vision for the game as well as our launch date.
Today, we’re proud to announce that we hit every one of those targets, with the game’s gold status indicating that all parties have examined the release candidate and signed off on the code as final and suitable for manufacturing, after which the game will be shipped to retail and propped to digital networks in time for launch on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 come February 12, 2013!“
I pre-ordered the game on the PS3, even though I have a bad feeling the game will rate as bad as AvP 2010, I still want to play it just as badly as I did that game. AvP 2010 (imo) was a pretty pathetic game with some great moments here and there, this will probably be the same. Of course, I hope I am dead wrong and the game scores an 8 or above and everyone raves about how good the single player game experience is (co op or not), and how much fun the multi player is.
At least you didn't pay full price for Duke Nukem Forever
now wheres my tape recorder at!!!
WOW Nintendo is soooo screwed! This WiiU is such a flop and now with the new xbox720 and ps4 coming out this year....
Its game over man, its game over!
"A release date for the announced Wii U version will be revealed at a later time."
Which pretty much means, "Later this year". Is my guess.
I forgot how hilariously bad those videos were.
He looks like Jamie Oliver with glasses - anyone agree?
It possibly was hyped in the early stage but what i've seen in the last weeks/months, the expectations were lowered after the release of trailers/screenshots/story and gameplay&enemy details - in my opinion they are pretty mediocre.
At least my expectations went downhill in August when they released these "spectacular" video clips
...i guess i'm on a realistic level atm.
Thanks Mikey, it's a pitty he wasn't in the Prometheus trailers
That might not be possible. Even if the game turns out to be great, it has been hyped to the gaming community for years and compared over and over and over again to Aliens by the press. I think the anticipation for the game might be bigger than the game itself at this point.
Ready to GET IT ON!